
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

08-09-2017 What I have screamed in Chinese this morning(我今天早上的中文怒吼)

08-09-2017 What I have screamed in Chinese this morning(我今天早上的中文怒吼)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a security company owner talking about me touching myself on my own bed in my own locked bedroom which is my own self-provided-by-agreed-upon-entrusting-bedroom.(中文附后)
My response: Do not know what a low cast this owner is to spy on a client's bed chamber activities and that is if I am this low-cast's client. I already called law enforcement's help on illegal spy on me.

Now I repeat what I said in the morning: "You saw me touching myself, you certainly know I won't be you mother-fucker's imply-able whore or prostitutes."

----August 9th, 2017

Heard this morning broadcasted what I said in Chinese about Chinese government.
My response: I accused People's Republic of China's government participated organizing all these shits throw at me, I accused this Chinese government's aim is to rob my private wealth and my should-privately-owned-penis(es) in the name of helping penises to get free. I say this People's Republic of China's government is not people's government but "A whores', prostitutes' and low-casts gangsters' government." I am still being harassed at this moment by organized harassment to ensure I am aware this penis or that penis can not be put as privately owned. Do not know who is the organizer. Why it is this Chinese government job or some US government employees' job to ensure non-Chinese penis(es) can never go private in a way to make penis matter a national matter or a public matter which is totally and obviously what I mean in this paragraph. This is what U.S. criminal laws defined as "sexual harassment". This is also what I mean private in what I said this morning.

Any educated Chinese high school graduated should already know from basic Chinese History class offered in school that there are at least several dynasties in Chinese history, why would any one from People's Republic of China would ever assume I would imply in anyway and/or anyhow that "People's Republic of China is my maiden family and Chinese citizens are my own people?"
My ancient grandfather Li Shimin(唐太宗李世民) that I am heir of is a very good Emperor in Chinese history, and my family were Emperors of more than one dynasties in Chinese history, but I am my grandfathers' good heir who is good enough to know at least some basics of Chinese History.
This clarification also apply to Chinese communities or Chinese race.
This clarification also applies to "similar of this" regarding those who are families to employees/staffs/representatives/etc. of my inheritances.

Any activities trying to use this "my own people" thing to disadvantage me would be understood as "race discrimination against me" to report as criminal activities.

----August 9th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting implied I won't have chance to go to Britain as long as a British female mother his children.
My response: This is obviously somebody was trying to announce some British laws defined criminal activities called sexual harassment.

Nobody consider I have anything to do with any British Prince before radio program's featured stories. The whole situation was created by those featured stories, intentionally misleading or for some good reasons or by misunderstanding, I was one of those millions that truly thought British Royals were doing some sort of announcements in the radio program. The reason I truly believed in this radio program producing of those featured stories is that all those stories featured my life are reality show reporting stories and all true stories.

Heard this morning also mentioned some legal challenge of this rumor was failed, I have to make a little note here that "challenge" was done, by rumor,  by attorneys who are part of those I accused as the "abusive attorneys' power group intentionally disadvantage me constantly" before I heard of this "challenge effort". This is already good enough reason to legally challenge this rumor again.

----August 9th, 2017








