
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, August 4, 2017

08-04-2017 Min Fang's Announcement on August 4th, 2017

Min Fang's Announcement on August 4th, 2017:

I, Min Fang, never have nothing to do with Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) who announced this morning officially that he has one one-year-old child and one more coming from his father's sexually involved ex-girlfriend. I, Min Fang, never have any marriage with this Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg). I, Min Fang, never have any children or child with any Ford's name.

I, Min Fang, do not share this Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg) proud determination to be a mother-fucker who father some whore-born children. I, Min Fang, proudly announce that my two children, who previous mistakenly announced fathered by this Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg), have nothing to do with mother-fucker title or whore-born's associated title forever. I , Min Fang, will take legal action and violent physical or verbal reaction against any effort of associate me and my children with these titles. These titles are owned soly by this Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg) and his one-year-old together with the coming ones. Anyone's determination to address these titles to this Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg) and his associated in any situation is as that person's wish and as this Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg) own determined willingness. I, Min Fang, repeat again that if anyone dare to imply me or my two children, who once mistakenly announced father by this Charles Ford(Charles Schnieberg), have any association with mother-fucker or whore-born titles in anyway and/or in anyhow, this person will be sued, will face possible violent physical and/or verbal reactions from myself together with my two children and with no compensation in any format to be expected from us.

I, Min Fang, inherited my own birth grandfathers' willed entrusted wealth by the birthmark I carry from my mother's lawful husband. My own birth grandfathers are my mother's lawful husband's own birth grandfathers and own birth father as well. If anyone dare to imply me or my children are whore-born in anyway and/or in anyhow, this person will be sued, will face possible violent physical and/or verbal reactions from myself together with my children and with no compensation in any format to be expected from us.

I, Min Fang, refuse to be associate with this Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) in anyway and anyhow. I, Min Fang, have the determination to live my life happily, the same determination from him to make my life miserable. This Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) knew my determination is never a joke since he met me in 1996. I, Min Fang, announce now my determination to seek justice for what happened to me and my children, the same determination those who try to destroy us have.

----August 4th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting the tone of "nothing wrong with having illegitimate child(ren)".
My response: Of course it is nothing wrong as long as that is your own decision about it which only impact your own life. To outsiders,  who the child is matters instead of what last name this child legally carry.
----August 4th, 2017