
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

07-04-2018 Why China and Chinese community are so angry regarding the ownership of a 400 years old British investment in America?(为什么是中国及华裔社区对一家美国营运400年的英国投资所有权争议如此愤怒?)

07-04-2018 Why China and Chinese community are so angry regarding the ownership of a 400 years old British investment in America?(为什么是中国及华裔社区对一家美国营运400年的英国投资所有权争议如此愤怒?)

Heard this morning's anger of "How dare She is talking about the O's confusion company again."(听说今天早上所谈“她居然又在说那O家的困扰公司啦?”)
My response:(我的回应:)

 Of course, I would if I see I need to. I am proud the Trust entity I inherited in 2004 has been this great American company's upstream investor. (我当然会阿,只要我觉得需要只要我想谈。我很骄傲我所继承的信托是这家公司的上游投资机构啊。)

O'Connor's families have been associated with the American Fund company since the first Attorney O'Connor migrated to America from Britain and took the counselor's position offered by this American Fund company over 200 years ago. Ever since then, this first immigrant Attorney O'Connor's offspring have been greatly associated with this American Fund company's business operation for over 200 years which was the reason for O's family confusion regarding the company's ownership.(自从O家的第一代美国移民O‘Connor律师从英国来美国后接受了这家英国在美国的投资公司所提供的公司法律顾问的职务后,这个第一代移民O‘Connor律师的后人从那时起就和这家美国公司的业务经营活动有了超过200年的紧密联系,这是造成O家后人对公司所有权困扰的原因。)

I was confused because I did not know what I inherited is a Trust entity that has been invested in this American Fund company, the O'Connor's confusion about the company's ownership triggered my anxiety which was the reason of my public emotional argument on this American Fund company's ownership. I have never associated with this American Fund company's business operation. (我的困扰是源自我不清楚我所继承的其实是个信托公司,是我所继承的信托公司投资了这个美国基金公司。O家对公司所有权的困扰引发我的惊愕造成了我就这个美国基金公司所有权的所发表的公开及非常情绪化的陈述。我从未参与这家美国基金公司的任何业务活动。

This American Fund company's upstream investor entity, the Trust entity I inherited in 2004, was set up by an ancient grandfather of mine between 1200AD to 1400AD. I am the sole beneficiary person specified in the settler's letter.(这家美国基金公司的上游投资机构,是我一个公元1200-1400年间的祖爷爷为我所设立的信托。我是作为这个信托的设立人在其委托书里指定的唯一受益人在2004年继承了这个信托。)

I heard this morning another Shanghai investment associated with this American Fund company expressed the Shanghai investment could provide for me as well but only upon its investor company's instruction. This American Fund company would instruct Shanghai investment if it receives its Brtish investor company's instruction to provide for me from Shanghai.  I appreciate this understanding. Thanks.(我听说今天早上又有一家上海投资企业表态只要接到其上级投资公司的指示,上海投资企业也会按照其投资公司的要求支付我私人使用所需费用。这家美国基金公司如果接到其上级英国投资公司的指示由上海支付我的私人使用费用,这家美国基金公司是会通知其上海所投资的企业的。非常感谢上海方面对此的理解。)

I have been asking this question since my public emotional argument time in 2015-2016 on Boston's 96.9FM, why Chinese community abroad and the Chinese government are so angry about me stating this American Fund company is an investment.(自2015-2016年我在波士顿的96.9FM广播电台上就这家公司的所有权做公开及非常情绪化的陈述时,我就一直在问这个问题,为什么是华裔社区及中国政府对我方敏就这家美国基金公司所有权所做的陈述如此愤怒?)

This is an over 400 years old American company that has been registered to its British investor company the entire 400 years time include 200 years in the United States' government record, not register under my name nor O'Connor's.(这是一家已经营运400多年的美国公司,在过去400多年里,其工商局的法人登记就一直是其英国投资公司在美国的分公司,其中有两百来年这个公司法人登记的记录是在美国政府的档案库里,既没登记在我名下,也没登记在O'Connor名下。)

I have become a U.S citizen since June of 2015, why it is Chinese community and the Chinese government don't allow me to state my argument? This morning's anger is also from the Chinese community abroad and from the People's Republic of China, what legal grounds do they have to be this angry? Or what their confusion could possibly be on this ownership matter which should be law matter that they got nothing to do with?(我是自2015年6月成为美国公民的,为什么是华裔社区及中国政府不准我就公司的所有权发表我自己的陈述?今天早上的这个愤怒也是来自华裔社区及中华人民共和国的,他们凭什么法律依据可以如此愤怒?这个公司的所有权困扰是个美国的法律问题,又是和他们这些华裔华人一丁点关系都没有的一家公司的所有权问题,他们能有什么困扰让他们如此愤怒?)

This Chinese community's anger only towards this O's confusion American company's ownership, not towards the American "Pejoves" fund, nor other published American Funds as well.(这份来自华裔社区的愤怒就只针对这O家困扰美国基金公司,没有针对美国“Pejoves”基金公司,也不针对其他几个已经公开的美国基金公司。)

Without this Chinese community's ridiculous anger, I wouldn't be so emotional to express the arguments of my confusion publicly on the Boston radio in 2015-2016 time.(没有这份来自华裔社区的愤怒,我2015-2016年在波士顿广播上的陈述也不会情绪那么激动。)

Regarding the rumor of $5Billion rewarding commission of this American Fund company's "ownership successfully transferred", I have to be very honest say this so-called "ownership successfully transferred because of the radio program broadcasting" never happened, as the final clarification you already heard from the British investor company on the same radio program. This American O'Confusion Fund company is still registered as its British Investor's American Investment, as it has been in the past 400 years time. There's no such $5 Billion such commission.(至于那个“酬谢广播剧的播出成功的让公司换了主人的50亿美金的酬谢奖金"传言,我必须非常诚实的说这个所谓的”通过广播剧的一顿故事编造及一番广而告之的播出,就可以轻轻松松不花一分钱就让一家千亿美金的美国大基金公司随便换了个主人"的说法其实是从来就没有发生过的事情,这是听众已经听到的由这家美国基金公司的英国投资公司在同一个广播剧上已经澄清的事实。这家美国基金公司现在也还是合法登记为其英国投资公司的美国分公司,就象过去400年来一样。就不可能会有这么一份50亿美金的所谓奖金。)

----July 4th, 2018