
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

08-01-2018 This morning's theme is obviously to contradict who I am

08-01-2018b This morning's theme is obviously to contradict who I am

Heard this morning's talk about Roche Brothers' ownership.
My response:

Roche Brothers is a supermarket chain that has been very popular in Boston Massachusetts area, I assumed I may have "my enveloped money" provided by this Roche Brothers was what I had stated on this blog July 30th of 2018. My assumption does not involve any ownership confusion because I have the same question of "Do you have my money reserved at your place" for the Boston government agencies as well, and my assumption may only mean Roche Brothers' supermarket's store gift cards

I heard Roche Brothers chain is 100% privately owned. I heard this morning's anger was caused by the confusion who owns this Roche Brothers chain. I heard this confusion was sparked by a company which was registered in March of 2017 which has nothing to do with Roche Brothers at all, but the words of mouths caused severe confusion who owns the Roche Brothers.

----August 1st, 2018

Exactly, what was the theme of this morning broadcasting?
My response:

The theme of this morning's broadcasting was to contradict everything about who I am.

Example: I am a female resident who has well known lived alone for over 14 years without any social, but this doesn't evidently enough compares to the broadcasted comments from those males' authoritative saying on the matter of who I am. I accused this is an organized sexual harassment.

"Everyone in Boston, Massachusetts already know you don't have any money" because it was broadcasted on the radio program and on local radio to contradict everything of who I am.  And this does not include all these authoritative figures' public or private opinions on the matter or about who I am. Now, you can imagine what my situation has been. It has been all over the Boston area since 2016, even in a coffee shop of Dunkin Donuts.

Also, I heard there was some radio broadcasted announcement equivalent or promotion similar in Boston area about who owns the American "Pejoves" Fund company as well. Those broadcasting were jokingly mentioning the owner of a 2007-registered 10 years old company is the real person who owns the American "Pejoves" Fund's most upstream investor which wrongfully impressed the audiences as if this only 10 years old, 2007-registered company owns the 400 years old American "Pejoves" Fund company as well as its entire ancient investor chain.

I heard there is another announcement similar to this, by a different person on a national TV in Spain and by a different reason as well. The given-reason for the ownership in Spain was not because of a company registration but because she has commercially married to a huge Mr. American whose family name never associated with the American "Pejoves" Fund company nor its investor chain.

----August 1st, 2018