
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

08-24-2017 Is it real that I have such inheritances (我继承财产会是真的吗?)

08-24-2017 Is it real that I have such inheritances (我继承财产会是真的吗?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying of being Chinese race or Chinese is not the reason to have my money (中文附后).
My response: That is the same issue some Chinese men and women are possibly considered whore -borns or whores because they do not know what individual private sexual relationship means. One male married to a Chinese woman should not mean this male can fuck all Chinese women from People's Republic of China or a Chinese race woman. A female married to a Chinese man can never be fucked by all Chinese from People's Republic of China or all Chinese men is the same understanding.

This is precisely the reason I keep swearing that this term Chinese Government is like a whores' and whore-borns' government. Some of them seemed are so confused why their wives or themselves are not deserved by everyone who had ever fucked a Chinese woman. Otherwise, why some of them are so impressively fighting that their wives or themselves are authentic Chinese deserved to be called whores so delicious which I called dry unwanted whores completely unfuck-able? I dare say if these screamed Chinese females take off their cloth to go all naked in crowds in U.S, I dare say less than 5% male passers-by can have little lump in trousers and these are the ones you have to ask how long they have not be able to touch a woman. Where they got this confidence to "keep insist on " to me who live in U.S who is a female as well?

My wealth is my private wealth which just like my private breasts that is protected by laws to ensure not open for anyone to have free access. No one should have my money by just being a Chinese.

----August 24th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying about if my inheritances are real and why I am the one got my ancient grandfathers' special blessing.
My response: My inheritances are real. The rumor that I am blessed by 27 of my grandfathers is possible. I heard every grandfather of mine other than the one who fathered my father had put symbolic something aside specially for me to shower blessings to me being a girl share their same birthmark since 1200 years ago. My grandfather who fathered my father may have entrusted my generation's heir share to me per my father's decision. (see ref:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) Not every one of my grandfathers' entrust is very impressive today but all decent sized today and well cherished by me.

The reason I am the one got my grandfathers' blessings is that I am the only girl who share their same heir birthmark in 2000 years long time, my father and my grandfather are "not special at all " because they are boys just like my ancient grandfathers themselves. I am so special to my grandfathers is because I am the only girl who share their same family birthmark in records for 2500 years. I am so special because my ancient grandfathers had been expecting me to be born in any generation since 1200 years ago. My grandfathers(唐玄宗父子) and my Empress grandmother (武则天) even fought seriously to ready Imperial rules for my privileged Empress marriage to prepare me to be born in their time.
----August 24th, 2017.


这可以说是我为什么痛骂这届中国政府根本是破鞋及婊子养的政府的非常精确的其中一个根本矛盾。他们当中的一些似乎就是不明白为什么他们自己的老婆或者他们自己怎么就是不够资格让传说中每一个有做过中国女子的这个那个男人都给做了?否则他们中的一些怎么老是让人感觉在撑腰帮她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们吵个不停强调她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们才是真正从中华人民共和国来的正宗华女就是应该就是有资格当破鞋馋这个男人那个男人。他们这些老黄脸婆及其丈夫们就扯着嗓门的抗争说她们自己才是特能撩人谁都应该想捅的,我就嘶吼她们根本就是一群没人要的干瘪老婊子根本就法捅。我就说要是她们美国擁擠衣服,我就说可能就只有僅僅5%过路男人褲子可能鼓,5%过路男人没有机会女人 .她们的这自信对着我这个美国活的女人就是"坚决要求"?



我的回应:我继承财产是真实。传言我有27个爷爷留了些信托给我可能是真实。我听说除了我祖父以外的其他爷爷都象征性的留了点东西给我来表达对我这个孙女的祝福。我的祖父可能按照我父亲的意愿把我作为我这一代的家里继承人应拿的一份替我父亲办理了给我的信托。(请参阅:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) 不是我每一个爷爷的信托到了今天还特别壮观,但每一个都很体面很漂亮是真,我也很珍惜着每一个信托。

