
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

08-27-2017 David Petraeus's family wealth has nothing to do with me (David Petraeus家的钱和我一点关系都没有)

08-27-2017 David Petraeus's family wealth has nothing to do with me (David Petraeus家的钱和我一点关系都没有)

Heard this morning's argument about "money take from me as return to her nephew-in-laws family" from Chinese Premiere's wife(中文附后).
My response: I called law enforcement's help on who spend money from her nephew-in-laws family. I was not the person did that to that family. This saying was from those screams you heard on the radio a couple of months ago.

I never expressed myself that I need to spend that family's money in July 1st of 2004's meeting. And I never make phone calls, etc. to find out that family's bank information. I never make any effort at all to spend that family's money.

I have my own wealth, announced verified on the radio, about $800-950 Billion. I only spent about 4-6 Billion in U.S. Dollar on the day of July 1st of 2004. I did not intent to spend that family's money at all in July 1st of 2004's meeting.

----August 27th of 2017

Rumored someone cares about me did that to fulfill my wishes. 
My response: Everyone cares about me is either my grandfathers' followers' descendants, aka children of those who carried my ancestors' wealth out from ancient China in ancient time to entrust abroad, or those who are currently representing or had represented my inheritances. Everyone of these people know for sure I have my own money to spend, none of these people need to get other people's money just to see my smiling face for their love to my ancient grandfathers.
----August 27th, 2017

Rumored David Petraeus never intend to let me spend that much money. 
My response: That is a true statement. I heard David Petraeus only intended to spend total $60,000 on me in 2004 era a couple of months ago. "Not going to pay for it" was what I heard by my own ears that he himself expressed entire time in July 1st of 2004's meeting. It was never an issue in 2004 meeting era , or after 2004 meeting era. I did not know if he had ever spent a penny on me is a true statement.
----August 27th, 2017

Rumored there is an entrust David Petraeus set up for me that was mentioned in 2004's meeting. 
My response: That is untrue statement. There were some confusion about my spending in 2004, and I do appreciate what caused confusion. There is still some confusion from entertainment industry about "why set up an entrust" regarding some entrust I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The entrust  I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting is actually entrusts which appended with a "s" and it actually refer to my inheritances (also with a "s") I inherited from my own birth grandfathers (with another "s" here). The entrusts I mentioned in any of 2004's meetings have nothing to do with David Petraeus or his family wealth.
----August 27th, 2017

There were some rumors about I would give David Petraeus money in July 1st of 2004's meeting.
My response: That was mentioned when possible children who carry my blood from possible marriage was discussed.  It only means I have no intention to "discriminate" my own biological children even if they are fathered by a wealthy man. That money-giving mentioned was not meant to give to David Petraeus himself but to possible children from possible marriage that carry my own blood.

Now you heard David Petraeus announced on the radio his romance has nothing to do with me, and of course I won't give any of my own money to David petraeus or his announced children from other female(s). Of course, I won't let David Petraeus himself or his female(s) to spend my money, the same.

----August 27th, 2017

Some questioned why would I fancy to have children with those rich prominent person in 2004's meeting.
My response: I was told in 2004's meeting that I am the same wealthy as them. It was not I have money that I have this kind of illusion. I am very proud of my family's history and my historically known talented ancestors. I am very proud I am the one after my ancient ancestors the most. I am very proud the saying "In the past, this is the house you can only contribute into (that is over 2500 years), this is the only chance you can have from this house." I am very proud I am the spoiled girl who head this house.
----August 27th, 2017



我有我自己的财产,广播剧里宣布已经证实的就有美金800-950 Billion。我在2004年7月1日那天就只花了美金4-6 Billion。我在2004年7月1日会议那天没有任何企图要花费那个家族的钱财。



传言David Petraeus 从来就没打算为我花那么多的钱
我的回应:这是非常真实非常正确的说法。我前几个月前听说David Petraeus 在2004年的时候就只打算为我花最多6-7万美金。我自己在2004年7月1日会议上亲耳听到的是他一直在说”我是不会付钱的“。这在2004年开会期间及2004年会议之后都根本不是问题。说实话我还真是不知道他在我身上究竟有没有花过一分钱。

传言2004年会议上提到David Petraeus会为我设立了一个信托。
我的回应:这传言是不正确的。对于我在2004年7月1日那天所花的钱,确实是有一些误会,我很珍惜造成误会的原因。在娱乐圈里还有一些有关2004年7月1日会议上我提到的信托的困扰:为什么要给我方敏设立信托?我在2004年7月1日会议上提到的信托其实是个复数名词(信托们), 这个名词指的是我所继承的我的祖爷爷们(这里也是个复数名词)所信托给我的基金们(这里也是复数名词)。我在2004年所有会议上提到的所有信托(们)都和David Petraeus 或者他的家族财富没有任何关系。

有些传言说我在2004年7月1日会议上说我会给David Petraeus钱。
我的回应:那是在闲聊可能会有一些承载我自己血脉的婚生小孩的时候说的。我也就是在说我不会因为我孩子们的父亲很有钱就”歧视“我自己的孩子们。这”给钱“的说法也不是指我会给David Petraeus 本人什么钱,这”给钱“指的是我会给“可能的婚姻里可能会有的”承载我自己血脉的我自己的孩子们我自己的钱。

现在你们听到David Petraeus 在广播上说他的情与爱和我没有任何关系,那么我当然也就不会把任何属于我的钱给David Petraeus 本人或者他本人所宣布的他和别的女性(们)生下的孩子(们)。同样,我当然也是不会让David Petraeus 或者他的女人(们)花我任何的钱啦。

