
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, August 14, 2017

08-14-2017 My current daily providing and rumors of the classmates' trip (我现在的月供及当年和男同学游北京的不雅谣言)

08-14-2017 My current daily providing and rumors of the classmates' trip (我现在的月供及当年和男同学游北京的不雅谣言)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about my current daily providing (中文附后).
My response: I am currently housed by Boston Housing Department project,  live on $200 Food Stamp and $300  Cash Assistance by Boston Transition Department. I am having free MassHealth health insurance. This is agreed upon providing on July 1st of 2004 in my entrusting meeting. My paying of this amount should be in appending amount to my inheritance fund regular donations. I do not know this append-um is to which of my inheritance fund or what is the donation's receiving account name. This should be in July 1st's meeting records. I was aware in the meeting that I may need to qualify to apply these public welfare and I remembered I said in the meeting that "I am having anxiety disorder is the reason I want to concentrate on my health and live alone, so I probably will qualify".

I had some problem not about my current providing but over possible delay of my providing size upgrading.

----August 14th, 2017

Heard there was anger regarding my defense on the fact I never even dated in college.
My response: I never dated in college is a true statement. I have my own security tape of my entire college time to prove that. Radio program had broadcasted a small piece about a everybody-"cheat"-Neurobiology -exam in January of 1990 which was my senior year in college.

The Beijing trip I went with my college classmate Mr. Li, Jianze (李健泽)sparked some curiosity in college and was all. Real rumor was after 2004's meeting that some from same college saw British Prince was being naughty in the same meeting.

The Beijing trip was a week or so trip in 1988's summer break. There was 2-3 nights in Beijing, one night in Tianjing, both housed by same year and same major classmates. We took a night train to Taishan to save some boarding cost, I remembered it was a slow local train arrived at 5 AM. The only night that is "inappropriate" as two not-dating-classmates was the night in Jinan, Shandong where we boarded in a local hotel which means no-eyewitness or  no used train ticket to prove our innocence. We were college student and trip was funded mainly by Mr. Li's money (I only gave him about ¥50-60. Monthly average cafeteria cost then was ¥12-15/month, and assistance for in-need student was ¥6/month. We did not need to pay our tuition and boarding in our entire college time). That was the first night of this Beijing trip, I was checked into a woman's 4-person room upstairs and I remember there was a woman checked in that night very late or so. I remember I locked ward door from inside when I checked my self in and I was awoke up to open the door for that late arrival. Mr. Li was downstairs in a man's four-person ward.

There was some issue over those photos he shot in our trip. Not the photos were inappropriate or anything, but somehow I just did not like those photos to be printed out. Each print cost about ¥0.5 and he printed out without asking me. I did not complain but I refused in a way by did not take printouts. My monthly providing was ¥50 in college time, it was not about the money or amount this trip and those photos cost, it may be related to my not-ready to date thing. I just can't bare to look at everybody if they saw these photos. These photos were like evidences of something I did not want to associate myself with. It was not about if he was a good guy and photos are single shots of myself. I should have paid for those photos and remaining expense I owe for the trip. and do what I feel comfortable about those photos. He showed me those photos in an classroom before one of our class session, my nervous reaction was strong in front of entire class and I refused to talk to him afterwards. I already felt everybody's curiosity and I was already angry about as if I was dating knowing it was just a classmates' trip with eyewitness.

I was not the person like to hang around a lot with close friends since elementary school. I am kind of  very comfortable to go to places by myself. I was not a good student like to study in some classrooms, but I was busy all time on non-sense. I do not really know what I was busied about but definitely not about boys or guys or men. I was just being very very busy but not into dating thing.

Nobody knows what I was doing in college time should never a reason I can be called a slut since college. This is by law and by decency. Other than some trips on holidays, I spend every night in that 8-person's dorm room entire college time. Even those limited nights I was not in that dorm room,   somebody in that dorm room knew my abouts.

I have huge problem with some college classmates' relatives. In order to see themselves to be called Mrs HugeThis or Mrs HugeThat, they tell everybody they knew I was a slut since college time to promote themselves knowing themselves are real whore-borns. And they expected I would assume nothing wrong with them promoting themselves like this. I just want to slap them hard. Who the fuck they think they are.

Not even the same man, they do this to me to ruin my name honor to see me lose my relationship, and they expect me to sacrifice myself for their possible marriage, who the fuck they think they are? I do my best to slap them back real hard. Who the fuck they think they are.

----August 14th, 2017






那趟北京旅游是在1988年的暑假。2-3个晚上是在北京同班同学王红家里,1个晚上是在天津同班同学冷言家里。我们是乘坐夜班车去的泰山就是为了省点旅馆费用。我记得当时坐的是慢车,早上5点到的泰安车站。唯一一个晚上不太合适的就是山东济南的住宿。没有人证也没有用过的火车票作为物证来证明我们的清白同学关系。我们当时是学生,这趟出去玩的钱也主要是李健泽的(我只给了他大约¥50-60元, 当时学校的贫困学生补贴¥6元/月,平均的学生伙食费用是¥12-15元/月, 我们当时是免费大学教育和免费住宿)那是我们北京旅游的头一个晚上,我们当时是住在一家小旅馆里,我是登记入住楼上的女性4人房,我记得那晚还有个女的投宿。我记得我入住时是把们给从里面插上插销后才睡下,后来是被叫醒给这个女的开门。李健泽是住在楼下的男性4人房。





根本就不是同一个男人,他们就这么说我是婊子破鞋好让我从此名誉扫地让他们看着我失去婚姻家庭,还指望我牺牲自己去保护她们可能的婚姻, 他妈的他们以为他们自己是谁啊。我一定尽我最大的力量抽回他们几大耳光子作为回应。他妈的他们以为自己是谁啊?一群婊子养的娼妓破鞋。
