
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, July 22, 2018

07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children.

07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children.

Heard this morning's talk about so not allowed.
My response:

Pretty much everything is not allowed. "Not allowed to have food", "Not allowed to have a roof", "Not allowed to talk", "not allowed to have children", "Not allowed to have parents still alive" from different over-outreaching groups but well-organized care-free insisted on. Over-outreaching groups mean none of these groups would be the group should have expected any impacted interests if allowed. I accused this is the murder-attempted by all the participants.

I had met some big names interesting but only one from each name. Why this can be so confusing after all these years, 14 years later to be exactly? Are they psychos?

Two example: One is Miss Jessica O's husband who might be a cousin of the person I met but both have the anxiety as if I am the one so confused, or he is the same person but he had already moved on before my birth children were conceived which means he never donated his bio to have my biological children to be born.

The entire time, I have been trying to tell this Miss O if her child was born in the same 2010 as my children, my children won't be the children sharing the blood because O's name is never cheap, she just insisted on she is a cheap-born enough to be so confused. So I used her insisted-on as today's title.

I have made it very clear my daughter presented in a video in 2012 resembles me. If Miss O has been a wife to her husband this entire time, how come she never knew she is this cheap to watch her husband kept having children with others? I was never this cheap to need his money to raise none of his bio children.

So, I really want to ask this Miss O,  have you participated in some too wild parties to be confused this much to mistake every JoyStick a husband to yourself? If you are this cheap as yourself demonstrated so publicly, why you fancy you can forbid me to acknowledge my biological children are so realistic children to deserve to live their life proudly? I am so proud to tell you I am much wealthy than your husband to provide for my biological children.

07-22-2018 Missy O, you are a cheap-born yourself to watch your husband to father other woman's children. Otherwise, you should realize you only have one husband instead of claiming every boy who has a joyful stick a husband.

I am so proud to tell Miss O that I am so much wealthier than your husband to provide much handsomely for my biological children.

The other one is a Mister D. R. who I never met but somehow so confused why I so stuck with him.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with them?

I heard D.R's family had invested some movies and shows I wanted to invest in 2004, but the intellectual income I earned in front of so many people was the expense before the company tax which was nothing to do with him. I heard he is the person kept telling everybody I have no money, why it is him if he was there heard everything I wanted was answered by the none Rockefellers, nor Fords, and nor Waltons, except those investment opportunities his family so willing to grab the chance to invest? Is the Missy O couple the same story?

The intellectual Income has nothing to do with the investment profit that they have already received. The intellectual income is paid as the administrative expenses but calculated as the percentage of the sales which is similar to the salesperson's incentive.

* I can sense there are some Chinese female psychos competing who kept claiming every JoyStick from the F house is the JoyStick for them to handle. I don't know if they are from the prostituting pimping efforts.

----July 22nd, 2018