
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, July 23, 2018

07-23-2018 How many more confusions are still out there? (现在还有多少困扰没弄清啊?)

07-23-2018 How many more confusions are still out there? (现在还有多少困扰没弄清啊?)

Heard a lot of people saying I am quiet now means I am done which is an untrue statement.(有人说我现在没声是不是差不多了, 我说当然不是了)
My response:(我的回应:)

I refuse all these demands for my money. (我拒绝所有这些向我索要钱财的要求。)

My gifting is voluntary to who I call relatives, never debt owed to Fang's any offspring. If the six relatives families, which are families of my father's two sisters and one brother, my grandfather one sister and one brother, dislike the gifting size, I am willing to cancel the gifting entirely to convince everyone that I never owe. I withhold the gift to my younger brother because he seems never a relative to me nor my parents. I refuse to gift anyone else. I consider futher request on this matter as extortion.(送礼物是自愿给被我称为亲戚的几个,从来不是因为欠了方家后人的钱债.。2004年我愿意送礼的六家+1家被我称为亲戚的人家,也就是我父亲的一弟两妹家里,我爷爷的一弟一妹家里,以及我奶奶的娘家兄弟家里,如果这些人认为我送的礼物规模不满意,我愿意将送礼物计划全部取消以平息所有人的不平衡并证明我方敏确实从来没有欠债必须要还的情况。所有就此的动作多多我都认为是在试图敲诈勒索。我暂时不会送给我弟弟任何礼物就因为他好像从来就不是我或者我父母的一个亲戚,我也拒绝送礼物给任何其他人。)

Not really I am done but it is obvious that I have been protected by laws is the reason I am quiet now.(不是因为我差不多了而是已经很明显我是被法律保护着,所以我没声了。)

I have announced four big company that two of which have been clarified that their paid-out money is lawfully for my exclusive usage. The current one is in the processing of clarifying what the confusions are that having doubts if the paid-out from this company should be for my exclusive usage. I haven't received the providing-payment from the clarified two companies is because the huge radio campaign of "taking the money out of Min Fang's possession to the truly deserved even if it means illegally" since 2013 has been the co-efforts from this currently in-clarification-confusions' group who may have also impacted my life severely. The other efforts are from the "what intellectual income should be" confusion.(我宣布过有4个公司为我支付生活费用,其中两个公司的支付款项已经得到澄清确实是合法提供给我方敏一个人使用的,现在进行的是有关第三家公司支付款项困扰的澄清。我现在还未收到前面两家公司的支付款项就是因为从2013年起的广播剧“就算手段非法也要把钱从方敏那儿拿走交给够资格有钱的人”这么一个宣传就是很多围绕这家公司的困扰造成也造成了我日常生活的不安全感以及很多真实的不便。广播剧这个宣传制作努力的其他努力方则是因为“什么是智慧产权”的困扰。)

I heard this current confusion from Yu's families (于家)has been historical since my great-great-grandfather's family inheriting in 1910 or so. I heard Yu's family had a bank that denied a banknote of 70,000 Silver dollars deposit which was $70,000 U.S. dollar in 1910 when the exchange rate was 1Silver Dollar = $ 1 U.S. dollar.  The reason for the denial given was it might be a forged banknote which was unlikely because this deposit banknote was given to the banker Yu's own close in-law as part of the son's share from my great-great-grandfather's family-wealth inheriting, all other bank deposit notes from my deceased great-great-grandfather to all his adult sons and all his wives were good, all his junior sons' trusts were all good as well. This son's share and the average family inheriting size were both 100,000 Silver Dollars each and this son's blood was never doubted. Each son's share was decided by the father. I heard this was not the only story rumored about this bank operated by Yu's family since 1910. This story does remind me of what was announced on this radio program about an NYC bank branch's functions. This son's son burned my grandfather's house once because of the confusion if it was my great-grandfather forged his father's banknote which was untrue. The Trust my grandfather set up in 1948 was $500 Silver Dollars.(我听说现在这个于家的困扰好像有历史了,从我曽曾祖父那代分家产就有。我听说1910年左右有个开银行的于家拒绝兑现我曽曾祖父一个儿子的一张七万大洋的银票,这张1910年7万大洋的银票就是美国1910年时期的七万美元, 据说给的理由是银票可能是假的,我估计不太可能因为这张是这个儿子所分家产的一部分,这张于家银行的银票就是给这个于家银行老板的姻亲的,关系很近,我曽曾祖父给他所有成年儿子及所有老婆的其他银票都是好的,给所有年幼儿子们办的信托也都没问题。那一代每一个儿子的平均份额是十万大洋,这个儿子分到的就是十万大洋而且这个儿子的血脉也从未被做父亲的怀疑过。每个儿子的份额多少都是由做父亲的决定。我听说从这1910年起这于家银行还有一些类似的故事。这还真让我想起了广播剧上所宣布的纽约城里的一个银行分行的职责应该是什么。就是这家的儿子还是孙子把我爷爷的房子给烧过一次,就是因为他们家怀疑是我曾祖父篡改了那张银票。 我曾祖父从未碰过那张银票。我爷爷1948年设立的信托是500万大洋的信托。)

The confusion from this Yu's family with my inherited seems because of my great-grandmother's last name had the same pronunciation Chinese character of Yu as well. We are definitely not related.(据说现在于家对我继承的困扰就是因为我曾祖母娘家姓氏也是于姓的同音字,但我们之间肯定没有亲戚关系。)

----July 23rd, 2018

 The expansion of the new system did not lead to the extinction of the old: the growth of deposit-taking, combined with less stringent capital requirements, convinced many state bankers that they could do without either the ability to issue banknotes or a federal charter, and led to a resurgence of state banking in the 1880s and 1890s. Under the original acts, the minimum capital requirement for national banks was $50,000 for banks in towns with a population of 6000 or less, $100,000 for banks in cities with a population ranging from 6000 to 50,000, and $200,000 for banks in cities with populations exceeding 50,000. By contrast, the minimum capital requirement for a state bank was often as low as $10,000. The difference in capital requirements may have been an important difference in the resurgence of state banking: in 1877 only about one-fifth of state banks had a capital of less than $50,000; by 1899 the proportion was over three-fifths. Recognizing this competition, the Gold Standard Act of 1900 reduced the minimum capital necessary for national banks.

(US Banking History, Civil War to World War II. Source: https://eh.net/encyclopedia/us-banking-history-civil-war-to-world-war-ii/)

还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)

方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)

方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)

----published on 2018年7月20日