
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

07-26-2018 Are Yu-s actually Li, Zicheng's offspring? (于家是不是闯王李自成的后裔啊?)

07-26-2018 Are Yu-s actually Li, Zicheng's offspring? (于家是不是闯王李自成的后裔啊?)

Heard this frustration of "why Min Fang can have morning by post ownership on the web"(听说了有关”为什么方敏就可以在网上宣布宣布就可以有这钱那钱“的气愤.
My response:(我的回应:)

If I respond harshly, I would ask do you ever have an IQ evaluated? The explanation: why don't you repeat your supporting analysis why you say so?(粗鲁版本的回应:你有没有一丁点的智商啊?解释:你自己重复一下你自己刚才说的愤怒理由及你自己的分析?)

The politer way to respond: I posted on the internet web in 2017-2018 stating I received this much money paid in October of 2014, October of 2015, October 2016, and October 2017 from these companies, you also have heard all have been confirmed as the true and lawfully instructed payment by the paying companies. What is wrong with your logic to say I claim to own knowing the truth is I
just announced what I have received or I am expecting to receive?(客气一点的版本:我是在2017年-2018年期间在网上公布我是在2014年10月,2015年10月,2016年10月,2017年10月分别受到了这些公司所支付的这些款项,你们也都听到这些公司出面证实我所言属实且这些支付都是按上级公司指示合法支付。你们逻辑有问题才会如此颠倒。明明是我在网上宣布我已经收到钱,你们就给颠倒成我是在宣布我想要这些钱?)

The correct statement is "Min Fang announced what she has received or been expecting to receive on the web."(正确的说法应该是“方敏在网上宣布了所收到的钱以及还在等着收的钱。”)

----July 26th, 2018

Heard this morning's Yu's tough attitude of "give us the money" and declaring of relative- relationship.(听说了今天早上于家的强硬立场“给偶们拿钱来”以及所宣布的“统统都是亲戚”)。
My response:(我的回应:)

This reminds me of one historic name in China: "Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成)", a historically famous gang people. (这倒是让我想起了中国的一个历史人物的名字”闯王李自成,中国历史上很有名的一个占山为王的帮派头子。)

In English tales, Robin Hood enjoyed rob rich person to help poor and in-need, this infamous Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name in Chinese tales were different, this Li, Zicheng (李自成)'s name never means helps in-needs but deserve to own by themselves in Chinese tales.(在英语故事里,罗宾汉是打家劫舍乐于助人救难的豪侠,这个闯王李自成的名字在中国的传说里不是这样的,闯王李自成的名子不是打劫为了救难而是就是应该全归他们自己所有。)

What makes this name famous in Chinese tales was how they grouped as a gang, the talent told in all Chinese tales has been "how to create relatives without blood association", now, what you heard this morning may be the presentation from the offspring.(这个名字在中国民间故事里很出名的是他们是如何结帮成伙的。所有的中国民间故事都是在讲闯王李自成是如何的有了”一百零八将”的结拜兄弟姊妹. 你们今天早上听到的可能就是这个闯王李自成的后裔所做的李自成后裔家族的“才华展示会”。)

All these Yu-s may be the offspring of this famous Li, Zicheng (闯王李自成) is definitely my speculation at this minute of today. I am positive it can be confirmed.(我猜测所有这些于姓人士可能都是闯王李自成的后裔,但我还真是很自信这猜测估计是可以被证实的。)



----July 26th, 2018

Heard this morning's saying of "thousands" and "give up".(听说了今天早上的“加个千”以及“放弃了”)
My response: Yes, I heard. (我的回应:是啊,我听说了)。

----July 26th, 2018