
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, August 20, 2017

08-20-2017 A Female's Right to be a Polygamist? (多夫是女权?)

08-20-2017 A Female's Right to be a Polygamist? (多夫是女权?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting reflect some anger from a lot women(中文附后).
My response: I was born into a over 2000 years long history polygamist family as a female heir is the reason I am understood as a polygamist who has male's privilege.

My family has some stories recorded in history books how my ancient grandmothers and my ancient grandfathers fought in order to let me to be able to have a marriage family housed in Imperial court proudly and in order to let me have a privileged polygamist marriage if I was born in their time. These stories left my Empress grandmother (武则天)historically known as a lusty woman which make me saying loudly with tears that I am a polygamist on Boston 96.9 FM.

I myself is not the person into Romance a lot. I fancy romance like a lot of literature lovers but that is it. I am a pharmacologist (sort of engineer in pharmacy) and a computer programmer (official title should be software engineer) who is very interest in what a financial manager can do as an engineer in financial things related. I only briefly lived with a Chinese delivery guy for a year or so plus some hanging around time, some flirty chattings with an American colleague and some true loves in my mind & my heart to be called my entire dating history before 2004. This is the polygamist me in reality.
----August 20, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a question directed to U.S. Laws of demanding female's lawful right to be a Female Polygamist.
My response: I felt those anger a lot more. I did hear some rumor of these fights and I heard some even try to file official challenges to U.S Laws.

I have to be very honest to say I also hear a lot of anger from those being considered in second position males.  I also did hear roars from a male to a female declared him her second husband "who wanted you?" The only reason these males, from what I hear,  are considered suitor for the second position is because those considering married females felt they truly deserve to have a handsome or a good provider to be the second husband.

I know these angers are directed to challenge U.S laws in lawful way and I know I am not anyone privileged at all to block any female to own a polygamist marriage. I am just curious how many males are willing to be a second husband just to be a female's financial provider only, a female's great sex experience provider only or a female's pride provider only.

The rumored saying is if this is my curiosity, how come I do not understand those females desires to own at least some of my wealth. Well, I have to say I do know a lot of males share the same desires to own someone else's wealth to have more than one wife. I do know males are not privileged to challenge U.S laws in lawful or unlawful way  to own other people's wealth in order to have a polygamist marriage. So I refuse to understand any male's desire and/or any female's desire to own my money and/or my man. I refuse to understand all these.

----August 20th, 2017





我的回应:我感受到的更多。我确实是听到过一些有关这样的抗争传言, 我也听说有些甚至想向美国相关的法律进行正式的挑战。



