
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 12, 2017

08-12-2017 A World War II Strategy and A Zu's Tribe (二次大战及明朝的朱家)

08-12-2017 A World War II Strategy and A Zu's Tribe  (二次大战及明朝的朱家)

Heard this morning's broadcasting is about a Zu's Tribe (family) from Chinese Ming dynasty.
My response: This is the family sparked a lot of rumor about I blame them for World War II. I do my clarification here: I blamed them for 1989 in May of 1989 is a true statement. I did not do any research on World War II to blame them. I had bias on them in 2004's discussion about World War II, maybe, was because of 1989. Heard a couple of years ago that 1989 was from someone from this family but not the heir‘s or other major branches.
----August 12th, 2017

Heard World War II research revealed one of the strategy of World War II a couple of years ago, and this radio program is positioned to prove this.
My response: Why assume a documentary about World War II strategy is not enough? Why this radio program is not "presentation only"?

Heard the strategy is "Intentionally make a fake announcement but take following up actions according to the announcement as if this announcement is a true statement." Heard this was told to radio producing team in early 2016 time.

This is entire time my complains about radio program, they patch making everybody else's stuck-on little pieces as featured stories to make announcements about me broadcasted,  and follow up promoting those announcements in my reality life that attempted, at least from what I felt, to make what broadcasted become real.

----August 12th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting talked about who is the real heir of this Zu's tribe.
My response: I would assume the one that is from the first born daughter's 5-6 generation ago. My reason is that DNA test they did seems proved that the son is not the one who carries this family's blood.

What I heard is: The heir from the first born daughter and the heir from the son (the third child) did only one DNA test from same testing instrument. The result is the very correct one that they are in 6 cousin relationship. ???

How could this possible? One is mother side, one is father side, one DNA test from same instrument?
And correct answer of in six cousin relationship?

I heard the explanation of one test is enough is because only one DNA twist, just some different segments of this same DNA twist, why bother do it twice? Why not read different segments from same chart and compare?

Well, I never did any DNA test myself, but I did have some lab work experience as a pharmacology lab tester (some similarity to chemistry lab). Have you heard those strong arguments about the rumor that I can not be anybody that can have any achievement ? that is because of this work experience. I am the person seems can never do a lab test with results in that damn 5% range. My anger is: What this got to do with my achievement as computer science programmer person who got nothing to do with chemistry or related lab test any more?

Per my knowledge I learned from Chemistry textbooks and from my no-so-good-hands-on lab tester work experience, the difference of those segments of compared DNA twists from two person need to be obvious enough to compare if there is any difference between two person and how differently.

A DNA test result chart is like a grouped together slopes chart. Each slope has its tiptop and its base slope. The tiptops of of one segment of two DNA twists may be at the same value position, but base slopes may have a lot of details differently. DNA test is all about how similar of all these details together with the tiptop value.

In order to make those details reproduce-able and difference of two person obvious enough, there is a lot of requirements about test conditions including instrument's setting and solutions used. You must have heard DNA test has some standard settings and standard procedure, these are to ensure DNA test results correctness.

In order to make father's side segments of two DNA twists comparable, tons of test have been done to ensure the DNA testing instrument's settings and testing solutions used to make most detailed and correct DNA segments' results to be comparable and reproduce-able.

If these instrument's settings and solutions are father's side segments specific, how could these possibly to make mother's side segments correct? Even father's side and mother's side are in the same DNA twist, they may not in the same segments. And even if they are in the same segment, the difference of two person may not in best test condition to have results to be obviously different enough to compare DNA difference level. How could it possible to compare this two person in correct 6 cousin relationship? So I concluded: The one from the third child Son may not the one carrying Zu's blood. I heard the rumor that 5-6 generation ago, this Zu' family changed their inheritance Heir rule from first born son to first born which include first born daughter. Rumored, this inheritance rule change was done by the father after that son (third child with two elder sisters) was born.

By the way, this son's heir and consecutive daughter are the ones who have huge problem with me. Heard this daughter is indeed a one in her late thirties, a computer programmer never married. That is probably the reason she constantly challenging and competing with me.

Heard Chinese Premier Li is a father side third cousin to this son's heir, heard this was often said by this son's heir and acknowledged by the Chinese Premier Li publicly and privately. This is suppose a real true statement in 1980 style. So I figured this rumor means One's last name is not Zu, the other one's last name is not Li. Not sure what should be the shared last name for both of them.

----August 12th, 2017

**Note: Heard some said this DNA test is invalid obviously. I agree that is true. And I won't deny I am saying this son's heir is a whore born himself though and through. This whore born title is his hard making from his own proud announcement. This is just an exchange returned from the real lawful and biologically authentic Heir of Tang dynasty for his remark's on my blood.

By the way, I carry my mother's lawful husband's blood by the birthmark I got from my birth father who is my mother's lawful husband. I did sit with my birth father and compared our palms' similarity in 2007 on my visit to my father in China,  all those palm lines on our 4 palms are almost exactly the same. I have my own security tape of this and I believe Chinese government or other governments may have satellite image to verify this as well. We were sitting in the small park near Nanjing's city hall.
----August 12th, 2017

我的回应:坊间很多传言说被我指责和第二次世界大战有关的和就是这家。我在这里澄清一下:我确实是在1989年五月的时候指责他们这家和1989年的学运有关。但我本人从来没有正式做过有关第二次世界大战的研究而够资格指责他们这家和二战有关, 我在2004年有关二战的谈话中对这家的偏见可能是和1989年有关。 前几年有听说1989年是和这家的什么人有关,但不是继承人这支或其他主要分支。

听说二次世界大战的策略就是“有意发布一个假的声明,所有后续行动就按照这声明是真的来做。“ 听说广播剧剧组是在2016年的时候听说的。















