
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, August 18, 2017

08-18-2017 Who is this eligible to challenge if U.S Laws means Justice (是谁这么够资格挑战美国司法是否公平)

08-18-2017 Who is this eligible to challenge if U.S Laws means Justice (是谁这么够资格挑战美国司法是否公平)

Heard this morning's broadcasting is all about anger of unable to fulfill money desire(中文附后).
My response: With all that "If"s, you know they are not the authorized representing party for those being "if"-ed. Why producing team feature today's episode to express ridiculous outsiders anger towards my inheritances that I got from my own birth grandfathers, I can only answer you that I heard rumors some lawmakers suppose to back their relatives requests to change inheritance or entrusting laws. This has been the rumors since last year.

You can hear this morning's producing technique is
Step 1: "express angers" on behave of those inheritance law applicable without authorization(?) but with real true angry desperation.

Step 2: With voice to represent my representing attorneys without authorization (?) but with real true haughty attitude saying "That is by LAW".

Step 3: With onlookers angry yelling "Whore Born" towards representing "attorneys group", echoed with silent acknowledgement of this title from those evil "attorneys".

Step 4: The end of episode " LAWS are so unfair"。

My narrative calm voice: The "?" marks I made is to note that I heard they are all Chinese performers. They may be authorized or can be authorized with some help from Chinese government.

----August 18th, 2017

Heard this morning''s saying about "What will happen if I am in China".
My response: In China, a senior's death brings neighbors, friends and relatives together to come forward to offer comfort to departured senior's surviving family.  Those who came never meant, and ensured by Chinese laws since ancient time, to make gains from this senior's death. Everything owned by this departured senior belong to this departured senior's surviving family.

My inheritances are all from my grandfathers' willed entrusts. My grandfathers are all passed away before I was even born. I do not expect any comforts offered from Chinese heritages or any Chinese from China or Chinese community aboard, and I also should not expect threats regarding my inheritances. My expectations are from my knowledge of Chinese traditions and Laws that governs any lawful country including China or U.S.A.

----August 18th, 2017

If anyone asks how the real true anger can be performed so vividly.
My response: I assume it is from real true anger plus desperation. I just do not know where they got this real true anger from? Who are so eligible to challenge if Laws means Justice. They are all outsiders.

I do not know if this anger is from those confused families of some my inheritances' representing attorneys. I assume their confusions won't go this far to become real frustration as if they really mean to take over a client's wealth by a written representative attorney's letter by their grandfather knowing that is, by laws in history of my willed inheritances and by now laws, an evidence from a possible criminal activity.

I do not know if this anger is from some outsiders who are not even covered by inheritance related laws on my inheritances matters. I did call law enforcement's help on this possible organized triggering anger to create hatred scheme.

I do not know if this is from my grandfathers' other children. If so, I can only explain that China has similar inheritance laws since ancient time. My inheritances are from my birth grandfathers' own wish to let me have. My inheritances are all willed inheritances that following Chinese laws at willed time. All my grandfathers did have distributed their wealth as they wished among those other children as well, those other children that each of them father, at the same time each of them willed my inheritances.

----August 18th, 2017

Heard the saying "She just put money in her own pocket so no body can see."
My response: I put money into my own pocket is because that is my own lawful money and my pocket is where I want it to go. I have no intention to show off my inheritances and I do not assume those anger is from those who never see paper bills of currency ($5, $10, etc.) or coins (penny, 5 cents, dime, etc.) .
----August 18th, 2017

Heard this morning's saying of "I do feel bad and I really want to give out Min Fang's money"
My response: First of all, I do not think this is someone who father any of my children.

I can totally imagine the saying of feeling bad, and I still have to say, even if this is the person who father my children, that I won't let this person to spend a penny of my money without my own willingness even this spending desire is out of this patron's feelings to give out instead of feelings to keep or to buy.

----August 18th, 2017


第一步:用”假如“来未经授权(?)就代表那些继承法适用人员来”表达愤怒", 所表达的也是真实确切的好像是给逼到了墙角的愤怒。







我所继承的财产都是我爷爷们有遗嘱的信托。我的爷爷们也都在我出生之前就已经统统去世了。我不会认为华裔社区或中国国内人员及由中国血统的需要对我表达关切和慰问, 我也不认为我应该因为我所继承财产而受到任何威胁。我的这些认为都是出自我对中国传统的认知及我对包括中国和美国在内的法治国家法律管理的认知。





我不知道这愤怒是否是出自我爷爷们的其他孩子们的。如果是,我只能解释中国自古就有类似的继承法。我所继承的都是我爷爷们按照他们自己的意愿留给我的。我所继承的财产所按照的遗嘱全部都是遵照当年书写遗嘱时侯的中国法律而立下的遗嘱。我的每一个爷爷当年在给我立遗嘱的时候,也都有按照他们自己的意愿同时给他们自己的儿辈子女们分配财产, 这些我每一个爷爷去世当年的儿辈子女们及他们的后人也就是如今现在的我爷爷们的其他子女们。



