
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, August 25, 2017

08-25-2017 What I do appreciate and What I do not appreciate

08-25-2017 What I do appreciate and What I do not appreciate

Heard about this morning's radio program production.
My response: None of these people I have ever met in person.
----August 25th, 2017

Was I crazy like in my college time?
My response: I was in China in my college time as a girl. I had been busy in my entire five years college time on nobody knows what, the same. And I was not even busy on boys, not interested at all. I was really busy on things nobody knew what, that nobody included myself.

My high school time was the same. My parents thought I was studying for college entry test while I was busy on my own interest of reading whatever I could find that was not a textbook related.  My college time's own interest was not really reading but if I read, non-textbook would be the preferred.
----August 25th, 2017

Heard the anger from some musician was why I try to portrait myself as a musician on in 2004 meeting.
My response: I was so pissed off when it was announced on the radio program last year that I am not allowed to go to any Boston Pops' concert because I was never a musician.

I screamed out aloud "Since when I said I am a musician." I told everyone right in the meeting that I can only play piano as instrument with one hand because the semester in high school finished before second hand sessions started. I can sing some songs but I have an Asian average vocal range to say I can consider practice some opera solos. I know nothing about write a song or a composition. I am a music lover. I love vocals the most in all instruments.

Well, I did learned some music in high school to know there is solo, duet, trio, etc. And I do know orchestra means a group of people sit together to play wonderful compositions.  All I said in the meeting was it would be really wonderful if use orchestra to mix with vocals to extend the depth of the music.

I am happy what I know about music "angered" some really great musicians. I was never a musician is a true statement. I do take all these real angers as real compliments.

----August 25th, 2017

Why I do not appreciate that $5000 donation on my medical treatment but called laws help.
My response: Well, If you can afford $1000 on your rent, but you can only live in a shabby shed I donated and that is all I can afford, and you have to save your $1000 to live in that "at least that is a free shed". Do you yell "what the xxxx is this?"

That is what I did. I have been treated over 16 hours daily on my medical treatment for the past two and half years already, and I was offered this one hour per month "donated treatment insurance" without knowing anything. Heard this $5000 per month treatment insurance was donated by this morning's $10,000 monthly provided for female. The treatment providers are so confused why I do not want to save my own money for this "at least it is an hour of free treatment". I jump up high because after that "precious donated" one hour my treatment would temporary stop till I am transferred to another shift provider who registered me as a self pay patient.

----August 25th, 2017

Heard currently Blue Cross offer treatment insurance on this "Brain Control". Only minimum $5000 per month plan is offered , other premium plans have not opened to all.
----August 25th, 2017.

听说Blue Cross现在有针对“脑控癌”的医疗保险提供,只有最便宜的每月5000美金的这种向大众开放,其他贵一点的还没有。