
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, July 28, 2018

07-28-2018 This morning's broadcasting of a public robbery scene in reality.

07-28-2018 This morning's broadcasting of a public robbery scene in reality.

I heard it was another extortion radio show full of threats and bilking for Mr. Albert Gore's beloved this or that person's deservedness to have some money. I heard the money was given as demanded as you heard on the radio, so I contacted law people through a law website.

I refuse to be a victim of a public robbery as such, it is astonishing how they dare to conduct such public extortion, not to mention using public media to perform such public microphone armed robbery.

I don't understand why Albert Gore can have such power after all these years to be so superior above U.S laws without a public office's privilege?

I often joked why would any accountant willing to steal money for someone else in order to keep only a fraction? All the criminal charges will be this accountant's alone, for only a fraction?

Why would all these producers willing to let the possible criminal investigation open for themselves but watching other people getting cash by just speaking to the microphone they are employed to operate? All possible charges against abusive use of the public media will be against these producers as well as the radio company, while they are concerned about their own income and watch those speakers spending the cash, that is if the prominent American riches are willing to pay for all the financial losses to the victims of this radio program's such scheme. Who are these so smart producers?

Also, why this radio company rather file bankruptcy but refuses to fire those who are the reasons for this public scheme?

The public audiences don't need to be taught such a lesson that anyone's money can be taken against their own wishes publicly in the United States with all the U.S. law people watching.

Those businesses don't need this public exposure as if they can steal investors' money so publicly and so easily.

I don't need them to reveal how much money I am supposed to be provided for, it is none of the public audiences' business.

I refuse to be the excuse for this kind of public robbery scene in reality.

I was asked if I am "a farm animal raised to be slaughtered for meat" by the Chinese government, I say I am lucky I am a U.S. citizen now. But I don't know how many former Chinese citizens are also "raised to be slaughtered for meat" worldwide, and I don't know if this is a popular trend in the United States somewhere, but seems not a trend popular in the U.S. government sector.

----July 28th, 2018