
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

07-03-2018 I am the one Born With the $10,000 and I am the one Inherited.(我才是生下来就有了一万美金的,我才是已经继承了的。)

07-03-2018 I am the one Born With the $10,000 and I am the one Inherited (我才是生下来就有了一万美金的,我才是已经继承了的。)

Somehow, Yu's families consider themselves the similar as O'Connors or "Amusing Incident" stories. (于家好像认为他们是和O家及”乌龙事件”家里是一样的)
My response: This is an untrue statement. (我的回应:这是错误认知。)

For example, the O'Connor's confusion that made me screamed. There were two consecutive generation Mr. O'Connors worked for that Amercian "O's confusion" company as General Counselor, the second generation quit the job to became Senator of the United States to run a no-pay public office was the reason the American "O's confusion" company agreed to provide to support to contribute to the United States public services. The O'Connor family later greatly contributed to the American "O's confusion" company to win the railroad deal from other foreign companies was the reason for O' confusion when the company has to stop this agreed-upon-providing according to the United States laws. What O'Connor families had received was agreed-upon-providing from the American "O's confusion" company, O'Connor families contributions have been acknowledged and reflected in the increased amount of the agreed-upon-providing. (举个例子,就是让我曾经吼个不停的O家困扰。O家有两代连着做那"O家困扰"公司的总律师,第二代辞职去做了没有工资可以拿的美国参议员,因为公司愿意支持O家效力美国为大众服务,所以O家才有了每年由公司支付的“同意给付”费用支付。后来O家为这美国“O家困扰”公司打败其他外国公司赢得美国兴建铁路的合同作出了贡献,造成了现在O家对于公司按照美国法律必须停止“同意给付”而困扰不已。O家对美国“O家困扰”公司的贡献是被公司所认可的也已经体现在“同意给付”的增值里的。)

According to the United States tax laws, the American companies don't have the freedom to use any company's resources to pay for private usage unless paid from the owner's account. Britain and France, etc. all have similar tax laws. American confused families and clarification of their historic confusion are the reasons for the delayed stop-providing. (按照美国税法,美国的公司没有支付私用开支的自由,除非开支是由股东账户(东家账户)支付。英国法国等等都有类似税法。美国困扰的家庭以及澄清他们因为历史而造成的困扰是公司按照法律必须停止供给被延迟的原因。)

----July 3rd, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about "born with $9,000"(听说了今天早上提到了“生下来就有的9000美金).
My response:(我的回应:)

I am the one Born With $9000 minus the delivery service charge from Shanghai to Nanjing, never any Yu's offspring. Yu's offspring born with detention crime.(我才是生下来就有9000美金的那一个,不过总额得减去上海到南京运费。于家后人从来就不是生下来就有钱的,于家后人是生下来就有非法扣押款项的刑事罪名才是真实。)

Yu's family's role in this $9000 story was a DHL or FedEx (UPS) office in China which had shared the residential property (private assistant Yu's apartment) as the package receiving and pick-up office. Yu's family just never delivered the package of $9000 nor informed the recipient who should be me nor my legal guardian( my parents). (于家在这个9000美金的事件中就像是敦豪航空货运公司DHL, 联邦快递FedEx,联合包裹服务公司UPS 在中国的设立的办事处,(也就是国内的网购快递之类的),用的是于姓私人助理的住家作为包裹收发办事处。于家从未送出这9000美金的包裹,也从未通知我方敏或者我的法律扶养人(我的父母)。)

As you heard it was clarified this $10,000 was first-time wired from the American company to Hongkong on July 22nd of 1967 (I was born on July 20th, 1967), wait for a week in Hong Kong for Chinese government's approval to be sent in. The approval was on July 31st of 1967 in the meeting, as you heard the clarification broadcasted on June 25th of 2018, that Chinese Premier Zhou did not against the delivery of this $10,000 at all. I heard the first-ever wire of this $10,000 had my name in Chinese(方敏) on the American wire request form,  and the Chinese central government's approval-discussion also mentioned me as Little Min who is Fang-Wenhai's daughter. (就像你所听到的,第一笔美国公司汇出的1万美金是1967年7月22日已经电汇到达香港(我是1967年7月20日出生),在香港等了一个星期左右,等待中国政府的批准进入中国境内。中国政府是1967年7月31日开会讨论批准进入,就是周恩来总理没有对一万元表达反对意见的那次会议,这是2018年6月25日的广播剧所播出内容。我听说美国公司这第一笔电汇所填写的电汇表格上,我方敏的名字是中文书写。中国政府在一万美金批准进入的讨论中也是以方文海的女儿小敏称呼我。)

Hong Kong wire-recipient bank charged $1000 service fee to deliver it to Shanghai. Private assistant Yu's family suppose to continue the delivery to Nanjing to my parents or inform my parent to pick it up, Yu's family did neither. I have not heard the story of delivering from Hong Kong to Shanghai yet, other than the delivery person, a Hong Kong-born from the marriage, was mothered by one of my grandfather's 1930 romances. The mother's brief youth time romance with my grandfather was featured in the broadcasting episode on January 28th of 2018, her maiden family is an in-law to private assistant Yu.(香港电汇收件银行收了$1000美金“送钱费”将钱送往上海。上海于姓私人助理应该继续将钱送往南京或者通知我的父母去上海取款,于家是既没送钱到南京也没通知我的父母去上海拿钱。我还没听说有关前从香港到上海的故事,就只知道送钱的人是于家亲戚,是我爷爷30年代谈过恋爱的一个文艺女孩在结婚后和他丈夫在香港生下的儿子。我爷爷和这个母亲的短暂恋情就是2018年1月28日广播剧所播出的内容。)

I believe the American company did not stop the wire was for the best interest of mine. (我相信美国公司未停止汇款是出于对我最大利益的考量。)

----July 3rd, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about enrolling to a college in Boston(听说了今天早上提到转入波士顿一家大学).
My response: I need to respond to this none of my business matter is because of the confusion if this featured female was introduced to me. I am a woman, I refuse this kind effort of introducing a woman to me.(我的回应:我需要回应这和我毫不相干的事情,就是因为这女性是不是已经介绍给了我。我是个女的,我拒绝这种向我介绍女人的尝试和努力。)

I have been tolerating these Senior-youth's not-behaving activities from the Rockefeller house as much as I could all this time. It has been impressive that David Petraeus kept-on high-pitched voice yelling as if something so huge had ever happened, I have been kept on "what is wrong with you, can you sit quietly for a minute" toned.(我是一直都在包容洛克菲勒家的这一群老少年疯狂族。你就看那David Petraeus, 天天就尖着个嗓门的干嚎好像发生了什么天大的事,我一直的口气就是:“你发的这是什么神经,能不能就安静坐个一分钟?”)

This has puzzled so many people what is going on, Well, this is the difference between the inherited and the inheritable group. I am the head of my house ever since the inheriting, all these noisy Rockefellers are the allowance-taker inheritable group, the kinder garden group. So, other than asking my attorneys to go to their Seniors to demand my money back, or shitting back when I am girly, well, I am a youth in age and soon will be much more pretty than .., So, I have been tolerating as much as I could. (这让人多人都很奇怪这是怎么回事啊。唉,这就是继承了当一家之主了的一群和还在大树底下乘凉的一群之间的区别。我是自继承那天起就成了我这一支的一家之主了,而所有这些又吵又闹的洛克菲勒都是一群还在拿零花钱用用的幼儿园一族。所以,除了让我的律师找他们家当家的把我的钱给拿回来,小姐脾气来了就一顿痛骂之外,和他们比起来,我毕竟年纪上还是很轻是事实,我又很快又会变得漂亮很多也是真实,所以啊,我是尽量容让了。)

They are just so annoying. By the way, I did call law enforcement's help as well.(他们真是很烦人。顺便提一句,我还报警求助了。)

*I just started inquiring if my entrusting attorneys have also paid-out my education expenses according to July 1st of 2004's decision. This pay-in-full won't be in any scholarship but I am not certain if it is paid to any college because I don't remember if I mentioned any school in particular. It is just pay-in-full to cover my advance education expense. My parents may have possible fund allocated as well. (我刚开始寻找是否我的信托律师已经按照2004年7于1日的决定支付我的教育费用。这笔全部付清教育费不可能以奖学金形式给我,但我记不清我当时有没有对某一特定学校感兴趣,所以我不知这笔”全部付清“是付给了学校还是其他地方,就只是一笔付清而已,我父母可能也是类似)。

----July 3rd, 2018