
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 3, 2017

08-03-2017 The love story I "meddled" in 2004 (2004年我提到的一个伤心故事)

08-03-2017 The love story I "meddled" in 2004 (2004年我提到的一个伤心故事)

Before you read the whole story(中文附后):
Entire time I knew Chinese Foreign Department's intention is to make me cry uncontrollable and still be that disgusting unwanted, and entire time I knew radio program's effort is to shit me to throw me a disgusting penis. I never knew this heartbroken story is what they are trying to reproduce.

The Shanghai guy did not marry her by making her miserably crying to advantage himself. He never did that. He is not handsome and he is not from a prominent family like her, he may or may not have his own stories, he may or may not have secretly loved her since college time, he just never abused her miserably to make her his wife.

Albert Gore is the person I accused of murder for money attempt. Albert Gore is the person I call disgusting shits. Please leave him in your asshole. If you ever mention his name to me as a match, you are sued for murder for money attempt with him.
(I say so is because, by rumor. he is that disgusting penis this radio program try to throw at me and that is after he failed to rob my money by his family's abusive attorney's power. I did call Law enforcement's help on this and rumor about his criminal effort of registering marriage illegally.)
----August 3rd, 2017

More about $100Million deposit into Chinese Premiere's wife personal account story.
I elaborate: I heard it turned out that "somebody" expressed her point by this $100Million check in my name is the "One and Only Mrs. Bigname" who is a Chinese SO HUGE that you heard recently on the radio that was commenting I am such a stuck-on unwanted to a rich guy who had announced several wives so confusingly.
----August 3rd, 2017

Heard she is mothered by my college classmate's sister. I was asked will I give her that privilege to forget about this $100Million, if that is her.
My response: Never. You heard her tone on the radio how I was despised by her, and you read how I determined not to give a penny for that disgusting Beijing penis I never wanted. I am not willing to see myself being shitted as if I owe, I am not willing to see my own money being spent against my own wish. If you feel bad about her with your imagination that she has no power to get that $100 Million back, you can donate what you have to help her out. I am determined to have my $100 Million back. By the way, her mother side uncle was my pharmacology classmate graduated in 1990.
----August 3rd, 2017

(Yesterday morning's broadcasting mentioned about a $100Million check titled in my name.
My elaborate: The full story I heard of is: The check was titled in my name, given out to express a point of someone else's that is considered necessary to be treated as my expense. The recipient of this piece of check was Chinese Premier, it was under Chinese Justice Minister's watch to be deposited into Chinese Premier's wife's personal account with Chinese Central Bank's (Chinese People's Bank) help. It was Chinese Premier Li's and Chinese government's announcements that I have nothing to do with this Chinese Premiere Li, and his wife by People's Republic of China's law is a Beijing woman, why this is reason enough for my private owned money deposit into this Chinese Premiere Li's wife's personal account? Why this is lawful in People's Republic of China to deposit a check into a different name? I refused of this $100Million spending to be put under my name. I did call law's help on this in U.S..
----August 2nd, 2017)

Heard this owes is from her father's younger sister who is also her mother's younger brother's wife.
My response: I do not owe her anything at all.
Heard her father and her father's younger sister married my college classmate and his sister. All Chinese foreign department employees. Not sure about my classmate.
----August 3rd, 2017

I did say something about her uncle's romance in College in 2004.
When we were in college, dating was hot and popular for everyone. Some girls started in our freshman year, but not our guy classmates who were too green for majority of our girls in school. It was like a movement when we were in our middler year that guys all rushed out to welcome the new freshman year girls.

It was in one of this freshman welcome party that this classmate (Beijing guy) met his ex-girlfriend. She was only 18, in her first month of freshman year, with a movie star's look and body figure. He must be a sweet talker to make her his girlfriend.(It is not easy for a delicate Shanghai local hot girl to show any interest in someone that was from Northern part of China.)

They were the famous love birds un-separable entire time when we were in college. He is handsome, she is pretty, both obviously from very good families. Everywhere in school you can spot them together, he was talking, she was listening. She was like his faithful follower after his every step. He was obviously head of this relationship. If you ever saw how she look at him, you know he was the lucky guy truly won her heart.  This had been the scene entire three years time till our graduation.

Heard they were still together after our graduation. Heard the real break up was after her graduation. Heard she went to Beijing and came back heart broken. Heard she cried in her office almost daily for a year, often uncontrollably. Some of her colleague thought she must have something wrong with her to cry like that, I assume this won't be from our class or her class. We can imagine how hard it must have been.

She married her colleague who was another classmate from my class (Shanghai guy). I said in 2004 that he must have his own story too. He had a girlfriend or girlfriends in school like everybody else. Do not know if he had secretly loved her since college time, but I did not hear anything when I was in school.

Heard she was constantly crying in that one year time,  heard he proposed to her in that one year, heard she stopped crying after their wedding. When I say he must have his own stories in 2004, I mean I can imagine what it was like, with him fully aware her stories and fully aware what their colleague think about her constant cries, he married her in that same one year. Plus, I did not hear anything if he had some rumors about his heart of the girl secretly when I was in school.

After graduation, I heard his family are Foreign Department officials, and her family was from General Administration of Shanghai Customs official. I did say something about her family but everybody knew for certain that were all based on nothing but my assumption at the moment already.

I did say I love to see them back together in 2004 after I heard that breakup may not from his own willingness, but I also asked if they still wanted to be together. I was aware that they both married and being parents already in 2004.

I heard yesterday that I was rumored a stuck-on to Shanghai guy. I was shocked. I heard it was from Beijing guy's wife. Heard she was his high school classmate. Heard her elder brother is his brother-in-law that married to his elder sister.

----August 3rd, 2017

我是一直都知道中国外交部的目的就是要让我即使哭到难以抑制也还是个没人要的东西, 我是一直都知道这个广播剧对我漫天造谣诽谤中伤抹黑就是为了扔给我一条恶心的男人龟头。我是从未想到这个伤感故事的再痛哭也还是分手的场景是这些人企图人为重现的画面。


艾尔伯特·高尔是被我指控有谋财害命的人。艾尔伯特·高尔是被我叫一滩恶心烂屎的人。请把他留在你自己的屁眼里。你要是提及他的名字来”匹配“, 我就连你和他一起告企图谋财害命。(我说这些,就是因为传言中艾尔伯特·高尔是广播剧想要人给我的那条恶心男乌龟, 这还是在他滥用他家里人的律师权限也没抢到我的钱之后。我是有就这传言以及他企图非法登记婚姻传言而报警处理。)

我详细说:听说那个有观点需要用一亿美金来表达的就是那个唯一一个嫁入美国大户人家做太太的”中国了不起”, 也就是那个在广播上对我评头论足说人家都已经讲了和我一点都没有关系还老缠着人家的那个。被我缠着的就是那个都已经宣布了有一堆老婆的那个美国人。

听说她是我大学一个同学姐姐的小孩,有人问我, 如果真是她,是否(因为是她给的支票)会给她个面子就算了。








听说女孩在那一年里哭的就没停过,听说上海男孩就是在那一年里和女孩定下了婚姻,听说婚礼后女孩就不再哭了。当我在2004年说上海男孩一定也有他自己的故事的时候,我是在说我能想象当时是什么样。上海男孩是很清楚女孩的校园恋爱故事,上海男孩也很清楚他们的同事当时都已经担心女孩的精神状况,他就是在这么一年里和女孩结的婚。再加上,我真是没听说上海男孩在读书时对这个女孩的暗恋传闻, 一丁点都没听说。



