
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

08-02-2017 Who are those real whore-borns?(谁才是真正婊子养的?)

08-02-2017 Who are those real whore-borns? (谁才是真正婊子养的?)

Yesterday morning's broadcasting mentioned about a $100Million check titled in my name.
My elaborate: The full story I heard of is: The check was titled in my name, given out to express a point of someone else's that is considered necessary to be treated as my expense. The recipient of this piece of check was Chinese Premier, it was under Chinese Justice Minister's watch to be deposited into Chinese Premier's wife's personal account with Chinese Central Bank's (Chinese People's Bank) help. It was Chinese Premier Li's and Chinese government's announcements that I have nothing to do with this Chinese Premiere Li, and his wife by People's Republic of China's law is a Beijing woman, why this is reason enough for my private owned money deposit into this Chinese Premiere Li's wife's personal account? Why this is lawful in People's Republic of China to deposit a check into a different name? I refused of this $100Million spending to be put under my name. I did call law's help on this in U.S..
----August 2nd, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about "my mother's side" saying about my blood(中文附后).
My response: This is ridiculous enough.  I am my mother's lawful husband's child by my birthmark that I got from my birth father who is my birth mother's lawful husband. This birthmark I share with my birth father, my birth grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. is the reason I got entrusted inheritances from my grandfathers dated, longest time, 1200 years ago. I was born from my birth mother's own belly in a hospital with my birth certificate as part of her medical record. Who is this psycho saying I am not my mother's husband's child by blood?
----August 2nd, 2017

Heard the saying is My mother said whoever saw me with her knew who seeded her.
My response: Ya, what she said is a true statement. How come this means she acknowledged I am not her husband's child? I am after her husband obviously just by look at me. This had been the case everywhere she brought me. This had been a trick everybody knew how to find my father or how to find my father's daughter ( that is me, of course) if they need to talk to me or him but have not met us yet.
----August 2nd, 2017

Why those "my mother side" telling public this "whore born" from their "whore sister" story?
My response: Entire time that is the reason I kept saying my mother does not have a maiden family. My mother has never been a sister to those who insist on blackmail her by making up this "whore born" story.

My mother's childhood stories you heard on the radio several years ago were true stories. She was born with no hair and her mother's outcasted, she was never considered a sister to her mother's other children because what her mother did to her when she was a new born. It was her father took her back from the snow pile where her mother left her and survived by her father's flour-paste feeding. She grew up like a maid in her mother's place in Shandong province and her "eldest sister's" place in Nanjing, Jiangsu province.

These "sisters" who publicly call her a whore to express this hatred they have since their childhood time, all have not been living in Nanjing where I was born. At the time when I was conceived in 1966, train ticket from Nanjing to where they were priced about the size of their monthly income. One lived in Beijing (17 hours train time in 1987 when I visited Beijing), One lived in Dalian, Liaoning Province which is even further, One lived in Jinan, Shandong which was about 9 hours train time when I visited that city in 1988. How come they are the authority of my mother's underwear activities with this long distance between them?

There was one eldest sister of theirs in Nanjing that my mother lived with since 11 years old till moved out as my father's bride. You heard her stories featured on the radio program that her fiber thyroid caused her childless were all true stories. How she hated my mother was everybody around her knows. (How she despised my mother is mostly what you would hear from her friends' sayings). She adopted a child from her youngest brother that I did not get along with was one of the reason I stayed aloof after her adopting that daughter. Some other reasons includes her efforts of keeping making her points that's her own child.

This eldest filed a lawsuit, by rumor, several years back to say I am her husband's child from my mother. That lawsuit pissed off my father. My father is the person know for sure I am his girl ever since I was born. He was told by his father(my grandfather) that he is his father's boy carrying his father's birthmark. I do carry the same birthmark in my hands.
----August 2nd, 2017。

Why radio program has to be produced this way to impress audience that I owe them by the fact they "dare" to call me a whore-born? Who else's hatred is the reason of producing radio program this way? Why this radio program trying to impress audience that I need to pay for their daring to blackmail me by calling me a whore born publicly? Who the fuck are they? REAL PROSTITUTES? REAL MOTHER FUCKERS? REAL WHORE-BORNS?
My response: You are suited.
----August 2nd, 2017


我的回应:这实在是离谱之际。我是我母亲丈夫的亲生孩子可以由我身上的我父亲家传胎记作证。我就是因为有和我的父亲,我的爷爷, 我的曾祖父等,有一模一样的家传胎记才继承到我父系爷爷们信托给我的财产, 最早的爷爷是1200年前的一个爷爷。我是在医院里从我母亲的肚皮里生出来的,我的出生证是我母亲医院就诊记录的一部分。谁是那变态精神病人说我不是我母亲丈夫的小孩?



前几年广播剧播出的我母亲童年时的故事都是真实故事。我母亲出生时是个没毛的“白虎”,是个她母亲扔出去不要的东西。就为这,她从来就没被她母亲其他的孩子们认同是姐妹。我母亲是被她的父亲从她被扔的雪堆上给捡回来的, 用面糊糊给养活的。她从小在她母亲山东的家里及她的“大姐”在江苏南京的家里都是必须干活看人脸色吃饭的“保姆”。(谁都可以不做,但我母亲是必须干活才可以有饭吃)。

这些当众叫她是个“婊子”就是为了表达他们这份从小就有的这份仇恨的所谓“姐妹”,从来就没有在我出生的城市南京生活过。1966年我母亲怀孕时,当时从南京到他们各自居住地的火车票钱就相当于他们这些人的一个月工资。一个住北京(1987年我去北京时需要17小时火车),一个是辽宁的大连(更远些),还有一个是在济南(1988年还要7-9个小时)。.隔了这么远,怎么他们就都成了我母亲裤裆活动的信息榜了, 还都是权威人物?


