
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Saturday, July 7, 2018

07-07-2018 I have inherited Trust entities, and I have intellectual Income (我有继承信托,我也有智慧产权收入)

07-07-2018 I have inherited Trust entities, and I have intellectual Income (我有继承信托,我也有智慧产权收入)

Heard this morning's talk about diplomats' argument(听说了今天早上的外交官争论).
My response:

Well,  as long as my claim that I am the British East Company's Financier is according to laws which are beyond the Constitution itself, the Justice Department will serve the Foreign Department on the argument as the law matter authority.(我的回应:只要我宣称我是英国东印度公司的财经人是根据法律而且是超越了宪法所赋予的言论自由的范围,司法部就会作为法律事物的权威机构而向外交部提供与争论相关的法务服务。)

It is lawful for me to claim I am truly the British East India company's Financier because the Trust entity I inherited has been its up-stream investor. (我宣称我真真实实是英国东印度公司的财经人是合法的,就因为我所继承的信托一直是其上游投资机构。)
----July 6th, 2018

----July 7th, 2018

Heard this morning's agitation from Boston Chinese community(听说了今天早上所提的波士顿中国城的激愤).
My response: (我的回应:)

I heard the agitated is an in-law to the investors of the Boston C-Mart Chinese Supermarket chain (波士顿中国超市连锁). I heard the husband is mothered by a Miss Yu (于)from Shanghai area.(我听说今天早上特别激愤的那个是波士顿中国超市连锁的一个姻亲,听说当丈夫的是由上海地区来的一个于家小姐所生的。)

I take the intention is obviously to cut off my possible financial help from the U.S. Government based on the effort to completely ignore the known fact in Boston Chinese community that this is the same radio program which I world-known for being the major featured person for its over 10 years worldwide broadcasting, also the effort is to completely ignore the fact that the United States is a lawful country which equipped with labor laws as well as intellectual laws that my contributions to this radio program's success as the major featured person should have been protected by the U.S. laws.(我认为这激愤的目的就是要掐断由美国政府提供给我的财务帮助,这是基于完全无视我本人就是这同一部广播剧超过0年全世界热播的女主角的一份尝试,这是基于完全无视美国是个有劳工法和智慧产权法的法治国家会提供保护我对广播剧贡献的一份尝试。)

I take all these Boston Chinese community's ridiculous agitations regarding my welfare level benefits, which are based on this intentionally to be ignorant efforts, are purposed to trash me to promote themselves which I call it a legal situation that may be a hate crime severe.(我认为波士顿华裔社区就我能拿到由美国政府提供的低水平救济福利的这份莫名其妙的激愤,也就是基于有意装无知来愤怒的这份努力,目的就是来踩跺我方敏以拔高他们自己,我是将此归类为有可能是严重到类似仇恨犯罪的法律问题。)

Exactly when I will have my income from the radio company to be realized in my named-ID accessible bank account, I say I am not the authority to have the answer but I know I am helped. My complaint has been under investigation. I won't be concerned to shop in C-Mart as well.(究竟什么时候我才能在我自己能拿到的钱的银行账户里看到我的广播剧收入,我还真不是可以给答案的权威,但我已经被法律所保护,我的投诉也已经被调查。我也不会担心我该如何去波士顿的中国超市买菜。)

----July 7th, 2018

Heard the confusion why I deserve this radio program's major featured person fee (听说了凭什么我拿主要角色费的疑问).
My response: (我的回应:)

This radio program's commercial broadcasting my life experiences stories from myself's own creation is the reason I deserve the major featured person fee.(这个广播剧的商业播出我自己创作的我的人生经历故事是我凭什么该拿广播剧主要角色费的原因。)

The major-featured-person fee and producing fee are both intellectual income. I did not participate in any producing efforts is the reason I share half-half with the producing team. The major featured person's share can be over 75% if participating in producing efforts while the producing team gets 25%.(主要角色费和制作费都是智慧产权收入。我没有参与任何制作努力是我和制作团队对半分的原因。如果参与制作,主要角色费所占比例可高达75%左右而制作团队只拿25%。)

The difference between the radio program's producing team and a fiction writer is the producing team reports my life stories as reality shows while a fiction writer writes own made-up stories based on original using made-up names but not reporting, the original personnel is unidentifiable and fiction stories are commonly understood as not real.(这个广播剧的制作团队和文学小说作家的区别就是,广播剧制作组是报道我的人生真实故事来制作真实剧,而一部小说的作家根据人物事件原型来编造小说人物名字从而进行创作来编造小说故事情节,原型人物在小说中已不可识别,小说故事情节被公众认可为既不是真实人物也不是真实事件报道而是虚拟文学创作。)

The difference between business idea's creator and the make-it-business team is similar to the advertising creative team and the advertising producing team. The creative business idea needs to be approved by the in-interest company, similar to advertising creative team's idea need to be approved by the advertising client, the make-it-business team is similar to the advertising producing team.(生意创意和公司生意执行团队的区别就像是广告创意团队和广告制作团队的区别。生意创意是需要对创意有兴趣企业的批准,就像是广告创意团队的创意是需要广告客户批准的一样,而公司生意执行团队就像广告制作团队一样。)

Be the identifiable truthful person, I have never been willing to be made-up upon or patch up upon fake or unreal stories of my life is the reason I have been constantly calling law enforcement's help on this radio program's sexual harassment efforts and public-harming my name efforts.(作为在现实生活中可辩别可识的真实人物,我从不愿意被人编造及编辑虚假不真实的所谓人生故事是我不停的就广播剧对我实施严重性骚扰并恶意故意破坏我方敏名誉而报警的原因。)

So far, I have been the U.S criminal law's victim of this radio program's illegal transferring out of my intellectual income, the U.S criminal law's victim of this radio program's organized severe sexual harassment since 2015, etc.(到目前为止,按照美国刑法,我是被广播剧非法转出我的智慧产权收入的受害人,从2015年起被广播剧重度性骚扰的受害人,等等。)

---- original published on July 1st of 2018

----July 7th, 2018