
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Friday, September 1, 2017

09-01-2017 Being insulted by denials from those self promoting purpose (被“否定你就为自我拔高”的一群给挑衅了)

09-01-2017 Being insulted by denials from those self promoting purpose (被“否定你就为自我拔高”的一群给挑衅了)

Heard this morning's featured some discussion about difference between daughter and daughter-in-laws in family business.(中文附后)
I echo: A daughter, like a son, is privileged to be the biological child of the owner of a family business. A daughter to a owner of a family business is often privileged to have opportunities to be guided to walk her steps up from a junior position since youth time, and that is not necessarily in the family business. The daughter-in-laws certainly does not have this privilege before being a family by marriage. Neither a daughter nor a daughter-in-laws would have the privilege to run family business as a house wife and expect to be respected as a talented boss. I am blessed to be a daughter privileged to be guided to walk my steps up, my hard working attitude is my understanding and willingness to earn respects. Truly appreciate all the guidance.
----September 1st, 2017

Heard this morning's featured family cosily chats about "company to practice general administration".
I echo: I have the similar consideration. I am currently studying MBA concentrated on General Administration, and I also have this kind of thinking.

Should I go on managing at least one of my inheritance fund?
I figured most likely I would answer with an Nay. It is not appealing and it is not necessarily to be fully loaded with responsibilities daily.

What would I do if I am interested in general administration?
I was advised to run a small company to have some people for me to enjoy practicing general administration.

Won't I enjoy the feeling of overseeing a big company in a corner office of a big high rise?
I decided I could choose to have a corner office in a big high rise overseeing some people to practice my passion of general administration.

Won't I envy that feeling of knowing entire building is my investment?
I decided I can achieve that by choose to have another office in a very small building to enjoy the feeling.

Won't I feel great if I can walk into any floor to practice "general administration" in a big high rise?
I decided I could give that up for my high heels that I determined to practice how to walk on.

----September 1st, 2017

Heard confusion about why I take it insulting when I asked to very if I am the creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening.
My response: There is an original video tape in Chinese that director Zhang, Yimou based upon to prove my authentication, why I need to prove the authentication of myself after almost 10 years and in English? Why you need to understand what all these Chinese means after you applauded director Zhang, Yimou's presentation of his understanding in 2008? And that is based on the understanding you are a non-Chinese who does not know enough Chinese history and Chinese culture to understand what had been presented by all those Chinese words I said in original video tape. Why don't you prove you can be a manager or capable enough by resolving easy enough issue of how to understand those Chinese in original tape to match each piece with what Zhang, Yimou had produced in 2008? If it is insulting for me to say a manager need to prove this manager's managerial skills by proving this manager can resolve this simply issue of translating the original tape, it is same insulting for anyone to demand me to prove myself knowing there is this original video tape that Beijing Olympic's Game Opening's director Zhang, Yimou worked upon.
----September 1st, 2017

Regarding the saying somebody can not see how I possess those knowledge. 
My response: That is the huge problem I have with some English as foreign language major college graduates and some Chinese literature community college graduates. What knowledge do you have to question me? What education level do you have to be this authority on my knowledge? You saw the original video tape to know that is my authentic work, and I am telling you now that you do not have knowledge to evaluate me. Who the fuck do you think you are to promote yourself by denying me without any credentials of your own knowledge? Who the fuck do you think you are?  My credentials of my rich knowledge is what you already heard from radio program's presentation which have been chose from my daily security tapes that have been broadcasted new episode daily for almost 10 years time and stills tons of materials can be worked on.
----September 1st, 2017

I was asked why I do not feel insulted when I was challenged about computer knowledge.
My response: I did feel insulted when I was challenged by those who either do not have computer knowledge at all or do not have computer programmers' work experiences.

What I presented on June 30th, 2004 is my knowledge about computer's architecture science, what I presented in my working experience in JP Morgan Chase Lowell technology center to promote Software Quality Assurance is my knowledge as an experienced computer programmer. But between computer's architecture, which is about operating system & hardware, and computer programming, there are tons of knowledge about how each piece of hardware to work in a computer operating system by architectural design. This part I know of has not been presented yet.

My major in college is pharmacology and I worked a full time restaurant job during my 2 years computer science master program time. I started my first computer programmer job in September of 1999 and the impressive meeting was on June 30th, 2004. I can imagine those disbelieves graduated from computer science major and have some work experience.  Of course I have no reason to feel insulted when I am challenged by these experienced computer science programmers unless challenges are unreasonable and meant to insult.

----September 1st, 2017













