
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

07-17-2018 Loud Victory announced by the Chinese :" No Russian ever has anything to with you is a certainty !!!"(t听说了今天早上华人响亮的胜利之声:“俄国人和你一点关系都没有。”)

07-17-2018 Loud Victory announced by the Chinese:" No Russian ever has anything to with you is a certainty !!!"(t听说了今天早上华人响亮的胜利之声:“俄国人和你一点关系都没有。”)

Heard this morning's so loud victory in this morning's broadcasting(听说了今天早上播出的胜利之音).
My response: (我的回应:)

If you wonder what this morning's broadcasting is about that you can't pinpoint, and if you hear the replay you have recorded somehow, you probably can hear the emotion so loud and clear from the victory of the certainty: " No Russian ever has anything to with you is a real TRUTH !!!"(如果你在奇怪今天早上的播出究竟主题是什么好像很清晰但不确定是什么,如果你有早上播出内容的录音可以回放,你可能就能够挺高一份情绪是响亮又高昂:胜利是如此的确定:“俄国人和你从来就没有任何关系是一个真实是一个事实。”

What special industry considers this is an important victory? a new one called Politicians? for Diplomating aspects?(究竟会是什么特种行业认为这是如此重大的胜利?一种新兴的企业叫做政治j家?为了特别大写的“外交关心”?)

Some of this morning's announcements are from the People's Republic of China's Central Political Committee who certainly has the power to ensure it is broadcasted as they intended, U.S. police officers help is just a phone call away for any Chinese so privileged national leaders. Others a Chinese communities U.S. government officials. (今天早上有些宣布的内容就是中国中央政治局几个常委的原音宣布,他们可是有权有势就只要一个电话就可以要求美国的警察协助保障广播剧所播出的就是他们本人想公开宣布的。其他做宣布的还有一些是华裔美国政府官员。)

I personally take all these announcements are expressing "murder for money determined".(我个人认为今天早上所播出的根本就是”谋财害命宣言”。)

Why I say so? Well, if you live abroad, it is never a surprise, if not daily, to watch how Chinese consulates can be surrounded and yelled at: "You are the Mother-Fuckers, You are the whore-borns, and that is all who the fuck you are." And no one would hear any sound from the People's Republic of China's consulates no matter how huge the crowds might be and how loud is the yelling towards the People's Republic of China's Consulates.  (我为什么这么认为?哎呦,你要是生活在国外,就知道有种现象就算不是每天看见,但也绝对不是什么稀罕事。 那就是中华人民共和国各大领事馆的外面有好大一堆人对着中华人民共和国的领事馆嘶吼:”你们就是一群会操亲妈的畜生杂种,你们就是一群婊子养的狗屎,你们就是他妈的这么一群东西。”不管这外面的人群有多么人山人海,或者骂声有多么响彻云霄,就从来就没听过见过哪个中华人民共和国的领事馆会开门出来发点声。)

I just called them whores and prostitutes plus mother-fuckers as well as whore-borns. How huge can this be? Why the People's Republic of China's government needs to be so high profile to respond with such a loud determination of victory so confirmed?  So I say, this is the broadcasting of murder for money intended.(我也就是痛骂他们是一群婊子一群妓院娼妓外加一群婊子养的畜生杂种及会操亲妈的狗屎而已。有什么了不起的?就这点痛骂哪里会需要中国政府如此高规格来做出胜利就是如此确定的响亮回应?所以我说这广播的播出其实是在宣布想要谋财害命而已。)

Regarding the Chinese community "representatives" of this morning's broadcasting, well, you would know what they are after you verified the broadcasted story of "Yesterday stole a mug in Walmart" story was a complete made up because that was the mug I took from my apartment when I left for Walmart. And I did not linger near the mug section at all when I was at Walmart. Everyone you heard who has the power to evict me from the "welfare system" for the caring of tax-payers' money should be powerful enough to ask to verify the story by watching the city-watch surveillance video owned by the government. (至于今天早上所播出的华裔代表,这么说吧,你核实过所播出的那个“昨天在沃尔玛偷杯子”的故事纯是人为编造,你就很清楚他们都是些什么东西了。昨天那个杯子就是我从自己家里带着出门去沃尔玛的,我在沃尔玛逗留时也根本就没在卖杯子的自助柜台逗留过。那些号称有本事也铁了心的可以把我从美国福利系统里给赶出去不准我占用纳税人的福利钱的,可都应该是有权有势可以要求查看市区警民联防的警方录影资料以核实昨天沃尔玛故事是否真实的。)

All the above is either what I heard or what I think. (以上所发布的要么是我听说的要么是我认为的。)

----July 17th, 2018