
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, July 29, 2018

07-29-2018 The cold emotion && 什么是公厕门外一元?

07-29-2018 The cold emotion && 什么是公厕门外一元?

Heard this morning's broadcasting of the emotions.
My response:

Janus mutual fund has been an investment from the four American companies I have claimed that had provided for me. Because the first year's and second year's companies' related confusion have been clarified. So, this possibly is some joint confused area of the third and fourth year's Amercian companies.

I had this cold feeling when I was still in Janus Associates in 2003-2004. Before that, I was just someone would come at 8:30 and leave at 5PM or so who could sit in front a computer alone all day long, an absolute outsider in any social chat among staffs. And this spinning up and spinning out feeling, I was only an element in the center, not any kind of power source, that I need to keep some balance in the entire process. The research director was ousted in October of 2003 when I was in Boston, MA, so I don't know what had happened. I relocated back to Connecticut, after only two months moving up to Boston of Massachusetts that I had insisted on. I had complained about my exhausted health situation in January of 2004's inheriting related birth-identification verification meeting, I was asked to leave a month later. I survived.

----July 29th, 2018

About Hong Kong Trust.(关于香港信托)

My response: (我的回应:)

1: If not intentional, the best way to explain so many confusion is to simulate setting up a Trust with an attorney to know how I can the sole beneficiary person specified by the settler's letter before I was born. A Trust is a legal instrument registered to specify who is the beneficiary of this much money given by the Settler.(如果不是故意骚扰,对这个疑问最好的解释方式就是去找个律师模拟一下办理信托的过程,来了解为什么我还没出生就可以成为信托的唯一受益人。信托是一种委托第三方来管理某一笔钱并可以指定谁才是此一笔钱的受益人的法律手段。)

2: Trust entity is an organization that registered in a local government agency, such as the Department of State of NYC. This Trust entity is an organization set up for the purpose of using the money in the Trust to invest.(信托机构是一个向地方政府如纽约市政府等注册成立的机构。成立一个信托机构的目的就是为了用我爷爷所信托的钱来投资。)

3-1: Hong Kong Trust as an example: My grandfather set up a Hong Kong Trust worth $15Million U.S. dollar (5Million DaYang 大洋) with an attorney in1948 and specified who should be the beneficiary person of in his handwriting settler's letter.(香港信托作为例子:我爷爷委托律师用一千五百万美金也就是5百万大洋在1948年时设立了一个信托并在亲笔书写的委托信里制定了谁才是受益人。)

3-2: In order to invest this entrusted $15Million U.S. dollar(5Million DaYang大洋), I heard this attorney later registered a Trust entity with the British Hong Kong government. In 1971, I heard it was this Trust entity had updated its registration record of legal representatives. Cheung Kong Holdings (长江实业), the attorney firm and the accounting firm are the business associations of this Trust entity. This Trust entity has been 100% privately owned by the Hong Kong Trust which was set up in 1948 by my grandfather Fang, Zhiren(方智仁). I am the settler and sole beneficiary person of the Hong Kong Trust since 2004.(为了用这笔一千五百万美金即五百万的大洋来投资,我听说这个律师就向当时的英国香港政府注册了一家金融机构。我听说就是这家金融机构在1971年更改了登记记录增加了一个法人代表。长江实业,律师公司及会计师公司都是这家金融机构的业务往来。这家金融机构是100%由我爷爷1948年设立的香港信托拥有,自2004年7月起,我是这个香港信托的委托人及唯一的受益人。)

----July 29th, 2018




  1. 据说他是军人,虽然没有计划生育,但老婆生的四个都不是他下的种。
  2. 据说中国的价值观就是女人屁股才是天王老子,讲究的就是一分价钱一分货,他下的着种的女人屁股原来是个公共厕所门外的屁股,就只值人民币一元一次。
  3. 别人的女儿都叫千金,他那个女儿抱在怀里是个公厕门外一元。






