
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, July 9, 2018

07-09-2018 Politely and publicly is the proud to be who I am.

07-09-2018 Politely and publicly is my proud to be who I am.

Heard this morning's shouting of "nothing to do with you".
My response:

This is obviously organized to block me from any human social activities, the participants are either obviously so despised or from the personal preferences, the organizers' intention is so obviously to exclude with the proud God tone of "You are Not Allowed".

This trend has been since 2015 from the British Royals and carried on by American rich to educate the world audience, I assume.

So,  To all my readers, I write interweb-ly:

To the assumption, I reply politely:

          Well, I am an American wealthy rich with my Chinese grandfather-Emperors' handsome blessing, so I am good with my own inherited.

           Well, I am a Catholic who seldom practices my Catholicism, but I refuse to take any human as a living God to rule my life.

           Well, I am willing to be with those who know who I am, I am willing to have nothing to do with those who never know a bit of who I am, and I am willing to respect those personal preferences.

To the intention, I express publicly:

         I refuse to be thrown shit at to promote any pair of breasts that I have no desire to enjoy,

         I refuse to be the victim of any breasts-appreciation presentation to belittle my own pair,

         I refuse those who worship human original reproduction activities to take away my proud of my intelligence developed from the modern education.

To the expectation, I address proudly

        All these matters, I take as my social expedition to be recognized for who I truly am.

        All these matters, I take as my social preparation to be introduced for who I inherited am.

        All these matters, I take as my social endeavor to be acknowledged for who I preference am.

I take all these matters are the law matters.

----July 9th, 2018