
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

07-31-2018 Why Mr. David R's clan kept on picking up on me?

07-31-2018 Why Mr. David R's clan kept on picking up on me?

I don't know what is the matter with this David R's clan. I never met anyone of them in person, but I had lived in New York City between 1996-2003 so I might have shared New York City's streets with them.

This clan had invested movies such as Avatar, 007 Quantum and 007 Millenium, etc. but my intellectual income from these movies were pre-company taxes' business expenses which should have nothing to do with them being investors.

I have claimed 4 American Funds companies as the following list, all of which have been operating on the American soil since 1600 or so. All of these have never owned nor operated by any R's name historically. I have claimed each having $200Billion size on this blog since the year of 2017 according to the "200" I was told about Portugal's American Fund Company in the year of 2004 and facts that it could easily donate sports-related event for "$200Million each" as I had wished in 2004 as well. Later, I reannounced each of these American companies having $600Billion size to wish good lucks to all :

1: Janus Mutual Fund's American Fund Investor company who has a Portagul investor company. (The first year's providing paying company)
2: Amtrak company's American Fund Investor company whose French investor is the famous French Financier company of the British East India company. (The second year's providing paying company)
3: American "Pejoves" Fund who share's the same Spanish Investor company with New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. (The third year's providing paying company)
4: Lehman Brother's American Fund Investor company who has a French Investor. (The fourth year's providing paying company)

I heard all of these have been my Trust entities' investments since established. All these Trusts I inherited in 2004 were set up by my birth Chinese grandfathers from different generations. The earliest of the above four Trusts I mentioned was set up around the year of 700AD.

 I heard most of these "$200Million each" was donated by the investments of those Trust entities I inherited. I heard Mr. David R's clan's investments had donated about $600Million total.

I heard this morning that "600Million already" was expressed annoyingly by Mr. David R's clan in the year of 2004 when I requested it, but I never directed my "$200Million each" request to them nor their relatives nor other rich names, I did not know them nor was told who they are, nor if they would willing to spend on me. Why this clan took my request their expenses?

I heard yesterday's broadcasting that "the Ford Businesses don't have such a monthly $10,000 wired to China story" was said by a Mrs. Jessica R from this clan who is never a Miss Ford. But this "monthly $10,000 wired to China" story was either told or explained on the radio by one of the Ford Businesses' Investor company that Mrs. Jessica R is very certain of. Exactly, what is Mrs. Jessica R implying? By the way, I heard she is the wife of the Mister who had the 1980's Tokyo airport romance with a Chinese.

So, I still don't know what has been the issue impressive as this morning's broadcasting. And, what it implies in the saying of "Why it has to be your money" has alerted me so I have tipped the law people about it.

----July 31st of 2018