
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, July 30, 2018

07-30-2018 Hong Kong Trust & Where is my money? (香港信托及我的钱在哪?)

07-30-2018 Hong Kong Trust & Where is my money? (香港信托及我的钱在哪?)

Heard this morning's talk about Hong Kong Trust.(听说了今天早上有谈到了香港信托)

My response: (我的回应:)

I haven't been to Hong Kong yet, so I don't know what is the confusion. I just know I inherited my grandfather (my father's father) set up a Trust in Hong Kong that I could request $500Million U.S. dollar to be transferred to the U.S. in 2004. I already published what I heard of after 2004 on this blog already. I have no obligation to explain to whoever is still confused.(我还未去过香港,所以我不清楚究竟是什么就是弄不清还非得弄清楚不可。我就知道2004年时我继承了我爷爷方智仁也就是我父亲方文海的父亲方智仁在香港替我设立的一个信托,我是当时就可以要求这个信托转账5亿美金到美国的。我也已经发表了2004年以后我所听说的一些其他信息。我没有责任义务再多做解释了。)

Regarding why I have no money to spend. Well, I am supposed to be provided for with my envelope girl fantasy which is I will use this envelope's money to spend in this store and that envelope's money in another store, etc. My request in 2004 to use envelopes to manage my monthly providing has become applicable by using a credit card to store "the money in an envelope" as you heard on the radio. Should I contact the legal department of these businesses to inquire? Or wait for the attorneys or law peoples to work their way through?(至于我为什么没钱花的问题。这么说吧,我是应该按照我的小女孩扮家家信封理财的想法领取零花钱的,就是我要从这个信封里拿钱在这家店里花,从那个信封里拿钱在那家店里花。就i象你们那天在广播里所听到的,我在2004年所提的这个要求被我的律师们将“信封里的钱”给放在了信用卡里。我是否应该和这些企业的法务部门联系一下问一问,还是等我的律师或者执法人员处理清楚?)

I have this frustration that I am probably acknowledged as an investor if I go into these businesses, and I know where these businesses are, but nobody in those local locations knows who I should contact to inquire "where is my money?" I heard my entrusting attorneys had spread money all over the places, pharmacies such as Rite Aid, Walgreen, CVS, or possibly supermarket such as Stop and Shop, Roche Brothers, Whole Food, etc. As you have heard my food stamps were announced as should stop on the radio, I have contacted for a $500 monthly food money supposed to be on the food stamps card. So, what am I supposed to do for "enveloped money"? Wait or contact?(我现在有这么一个头疼事:我要是走进一些我的信托所投资的企业,可能有很多人也会相信我有可能是投资人但完全不清楚我应该和谁联系问一下:”我应该从哪儿拿钱?”我听说我的律师真是到处都放了些钱,药店啦(Rite Aid, Walgreen, CVS),可能还有些超市啦(Stop and Shop, Roche Brothers, Whole Food)。据说几个在波城市政府上班的于家人还在广播上强烈宣布就是铁了心的要停了我的政府综援粮食卷。我是已经在联系查询我记忆中应该有放在综援卡里的每月500元的食品钱。所以啊,我就在想啊,我是现在就问一问信封里的钱还是等一等?)

Also, the "enveloped money" arrangement should come with clear instructions from those businesses' lawfully registered investors. But I heard rumors that some businesses already received some messages from this or that person which advised them not to give me "enveloped money" but give to someone else. Should I contact the legal department of these businesses to inquire?  Or wait for the attorneys or law peoples to work their way through? (还有,就是“装在信封里的钱”这种安排一定是由这些企业的法律登记上的投资人所明确指示的,但我听说已经有些企业收到了这人那人建议不要把这“装在信封里的钱”给我而是给别人算了。我是否应该和这些企业的法务部门联系一下问一问,还是等我的律师或者执法人员处理清楚?

Where is my money?(”我的钱在那里?“)

----July 30th, 2018

About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)
My response: (我的回应:)

1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the be sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)

2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)

3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)

3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)

----published on July 29th, 2018


----published on July 29th, 2018