
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

08-30-2017 Why I have to be yelled "unwanted" but demanded to provide?(我为什么被吆喝“没人要”却必须按要求支付月供?

08-30-2017 Why I have to be yelled "unwanted" but demanded to provide?(我为什么被吆喝“没人要”却必须按要求支付月供?

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Chinese woman's crying sound "Relationship (marriage) broke."(中文附后)
My response: That woman is talking about her own relationship(marriage). She has nothing to do with me at all and she has nothing to do with the person who father my children.

Rumored this Chinese female mothers a Chinese seeded child or children. I have no romance association with any Chinese citizen lives in P.R. China or lives abroad, I have no romance association with any Chinese race who lives abroad being a citizen of other countries.
----August 30th, 2017

Heard Tina O'Connor's comment in July 1st of 2004's meeting about I was not the person who could spend David Petraeus' money.
My response: That was heard by my own ears at that meeting. I never intended or had spent David Petraeus any money. I had no problem with that comment, not a bit. It was not my interest at all to argue or to know who should be that person, or why Tina O'Connor said so.
----August 30th, 2017

Heard I was accused "scandalous director" is the real reason everyone deserve to “direct” everyone's life.
My response: I did ask law enforcement's help to investigate on who was the real director of  2011's infamous "scandalous romance" of a Military General. I am a polygamist female with expected male's privilege in marriage, and I am obviously very self centered which was very obvious even in 2004 meetings. I was obviously very interested in romance with David Petraeus in 2004 meetings. It was not my interests at all to set him up with another woman as a "director". My current medical situation may also my then medical situation. That "directing" was not my style but I may had participated with some details like how to do photo shots, etc.

I assume that $40,000 monthly providing by David petraeus to that 2011 female, as announced on the radio program, may inspired some requests to me including a "monthly $40,000 at least to be provided for a Chinese bachelor" that made me scream aloud "not willing", "I have no marriage with any Chinese race", "I have nothing to do at all with any Chinese romantically that can be demanded", etc.

----August 30th, 2017



听说了Tina O'Connor在2004年7月1日会议上的评论说我不是那个可以花费David Petraeus钱的那一个。
我的回应:我在那天会上是自己亲耳听到。我从未想过需要花费而且我也没有花费过David Petraeus 的任何钱财,我当时对这句评论也没有任何反感,一点都没有。当时我就没有兴趣询问那应该是谁可以花David Petraeus的钱,或者为什么Tina O'Connor需要如此评价。

我的回应:我是有报警求助希望查一下究竟谁才是有名的2011年美国将军情色绯闻的真正导演。我本人是个一妻多夫者并且很以自我为中心,这在2004年会议期间就已经非常明显。我在2004年的时候也很明显的对与David Petraeus发展恋情很有兴趣。以作“导演”为借口为他和另一个女人做媒很显然对我自己没有任何好处。我现在的身体及医学状况可能就是我当年的身体及医学状况。那种“导演”不是我的风格但我可能参与了一些像怎么来照一张张的照片等等。

我估计广播剧里所宣布的David Petraeus 支付给2011年那女子的美金4万的月供,可能是引发一些对我提出必须付钱要求的原因,其中就包括那个“至少美金4万每月支付给那个中国光棍”的要求,这些要求把我给气的是上奔下跳的干嚎“我就是不愿意”,“我和华人没有任何婚姻”,"我和任何华人华裔都没有任何恋爱关系,不可能向我要钱”,等等。
