
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, August 13, 2017

08-13-2017 New Culture movement = Chinese Culture Revolution ? (新文化运动 = 中国的文化大革命?)

08-13-2017 New Culture movement = Chinese Culture Revolution ? (新文化运动 = 中国的文化大革命?)

Heard this morning's anger about everything is messy situation.
My response: I can totally imagine.

I do not have similar problems. My problems are not even from my relatives including my younger brother. I made it very clearly in 2006 or 2007 that my younger brother has no saying over my anything. His saying won't be valid/acknowledged in any way or anyhow in all my inheritances as well as my own making. This is the same with all my relatives.

The anger I have is from all those "nothing to do is all the reason to have saying over me or my money or my everything". I just constantly call law enforcement's help for this kind of things.

----August 13th, 2017

I am oftenly asked, other than calling law enforcement's help, why I keep saying I have no penis when I am harassed by organized performance of demanding or taking my money.
My response: Because there is some weird fancy from all these harassers that I would give in to their demands if they just being a spoiled tough or a spoiled soft famine. So I have to clarify myself that
I am indeed a female with no penis to fancy their breasts and/or their butts, not a tiny bit.
I am a female who do not have any intention to spoil them in anyway and/or anyhow because of their breasts and/or their butts, not a tiny bit.
I am a female won't even tolerate any of their insults for their maybe prettiest breasts and/or their butts, not a tiny bit.

This or that harasser who has nothing to do with me and has only intention to shit me, some how, all have this psycho like illusion that I won't slap them for what they commented about me or for those shits they threw at me, but spoil them by let them do whatever they want. I have to clarify myself by saying "Who the fuck you think you are. " And I did keep calling law enforcement's help for all these crazy psychos.

Ya, my problem is not from a man I am romantically associated with. My problems, sounds like, are from the confusion of exactly what is my gender.

----August 13th, 2017

Heard on the radio this morning also featured "money transferred without authorization"
My response: I had screamed about rumors like this a lot and related:

1: I have everything other than a man's love to be my mate inherited from my own birth fathers and my own birth mother, including my beauty, my wisdom and my wealth, so" I do not need to have a decent marriage but deserved to be threw a penis at", and this should be bossed by some families to who are hired to look after my inheritances.

2: I was truly understood as willing to be a mistress equivalent and to be called disgusting whore by  those real whore-born wives and this understanding should be promoted by "those proud prostitutes' children" in my reality life.

3: I do not deserve to have my own birth grandfathers' money but everyone who want money but do not carry my grandfathers' blood should.

4: I am heir of my long history family is all the reason I do no deserve to have my children carry my own blood. Whoever want money should have their own children called "born for me"。

5: Nothing to do with me is the only reason I should be yell at.

My question : This is all about ownership only mean deserves of being treated as shits. Own more only means deserve more abusiveness. Own nothing means the privileges to be bossy of everything. Is this so called "New Culture Movement" is actually Chinese Culture Revolution (Owners' of nothings revolution ) reproducing effort?

----August 13th, 2017



我的愤怒都是因为那些“一点关系都没有就是可以对我,我的钱财或者我的一切指手画脚的全部理由." 我也就是不停的报警求助了。







1: 除了一个男人对我的爱做我的丈夫外,我的长相,智慧和财富都是我自己的亲生父母爷奶们给我的, 所以我"不需要拥有一份体面的婚姻,就只配被人给扔一条男人阳具",而这些就应该被我所继承产业所雇佣的人的家属来监督执行。


3: 我不配拥有我自己亲爷爷们的钱,而那些想要钱的却和我爷爷们一点关系都没有的就是应该拿钱

4: 我的家世历史很长,我又是继承人,这就是我不配拥有承载我自己血脉的小孩的全部理由,而那些想要钱的就是应该让他们自己的亲生小孩被叫成“替我生的孩子”。

5: 和我一点关系都没有就是够资格对我连吼带叫的全部理由。

