
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

07-25-2018 Why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment

07-25-2018 Why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment

Heard this morning's talk of the "since 2007 marriage".
My response:

I heard this has been no secret in the U.S. entertainment industry since 2007. I heard it was late Mr. David Rockefeller took Mister out of his personal life situation which I 100% have no problem at all, but I don't know if against his wish or as he wishes. I do think late Mr. David Rockefeller would be very great on this matter if it was as that Mister had wished.

I have nothing to do with this Mister has been a true statement.

----July 25th, 2018

Regarding why a radio program can be so all mighty powerful beyond entertainment?
My response:

I heard a majority of China's Central Political Committee's members married to a Chinese entertainment personnel. Tons of practicing power in this radio program producing and promoting that anyone can imagine.

I heard the Rockefeller's name has been the "Rock and Roll" powerhouse in the U.S. business world through this radio program's producing and promoting, and it is all about my matters should be their deservedness to meddle. It has been all about "I said so, Don't I deserve so, What do you mean it is not my privilege..." on the radio about matters that one would not consider their matters or not their privileges or not their deservedness in the United States or by the United States laws.

In Boston of Massachusetts, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh has been rumored the reason of all these on-street and in-reality promoting whatever was announced on the radio except for such "unpleasant" announcements as "Min Fang's  inheriting in 2004 was legally valid" by the U.S. Justice Department, or "Min Fang has money" from the U.S. business, etc., all from the same radio program which he has been supporting.

I have sent two emails to Boston Mayor's office already, one is about my possible intellectual income which had already paid handsome Massachusetts Income tax, taxes were not paid in my name because of some of this radio program's announcements but definitely my earning's taxes. The other one is about my Hong Kong trust entity I inherited which has been announced on the same radio program. I don't know why Boston city has such huge problems to help me with food and cash via its welfare system. In the United States, I don't pay any income tax to a city by the U.S. laws.

Other than myself, who else would be impacted because of all these orchestrated efforts of producing & promoting this radio program as such? Well, there was some rumor that can ask this question the most illustrative.

If a government official in-office who has a personal interest in my inheriting story is willing to give an "administrative order from this person's office" if an administrative order can be given by any public office, and the order is to order police officer to open fire at me on the street to "prevent disappointment from those who want some money".

By the U.S. Constitution, by the U.S. government administrative related laws and by all U.S. federal or state laws, U.S. government official can't give such administrative order as "open fire to a civilian who does not carry firearms". So, what will happen if some police officers willing to carry out such administrative order from a valid public office, and some police officers disagree that can be a valid administrative order at all from any valid public office?

In case not everybody knows how the police system works in the United States, it means the possible complete shootout among police officers which may lead to a nationwide shootout. No police officer can be excluded. On this matter, there is no conflict at all among any Federal laws, state laws or city laws in the entire United States.

If one police officer willing to execute the administrative order to kill a no-firearm-civilian on a U.S. street, another police officer who is enforcing U.S. laws has to open fire at the killer-police, both will call out to their supporting police officers for help, the situation will be, I use Boston as a local street's city to demonstrate here: if all Boston police officers have called in but can't make the situation clear, nearby cities police officers will be called together with Massachusetts state-police officers, further will be Connecticut's and New Hampshire's, etc, till the situation is clear.

As a lot would assume, I will be the one killed anyway in this process but it won't stop the shoot-out till the killer-police willing to be arrested. And I am comfortable I possibly will be able to escape the shooting 100% by my own help miraculously once the shooting started.

So, exactly, what I am trying to illustrate here?

----July 25th, 2018