
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, July 31, 2017

07-31-2017 That Fund was Setup by My Birth Grandfather's Money

07-31-2017 That Fund was Setup by My Birth Grandfather's Money 

Heard Tina O'Connor's tears this morning.
My response: My heart drenched whenever I heard my daughter was crying because of this Tina O'Connor. This Tina O'Connor's tears means nothing to me.
----July 31st, 2017

Heard Tina O'Connor's tears was out of her frustration why that fund is not her family wealth.
My response: What I heard of is: There were only two generation attorney grandfather of Tina O'Connor  had worked as full time Fund's representing attorneys. The second generation Attorney O'Connor already left Fund's Legal department office to run US Senate's office. Ever since  that grandfather of Tina O'Connor's left that Fund's legal office, her following grandfathers including her father have not been in that Fund's legal department office but in a Senator's office to make her family so proud of 6 generation already Senators family.

That fund is not her family wealth purely because of the fact that the Fund is setup by my birth grandfather's money and her family had been representing the Fund as Attorneys.
----July 31st, 2010

Heard Tina O'Connor's points of her family overseeing the fund by hiring people should make the fund her family wealth.
My response: Her family's contribution has been greatly appreciated, but it won't changed the fact that her family had been part of the Fund's hired group. It was not her family hired people to look after the fund, but her family had been hired by the Fund to look after the Fund. Her family had been part of the people that have been hired by the Fund.
----July 31st, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying  a female was agitated how could possibly her husband father children from me after their 2007's public wedding.
My response: I got fed up with all these confusion as well. Why would she think anyone whose name is Charles Schnieberg is her husband? The person who father my children have the real family name Ford is what I thought had been broadcasted by the radio program in 2009-2010 already. If she insist on that is the same person, what was she doing in 2009-2010 time? My children were born in 2010. I do inherited my own wealth that were entrusted before I was born and I do have my own attorneys who are decent. The Fund that Tina O'Connor has been so confused about was entrusted 600-800 years ago, I can inherited this Fund in 2004 already make it a matter of facts that I do have very decent attorneys.
----July 21st, 2017

**Some said Tina O'Connor dated this Charles Schnieberg before 2004.
My response: She dated tons of guys during her 7 years time as an ex-roommate to another Charles Schnieberg (real named Charles Ford broadcasted on radio) between 1997 to 2004. She was never her ex-roommate Charles Schnieberg's sex partner when they sharing that two-bedroom. Her one and only sex experience with her ex-roommate Charles Schnieberg was before she became a roommate. This is what I heard.
----July 31st, 2017