
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

07-10-2018 Now searching is narrowed to if and where is the paid-out from the Trust entity I am the sole beneficiary of.(现在寻宝就是在寻我是唯一受益人的信托是否已支付以及钱在哪里。)

07-10-2018 Now searching is narrowed to if and where is the paid-out from the Trust entity I am the sole beneficiary of. (现在"寻宝"就是在寻我是唯一受益人的信托是否已支付以及钱在哪里。)

Heard this morning's talk about Boston government agencies' explanation and frustration (听说了今天早上波士顿政府机关的解释及气愤).
My response:(我的回应:)

Well, I am the British East India Company Financier is never a joke but a statement, I can lawfully state so because a Trust entity I inherited has been its upstream investor.  This historic "title" was the reason for "romantic rumors" associated with the British Royals.(我是英国东印度公司的投资人,这话从来不是一句玩笑而是一份声明。我可以合法这么自称就是因为我所继承的一家信托机构是其上游的一个投资机构。这个已经有点历史的“头衔”是坊间曾有一些英国王室恋爱奇闻的原因。)

I know the frustration is because I complained my civil right got impacted that they were making the quiet presentation of "No such American male's rich heart, no such money." when I inquired about my providing from my own inherited Trust entity that set up for me by my own birth Chinese grandfathers.(我知道了气愤的原因,就是因为我曾向麻州总检察长办公室投诉波士顿的政府机关歧视我目前没有性生活的状态是在侵犯我的基本人权,我投诉我问他们我自己亲生华人爷爷替我设的信托机构所付给我的钱在哪,他们就沉默以对一副“没有了男人的富裕心,就没有了这钱"。)

I am glad to hear that Boston government agencies did not discriminate against my current sexual status as an inactive female. They truly don't know what I was saying because they have not been the office to know the financial arrangement details. I believe this explanation because I had been telling them where to find my big inherited money which has never been their job when my debt size is so no comparison small.(我很高兴听到波士顿政府机关确实没歧视我现在独自一人生活的状态。他们不是专门负责这项委托业务的办公室,不知道有关这份委托的具体情况,所以确实不知道我在说什么。我相信这份解释,我确实是一直在向他们指明去哪找我所继承的大笔钱财来还我所欠的小小债务,替我找钱确实还真不是他们的工作。)

Now, I learned that my inquiries, with some references, should be all about if there are paid-out funds for my living expenses provided in these departments.(现在我学会了,我的询问应该是提供一些线索来查询我的信托机构是否已经支付给他们的部门一些我的生活费用了。)

----July 10th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about the sole beneficiary(听说了今天早上有关唯一受益人的谈论).
My response:(我的回应:)

I am the sole beneficiary specified in the Settler's Letter that is several hundred years old is because I am the expected girl who carries a family birthmark. My family had waited for 2500 years to have such a girl who has the family birthmark finally born. It has been a long waiting for my family to finally have me to be their little girl heir. I am specified as the Birthmark-Palm girl-heir from the Birthmark-Palm boy-heirs' line in the Settler's Letter.(我是唯一受益人是在信托设立人所立的信托委托书里清楚写明的,这份几百年前的委托书里可以在我还未生出就已经明确指定我是唯一受益人就因为我是我们家在等着的有继承胎记的女孩。我们家可是经过了2500年才很不容易的将这个女孩给生出来了。我们家真是等我这个胎记女孩等了很久诶。我在信托设立人的委托书里是被指定为胎记掌纹儿子这支所生的胎记掌纹女儿。)

Regarding some confusion how other offspring know they are not the specified beneficiary person of the Trust entity I inherited. Well, by the factor the Trust entity are several hundred years old, and those offspring are not even over 100 years old yet so that they don't even have a name to be specified in the Settler's letter.(至于有些方家其他后人如何确定他们不是我所继承的信托机构的指定受益人,这么说吧,就只要依据事实,也就是我所继承的信托机构已经有好几百年的存在历史,而他们都还不足百岁的事实,也就是在信托设立时他们都还没生出来这个事实就应该可以确定信托设立人当年所写的委托书里不可能会有他们的名字。)

Since ancient time, each generation all had family-wealth inheriting till my father's generation when my grandfather passed away in 1965. I do not know if any of them also has any Trust entity set up somewhere by their own seniors.(自古开始一直到我爷爷1965年去世时的我父亲这代,我们家每一代都有分家分财产。我完全不知道这些方家后人当中是否还有其他人也有家中老人替谁在什么地方设立过什么信托。)

 My inheriting in 2004 was the Trust-Entities Inheriting, Not the family-wealth inheriting. (我在2004年的继承是继承信托机构,不是继承家族因老人去世分家产所分财产。)

I am the sole beneficiary person is what clearly specified in each Settler's letter of the Trust entities I inherited.(我是唯一受益人是我所继承的所有这些信托机构的信托设立人在委托书里所明确指定的。)

*An Entity is an organization that is equivalent to a company which means a format of a legally valid organization.(一个Entity 就是一个类似于”公司”的机构组织,是一种法律上的有效机构又称法人机构。)

----July 10th, 2018