
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, July 16, 2018

07-16-2018 My great-grandmother Yu was from a traditional polygamist family's sixth wife may be the reason of these Yu-s ridiculousness(我的于姓曾祖母是第六房妻子所出可能是这些于姓人士如此岂有此理的原因)

07-16-2018 My great-grandmother Yu was from a traditional polygamist family's sixth wife may be the reason of these Yu-s' ridiculousness (我的于姓曾祖母是第六房妻子所出可能是这些于姓人士如此岂有此理的原因)

Heard this morning's talk about my housing.(听说了今天早上所谈的我的房子事宜)
My response:(我的回应:)

I truly appreciate this is addressed. I am not certain if this is from the Boston Housing Authority or the law enforcement yet, but I did ask both to help on this matter is a true statement.(我很谢谢终于来处理这个问题了,但我还不太清楚这是波士顿廉租屋管理局还是警方所谈,我是向这两个地方寻求过帮助。)

----July 16th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about my great-grandmother who was a Miss Yu(于) as well. (听说了今天早上谈到我的曾祖母也姓于。)
My response: (我的回应:)

I know my great-grandmother was the second wife to my polygamist great-grandfather and mother of all my great-grandfather's children. My great-grandfather's barren first wife was a fourth cousin to my great-grandmother by rumor. My family has always privileged the mother of the heir as the King Mother because of my family's Imperial family history and birthmark inheriting rule. (我知道我的曾祖母是我一妻多夫曾祖父的第二个妻子,也是我曾祖父所有孩子的母亲。我曾祖父的第一个妻子不生,好像也姓于,是我曾祖母的一个四等亲。因为我们家里的帝王家世背景以及胎记继承规则,我们家里继承人的生母一直都有着母后娘娘的待遇。)

My great-grandmother's father obviously raised her well because she was one of the rare females in her time who received the education. Her biggest proud might be it was her father-in-law, her husband and her first-born son who were acknowledged, by the Republic of China's government, as the three generations' biggest donors from the Fang's house who had supported the majority of the College education fund that Republic of China's Education Department needed to establish colleges to promote college education in China.(很显然我曾祖母的父亲对我曾祖母很好,让我曾祖母念过书成为她那个时代少有的受过教育的女性。我曾祖母最大的骄傲可能就是她的公公,她自己的丈夫,她自己的头胎儿子是中华民国政府所认可的方家三代捐款大户,三代所捐款项是当时中华民国教育部兴办大学推动中国大学教育所需款项的绝大部分。)

I heard my great-grandmother was from the sixth wife of her traditional polygamist father who did not have a birthmark inheriting rule though. When my great-grandmother's marriage was negotiated, her father-side relatives wanted to replace her with some Miss Yu-s from her father's this or that cousin's first wife, but my great-grandfather and her own father both insisted on she would be the bride. This issue had been Yu's families' shared issue after my great-grandparents' marriage when another Miss Yu married my great-grandfather's cousin. As you may be so impressed from what you heard on the radio and what rumored in reality, this is still a huge issue today that my great-grandmother was not born by a first wife from the Yu's family even after every wife in China is a first wife now.(我听说我的曾祖母是她传统一夫多妻父亲的第六房妻子所生,不过他们家可没有什么胎记继承规则。听说当年我的曾祖父母谈婚论嫁时,于家就一直想把我曾祖母给换成她父亲这个那个亲戚的大房老婆所生的孩子,是我的曾祖父及我曾祖母自己的父亲坚持我的曾祖母才是新娘。在我曾祖父母结婚后又有了一个于家的小姐嫁给我曾祖父的堂兄弟,这个陈年老纠结好像就成了于家共同的耿耿于怀。就像你现在在广播剧里以及在现实生活中的传言里所听到的一样,在如今中国所有的老婆都是大房老婆之后,我曾祖母不是于家的大房老婆所生还是所谓于家人最大的鄙视。)

A tip information: I heard it was after 1920 China's polygamist marriage became prostitutes and beggars' marriages only except the first wife's marriage, I heard it was the efforts from the Republic of China's government's media promotion to eliminate polygamist marriages. After 1949, I heard, the People's Republic of China's government had forcefully separated existing polygamist families and encouraged the mothers to have a job for the same purpose. My great-grandmother was born before 1900, my grandfather was born in 1912.(一个小小的信息:我听说是在1920年以后,中国的一夫多妻婚姻的小妾成了娼妓和讨饭的代名词,我听说这是因为中华民国政府利用宣传媒体取缔一夫多妻婚姻的努力。1949年解放以后,我听说中华人民共和国政府是强制分开当时的一妻多夫家庭,并鼓励已经做了母亲的小妾做工就业以实现同样的目的。我的曾祖母是1900年以前出生的,结婚后在1912年生下我的爷爷。)

So, I announce here: (我在这里宣布:)

All my grandmothers were the King Mothers,(我所有的奶奶都是母后娘娘。)

My father was mothered by his father's only wife.(我的父亲是由他父亲即我爷爷的唯一妻子所生。)

I myself is mothered by my father's only wife.(我自己是由我父亲的唯一妻子所生。)

I am the heir to the long-history Fang's house.(我是有着悠久历史的方家的继承人小姐。)

I refuse to privilege any of my great-grandmother's cousins' children.(我拒绝把我曾祖母的娘家于姓亲戚的小孩当成是方家的后人。)

I refuse anyone from Yu's family name to take Fang's house as their own.(我拒绝任何于姓人士把方家的一切当成是他们于家自己的。)

----July 16th, 2018