
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, July 20, 2018

07-20-2018 方家亲眷的愤怒 “究竟是想送礼还是在演戏?”( The anger of "This is gifting or peforming?")

07-20-2018 方家亲眷的愤怒 “究竟是想送礼还是在演戏?”( The anger of "This is gifting or performing?")

听说了今天早上方家亲眷的愤怒。(Heard about this morning's anger expressed)
我的回应:(My response:)

我不是拖延送礼,拖延是因为我就是拿不到信托已支付的生活费用给付及我全部的智慧产权收入,身无分文无法送礼。香港信托的五亿美金投资本应在2014年底到期,也因2015年我的生活费用给付拿不到及美国纷传的“洗钱传闻”而由香港信托进行了投资延期的处理,听说目前这笔钱已被交给美国司法部。(I did not intend to delay the gifting, the delay was because I can't receive my living expense providing and all my intellectual income, I have been penniless. I heard the $500Million investment from Hong Kong was due by end of 2014, its investment was extended by the Hong Kong Trust entity because of the circled "money laundry" rumor and I can't receive my living expense provided. I heard it is currently in withheld by the U.S. Justice Department.)

目前我已经向美国警方投诉中国政府,洛家和高尔家通过广播剧及其相关活动进行公然讹诈,敲诈,抢劫和绑架活动。我不清楚事件真相如何。(I have filed the complaint to the U.S. law enforcement my accusation that Chinese government, R's families, and Gore's families have used radio program producing and promotion activities to conduct bilking, extortion, robbery, and kidnapping, etc. I do not the truth of what happened.)

我目前听说的是中国政府为了协助一些人的要钱要求,2015年起由中国政府外交部协助组织参与并由中国文化部宣传部及华裔社区进行“方敏不答应给钱就通过广播剧组织活动进行谩骂羞辱并不准方敏花钱”的所谓真人实景的演出活动。(What I heard was in order to assist demanding money, the Chinese government's foreign department facilitated, organized and participated in the performing show activities from the Chinese Culture Department and Propaganda Department and the Chinese communities abroad, the theme of this reality people in reality set performing show has been "Min Fang is not allowed not to hand in the money. Min Fang is not allowed to spend a penny and deserved to be abused is she dare not to hand in the money".)

波士顿华裔在确定知道按照美国法律我会有丰厚广播剧收入的情况下,坚决以他们就是在乎麻州政府现在付出的是麻州纳税人的钱为名吵闹骂砸就是"不准"麻州政府机构向我财务施援也已经被我向麻州政府投诉其可能的非法企图。(Knowing for certain I should have very handsome income from the radio program broadcasting according to the U.S. laws, some Boston Chinese insisted on to watch taxpayer's money on their same equal government employee-colleagues' behave to ensure I am not allowed to be helped by the reaching-out from the government agencies as the determination you heard the day before on the radio. I have filed my complaint to the Massachusetts State government regarding this.)

广播剧收入是在2016年由广播公司支付后被洛克菲勒家的女眷亲友非法提领。目前听说其中大部分的钱也已经在美国司法部。(My income from the radio program broadcasting was paid in 2016 but illegally deposited by several females from the R's family or related. I heard most of the amount has been overseeing by the U.S. Justice Department.)

美国的O家和其他一些人士就我的信托在美国所投资公司的所有权有些困绕是造成由这些公司所支付的我的生活费用给付被拖延的原因。听说我2015年2016年的生活费用给付是否合法已经澄清,其中通过联邦政府支付的部分也已经转入我的私人账户但还没有转入我自己在商业银行的账户,我也已向麻州政府查询我的信托通过麻州及波士顿向我支付的生活费用给付。(American O' families and others have been confused about the ownership of some American companies that my Trust entities have been investing. This delayed the pay-out of my living expenses because of the concern if the paid-out money is legal. I heard both 2015 and 2016 paid-out have been clarified as legal, those transmitted via Federal agency has been transferred to my name but not a commercial bank I have access to yet. I also started my inquiry to Massachusetts and Boston about the paid-out to local government agencies.)

我很理解方家亲眷的愤怒,我也只能说我收到钱就会尽快处理礼物事宜,我相信会很快。我本人目前的处境还是在被由中国政府组织进行的严密跟梢之中。 传言是中国政府坚持那些想要钱的人就必须做我的邻居甚至要求由我付费以免费居住以方便监视我的一言一行,我也已经表态坚决拒绝此类无理要求。估计由美国波士顿房管局华裔协助安排,不清楚这些华裔认识是否有听说美国由民事法庭可以进行财产继承权官司,不知这些所谓华裔优秀人才是否听说过没有法庭申诉依据又无要求司法调查的理由已经说明要钱从来不是这些人的合法权利?我甚至不清楚这些所谓的优秀华裔是否因为看不懂英文版本的美国法律是让他们如此困扰什么才是美国法律所赋予所保障的合法权益的原因。(I can imagine the anger but all I can say is I will take care of the gifting ASAP once I can receive the money. My current situation is I am still being stalked closely by those money-wanters possibly organized by the Chinese government. The rumor is the Chinese government insist on to let those who want some money to be my neighbor to live free and to "provide closed Residential surveillance" over me, I have refused this demand. I assume it is helped by some Chinese employed by the housing authority/ I don't know if these excellent government employees from Boston Chinese community have ever heard of demanding money is never lawful if there is no legal ground to file a civil lawsuit for the ownership of the money nor legal ground to request a criminal investigation if I steal money? I don't know if these so excellent government employees from the Boston Chinese community can read U.S. laws printed in English to know what are the lawful rights granted and protected by the U.S. laws? How can they be so confused what means lawful in the United States just because they were from China?)

还有啊,我听说广播剧已经造成一百多人的智慧产权在当事人不知情的情况下被非法提领是今天早上广播剧播出希望知情者向美国警方投诉的原因。(Also,  I heard radio program has made over 100 in the dark victims of illegal transmitting the intellectual incomes. This is possibly the reason of this morning's broadcasting of "please tip the law enforcement.")

如果你本人或者你的朋友在参加了一个成功的研究项目之后,却没有任何智慧产权收入,也没人知道是什么原因造成。你可以自己或者替你的朋友向美国警方(应该是联邦调查局)陈述你所知道的,只要你说明白你不清楚你所投诉的是否是智慧产权最后评估的结果还是因为非法活动造成,你就不用担心是否会说错话。(If you or your friend had participated a successful project but did not receive any paying-out already intellectual incomes, you can tip the law enforcement about what you. I don't think if this will be an issue as long as you make it clear that you are not certain if the situation is the result of the final evaluation or illegal activities.)

还有, 一些华裔认为就是不明白为什么那是我的钱,我只能说我没有任何责任义务解释也没有需要必须让谁谁明白,我的钱财只要合法就不关任何人的事。(Also, some Chinese kept on saying they do not understand why that is my money. I have to say it is not my obligation nor my responsibility to do the explanation. I don't have such need that I have to let be understood. As long as my money is lawfully my money, it is none of anyone else's business.)

方家后人可以考虑查询司法界人士及律师究竟什么才是方家后人他们自己的合法权益,甚至可以考虑设立或者模拟设立一份信托来了解什么是信托继承。如果是方家后人的法律权益,就应该可以查询到究竟是什么法律权益以及究竟由哪条法律条款所赋予或者所保障,所以请方家亲戚自己查询自己的合法权益究竟是什么之后,以及方家亲眷的合法权益究竟有没有被方敏所侵占之后,方家亲眷自然可以决定如何处理。我方敏确实不愿意被骚扰,我方敏确实没有拿方家亲眷的钱财,我方敏确实没有欠方家亲眷钱财,我方敏希望方家亲眷可以在确定我方敏没有侵占方家亲眷法律权益之后, 在方家亲眷情绪平静愿意尊重我方敏的合法权益之后,如有需要再联络我方敏。(Fang's offspring can consider consulting legal or justice professionals about exactly what their lawful rights & interests are, or to consider to set up a Trust entity or simulate to set up one to know exactly what Trust-Inheriting is. If there are indeed some Fang's offspring's lawful right & interest, then exactly by which law item granted or to protect should be able to be confirmed by legal professional's help, I ask Fang's relatives to please consult all these out themselves and to make their own decisions accordingly afterward. I never took any Fang's offspring's any money, nor owe them any money. I am not comfortable to be harassed. I wish Fang's relatives to decide if they want to contact me after they have confirmed their own lawful right& interests have not been impacted by my inheriting, and comfortable enough as well to respect my lawful rights & interests.)

方家每代都是在父辈去世时分家产,由继承人继承门户,其他后人则自立门户。只要你家是方家血脉,你家前辈就应该在其父辈去世分家自立门户时分到过方家的家产。如果你家从没分过方家的家产,你家从来就不是方家血脉。我爷爷兄妹是在1930年我曾祖父去世时分的家,我父亲兄妹是在1965年我爷爷去世时分的家,我相信我父亲目前是失踪。我于2004年继承我爷爷所设立信托继承我爷爷这支的方家。(Family inheriting in Fang's house happened when each generation's father passed away. If your family are Fang's offspring, your family should already have experienced the family inheriting when your family became an independent house while my grandfather inherited the deceased father's house as the heir. if your family never inherited anything from Fang's house, that is because you are never the Fang's offspring. My grandfather's siblings had family inheriting in 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away, my father's siblings had family inheriting in 1965 when my grandfather passed away. I believe my father currently is missing. I inherited my grandfather's house in 2004 after my Trust-Inheriting.)
