
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

07-05-2018 I am truly really the British East India Company's Financier.(我确实是真真实实的英国东印度公司财经人)

07-05-2018 I am truly really the British East India Company's Financier.(我确实是真真实实的英国东印度公司财经人)

Heard this morning's clarification on the British East India Company Financer(听说了今天早上澄清了谁是英国东印度公司财经人.)
My response:(我的回应:)

I am proud to be the requestor of a French Name which means "Min is so Pretty" for me to be introduced as the French named authentic British East India Company Financier according to the French customary saying. (我要求给我取个法国名字,字面意思就是“方敏真是漂亮啊”,我很骄傲我有需要用这名字来按照法国说法来介绍我自己是个正正宗宗的有着法国名字的英国东印度公司财经人。)

I acknowledge the British Crown Prince's saying "Not pretty at all" is commonly respected by my frankly realistically honest fellow American citizens as "Just not pretty yet".(我承认英国王储所言“一点都不漂亮”确实是广泛的被我坦率实际又诚实的美国同胞们所尊敬为“也就是还没漂亮而已啦”。)

I am willing to be in my most pretty British dresses, carrying my slightly Chinese accented American English, to express my doubts on what is worldwide acknowledged as "Young and Handsome", with the hard evidence from my private collection of the all possible great moments that never-wanted-me the British Crown Prince has not been known to all my social dealings.(我愿意穿着我最美的英国服饰,用我轻微中国口音的美式英语,来表达我是如何的怀疑那全世界都认可的”年轻英俊”,我会向我的社交好友呈现我的私有收藏作为我所表达观点的事实依据,也就是我所能收集到的那个"从来就没要过我的”英国王储那些不为众所周知的所有美妙瞬间留影。)

I promise I will never be a friend to whoever has ever romantically involved with the world-known my heart-theft British.(我保证我永远不和那些曾经被我那举世闻名的偷心英国人爱恋过的人做什么朋友。)

This British East India Company's Financier company ( a French company) has been the investor to the American "O' Confusion Fund" company(英国东印度公司财经人公司(一家法国公司)一直都是美国"O家困扰”基金公司的投资公司)

I am truly really the British East India Company's Financier.(我确实是真真实实的英国东印度公司财经人)

----July 5th, 2018

04-22-2018 没有了你们永远都不意味着失去。

06-26-2018 我方敏从未反对中国共产党,我方敏从未反对中华人民共和国的法制建设

4: 请出示我方敏必须按照中国法律和美国法律必须归还本应由你及你的家人予以继承的财产的事实依据及法律条款依据(中国法律和美国法律)。


7: 请回答为何不上民事诉讼法庭解决所有这些民事法庭上就可以依据法律解决的金钱纠纷?我方敏的态度是一定会追究这种坚决不上民事法庭却通过恶意制造负面社会舆论对我方敏实施敲诈勒索的行为的刑事责任。

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