
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

07-21-2018 Why Chinese Communities have this Anger Outburst? (华裔社区爆发的愤怒究竟是什么?)

07-21-2018 Why Chinese Communities have this Anger Outburst?(华裔社区爆发的愤怒究竟是什么?)

Heard this morning's talk of Chinese communities outburst yesterday.(听说了今天早上华裔社区对我昨天博文的愤怒)
My response:(我的回应:)

Why? Who deserves what saying? Laws printed in Chinese, in English, in French, In Spanish for them to check out, why they only demand mouth-privilege for the saying? Who expects what saying from what opening located at where on a human body if laws-in-prints are not what expected to provide the saying? (为什么?谁应该有个什么说法?可查询的已经发表的已实施法律,既有用中文发表的,也有用英文法文西班牙文发表的,为什么不查询这些已发表已实施法律而强调这张嘴那张嘴才能给个说法?如果已发表法律的说法不是所期望的,那人体哪个部分的什么开口部位才是所应该期望的给个说法的权威?)

Use this "Not allowed to talk, not allowed to have a roof, not allowed to have food" tone to disagree with my accusation against the Chinese government is never the privilege granted by the Constitution to any government officials not to mention these government employees who possibly intentionally seeking jobs in Boston after my inheriting in 2004. (用这种”不准说话,不准有屋住,不准有饭吃“的口气来表达对我指责中国政府的态度,从来就不是美国宪法赋予美国政府官员的特权,更不用说他们就只是在政府机关找了份工作的替政府做工的雇员而已,我还怀疑他们是不是在我2004年继承之后特意在麻州波士顿政府部门找这份工来伺机做他们现在表态铁了心就是要做的事?他们都是姓于的,这是偶然吗?)

As you heard so loudly, the Intellectual incomes should be recognized as the reward to those what located between human legs is the reason there is actually so many confusion how could an intellectual-maker deserve the intellectual-making while so many paired-openings so want it?(就像你所听到的响亮宣言,智慧产权应该被认为是奖励人体两腿中间部位的功能的,所以才会有这么多的奇怪声音来强调明明有这么多已经对接在一起的人体想要钱,凭什么让智慧产权的创造者拿智慧收入?

Are all these outbursts the same?(这些华裔社区的愤怒也是一类吗?)

My anger regarding Chinese communities, especially Boston Chinese community, is that they are so certain that I never get a penny from this or that prominent JoyStick because I was homeless and am currently on welfare. All you could hear from the Chinese communities is the anger from the pride as if themselves are the authentic sucker expected to have money instead of being the none of their business group. Otherwise, why Chinese attitudes or Chinese determinations are needed when there are existing government's regulations or the U.S. laws to handle my welfare case? Especially when none of these state-government employees from the Boston Chinese community is my welfare caseworker.(我对于华裔社区特别是波士顿华裔社区的愤怒就是:他们很清楚我曾经是流落街头现在靠政府综援生活,从没从这条那条男人乐呵棍拿一分钱。而你们可以听到的华裔社区那份因骄傲而产生的愤怒就好像他们才是真正舔到了这条那条男人乐呵棍的够资格拿钱的人物,而不是这和他们有什么关系这么一族。否则的话,明明美国政府机关已经有完善法规条例管理综援的情况下,哪里会需要这份华裔态度,华裔决心?何况,这些波士顿华裔人士根本就不是我的什么综援申请审批相关人士。)

I am already in communication with the Massachusetts and Boston government agencies about my welfare case as what I suppose to do according to the U.S. laws. According to I hear, everyone whose wealth under-entrust is expected the same as I am experiencing: I am constantly facing the eviction anxiety, monthly providing-check recipients have the anxiety of what if no check comes-in next month? So, I screamed at my apartment I need $6Million cash in my backpack to be anxiety free for 50 years.(我已经根据美国法律做了我应该做的,也就是和麻州及波士顿的政府相关机构就我的综援进行沟通查询。我听说啊,每一个办了财产信托的人都会有我这份体会:我是天天担心被赶出综援系统,每月拿生活费支票的那种就天天担心下个月支票没来怎么办?所以,我是急得在我家里乱吼:我要六百万美元现金放在随身包里,这样我就可以50年不用担惊受怕。)

Why in my backpack? That is because I have another anxiety of "Heavens above, Hells underneath, The proud Chinese communities are in-between." The explanation: If I dare to have a house or a bank account, air strikes should be expected from above, landmines and tunnels underneath, the proud Chinese communities are all around to break-in. So, I analyzed to conclude my high-tech security should be what I rely on to protect my life and my $6Million cash.(为什么放在随身包里?那是因为我还有另外一个担惊处:“上有天堂,下有地狱,中间有个到处遍地都是的华裔社区”。解读:要是我敢有个房子或者银行存款,那是上有飞机和飞箭,下有地雷和地道,中间还有个华裔社区随时破门而入。所以我分析了一下,我依赖高科技保安能保障我的人生安全,也就同时顺带保障了我的六百万美金现款了。)

I heard there is a child mothered by a Vietnamese is announced this morning which is certainly none of my business. My biological children, definitely not fathered by the same person, are already in elementary school. I have missed their lovely toddler years is true.(我听说今天早上又宣布一个越南人所生的孩儿,又是个很肯定和我的亲生孩子们不是一个爹的宣布,所以又是个与我无关人的无关事。我自己亲生的孩子们都已经“七岁八岁狗都嫌”的上小学了。我错过了他们可爱的幼稚园时期是真的很遗憾。)

----July 21st of 2018

还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)

方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)

方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)

----published on 2018年7月20日