
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, August 28, 2017

08-28-2017 I am helped by U.S. Government and U.S. Laws.(我有受到美国政府和美国法律的帮助)

08-28-2017 I am helped by U.S. Government and U.S. Laws. (我有受到美国政府和美国法律的帮助)

Heard this morning's saying of "performing style wife".(中文附后)
My response: What I heard, just like Chinese people( citizens of People's Republic of China), is that the wife is the one and only lawful wife by Chinese laws.

What I heard, from Chinese communities abroad, the mother of his children was known for sexually involved with him since he started to spend nights at her place on his vocations abroad. He was at the hospital the next day when she gave birth to her first born. This mother of his children is the girlfriend he acknowledged having over 7 years relationship on the radio in 2015 when her first born was about 6 years old.

I do not see myself in this picture at all, I do not see why Chinese government need a female to perform his wife, I do not see why Chinese government's money can not pay for this "performing style wife".

I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children.   I really have the same determination, just like Chinese Premiere Li's and his administration's known for to the world through this radio program, to let world know that I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and I really cherish my own beloved including my own biological children.

I am not willing to pay and/or provide a penny for this Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children and/or his children. All By Law is the accurate and vivid expression of my determination to declare I really have nothing to do with this Chinese Premiere Li.

----August 28th, 2017

Heard the saying China is like this to imply any money already taken and transferred to China won't be back to me.
My response: I can wait till People's Republic of China has decent government to govern this People's Republic of China as a lawful country to demand every penny of my money plus interests from this People's Republic of China. Any saying that I can never get every penny of my money back which certainly either imply the future of People's Republic of China or if this country can ever be a lawful county. I have to declare my confidence in the fact that to develop People's Republic of China to be a lawful country has been the education I grew up with. I have to declare that it was never from me if there is any implication of any saying about future of People's Republic of China.

----August 28th, 2017

Heard some questioned why U.S government tolerate this radio program like so as a lawful country?
My response: Freedom of speech has been the No.1 reason in a lot of arguable publishing related matters and filing lawsuits is normally and typically how impacted individuals to seek lawful fairness in each individual case.

I did call law enforcement help since August of 2015, and you can tell shits throwing at me since November of 2015 was not the same "easy and relaxed composure" style as radio program's daily broadcasting "educational" series <Min Fang does not deserve any money> had been since January of 2014 .

I am the person, as a victim,  requested radio program not to be shut down "immediately" as how this similar situations normally handled. I used the quoted "immediately" to describe when Freedom of Speech is no longer enough can be used to block radio program to be "immediately shut down" by government, I was already fully covered in all those shits they have thrown at me. "Immediately shut down" the radio program only means make me to "stuck in all those shits forever permanently". I do not know who they are, but I know I am helped by U.S. government and U.S laws.

----August 28th, 2017











