
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, July 6, 2018

07-06-2018 It is lawful for me to claim I am truly the British East India company's Financier(我宣称我真真实实是英国东印度公司的财经人是合法的)

07-06-2018 It is lawful for me to claim I am truly the British East India company's Financier(我宣称我真真实实是英国东印度公司的财经人是合法的)

Heard this morning's anger from the China and Chinese communities abroad(听说了今天早上中国和海外华裔社区的愤怒表达).
My response:(我的回应:)

I heard this morning's anger outburst is triggered by the verification that I am truly the British East India company's financier, but the anger is not actually about why I am the sole beneficiary person or why me, the anger may be is about the frustration related to a Mr. D. R.(我听说今天早上的愤怒爆发是因为确认了我确实是英国东印度公司的财经人,但这愤怒并不是针对为什么是我或者为什么我是唯一受益人,今天早上的愤怒好像是和一个D.R.先生有关。)

If the frustration is related to a Mr. D. R, well, I have nothing to do with any Mr. D. R is all I can clarify.(如果今天早上的那份倍受挫折的感觉是因一个D.R.先生而起,我就只需要澄清我从未和任何一个D.R.先生有关任何关系。)

If the frustration is about why me, I have to say I have explained all this time that I am the birthmark heir of my upstream line-of-grandfathers is the reason for why me. I am the sole beneficiary person is specified by the Trust entity's settler grandfather in his entrusting letter.(如果这份挫折感是出自为什么是我,我只能说我已经解释到现在了我是我这一支爷爷们的胎记继承人所以是我继承,我是唯一受益人是由信托的委托人爷爷在其设立信托的委托书里指定的。)

It is lawful for me to claim I am truly the British East India company's Financier because the Trust entity I inherited has been its up-stream investor. (我宣称我真真实实是英国东印度公司的财经人是合法的,就因为我所继承的信托一直是其上游投资机构。)

----July 6th, 2018

Heard there is at least one girl in Britain(听说今天早上提到有这么一个女孩).
My response: (我的回应:)

I heard that girl mentioned in this morning's broadcasting is the announced daughter of the current Chinese Premier from a Chinese female diplomat broadcasted in the radio program. I have nothing to do with this girl's both announced parents, I have nothing to do with this girl's biological origin.(我听说今天早上提到的女孩其实是广播剧里所宣布的中国现任总理和一个中国女外交官所育的女儿。我和这个女孩的双亲没有任何关系,我和这个女孩没有任何血缘关系。)

Also, there is saying the girl mentioned this morning resembles me very much, I say this may be the same girl whose video was published in 2012,  I have acknowledged the 2012-published girl and her rumored brother as the most likely my biological daughter & son. I am waiting for the private confirmation from my own entrusting attorneys to be a confirmed happy mother.(还有说今天早上提到的其实是一个和我长得很像的女孩,我说那这个女孩可能就是2012年有发布过录影资料的那一个。我是已经公开认可2012年所公布的女孩及她的兄弟很有可能是我的亲生子女。等到我的信托律师可以有条件就此私下向我确认之后,我就可以做一个经过证实的快乐妈妈了。)

I refuse this girl to be harassed by anyone for any reason. (我拒绝这个女孩被任何人以任何理由而骚扰。)

It is understood only psycho who refuses to acknowledge being a mother does not mean the ownership of all human sperms, nor means the only recipient of all sperms from the same family name.(只要花痴才会拒绝承认一个女人当了妈之后既不意味着这女人就此占尽了天下所有男人的精子,也不意味着这女人是同一个大家族所有精子的唯一受体。)

----July 6th, 2018