
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, July 8, 2018

07-08-2018 It seems all about rational expression of cold maliciousness that anyone can hear from this morning's broadcasting.(今天早上播出的好像充斥的全是冷静理性表达的恶意敌意)

07-08-2018 It seems all about rational expression of cold maliciousness that anyone can hear from this morning's broadcasting.(今天早上播出的好像充斥的全是冷静理性表达的恶意敌意) 

Heard this morning's "administrative order" to the social security(听说了今天早上的“管理令”).
My response:(我的回应:)

I do not qualify for the social security help if I am not in the situation of being provided by my own wealth under entrusting via the social security. (如果不是因为我的信托是通过社会福利系统支付我生活费用的,我确实是不符合需要社会福利系统来帮助支付生活费用的标准。)

This is a true statement and this is the reason I have been constantly contacting the government's agencies regarding where is the paid-out providing from my own wealth.(这是事实,这也是我一直在联络各政府机关我的信托已支付款项在哪里的原因。)

Also, I am well-known to all government agencies, worldwide to be accurate, that I am the worldwide famous for being the major featured person of a worldwide popular radio program for over 10 years time. This certain means I am world famously can afford my borrowing of the U.S. social security's paying for my living expenses coverage once the legal situation of the radio program's payment cleared.(再说了,对于全世界的政府机构来说,我可能都是一个非常有名的热播超过10年的广播剧女主角。这当然也让我确定是个世界上都共知的还得起这些钱的人物,即一旦广播剧收入有关的法律状态结束,凭广播剧收入就肯定能还的起我向社会福利系统借用的救济贫穷标准的生活费用给付。)

I just don't know why this Mrs. Jessica R, the giver of this morning's "administrative order", is so agitated about my life? Exactly, what this Mrs. Jessica R could possibly compete about to have this constant agitation against me? To have a bigger name than Mrs. R?(我就是不明白今天早上这个“管理令”的发令人Jessica R夫人,她为什么就是对于我的生活如此激愤?究竟这个Jessica R夫人比着飙着的是什么,就是如此不停的对我找茬?是想要个比R夫人还响亮的名字?

Rumored this is the same Mrs. R who I have been complained about, the one who has been so impressive about her value of being a woman that the motherhood should mean "mothering anyone's sermons from the street" so that any matured woman deserves to do a DNA test with any adult whoever fancying to be mothered.(听说这就是同一个我一直在抱怨其对于女人价值是什么的观点很离谱的R夫人。似乎这个R夫人就是坚定认为一个成年女人要是当了妈就意味着她很有可能是被街上的任何一个给下的种,所以这个R夫人就是坚持强硬要求,只要是一个成年女人,就是应该满足任何一个想要有个妈的成年人做个DNA亲母子亲母女鉴定的要求。)

I refuse to be targeted as a victim of her constant harassment, so this is my response to this Mrs. Jessica R:  A much bigger name than Mrs. R? Who might that be? The rumored infamous A.G. who has the "fame" of matching every prominent male to a leftover female from him? Well, I did hear some rumors about her as broadcasted this morning, a ridiculous rumor indeed, but a perfect match to the ridiculous herself is so true.(我拒绝成为被这个R夫人无休止骚扰的受害者,所以我对这个R夫人说:比R夫人还要响亮的名字?谁啊?那个传说中的臭名昭著的AG,就是那个让名门小子个个都娶个他自己啃过的剩饭菜的那个?确实,我也听说过今天早上播出的那个无稽传言,但这个传言的无稽程度和这个R夫人自己行为的无稽程度倒是挺般配的。)

But I have nothing to do with this A.G. other than being a victim of this A.G.'s possible criminal activities.(但我除了有可能是这个A.G.的一些有可能牵涉到是否已经刑事犯罪的一些行为的受害者之外,真是一点关系都没有啊。)

Oh, I got it, is it because I suppose to be the victim of "the pair" from her fantasy? Is it because I am already the victim of the possible attempted murder by A.G., this Jessica R is attempting to murder to make me the victim of hers as well to pair herself as "the pair of the attempted murders" with a much bigger name than Mrs. R, is that so? I refuse to be a victim of "the pair of the attempted murders".(我明白了,我应该是她幻想中“一对”的受害者?就因为我现在已经是A.G 试图谋杀的受害者,就应该也成为这个R夫人试图谋杀的受害者好让R夫人可以在“一对试图谋杀者”的称呼里可以和比R名字更响亮地A.G.成为一对,是这样么?我拒绝成为这“一对试图谋杀者”的任何意义上的受害人。

----July 8th, 2018

Heard the new definition of a relative from China(听说了今天早上来自中国的亲戚新定义).
My response: (我的回应:)

I am traditional on the definition of what is a relative.(我对于亲戚的理解是遵循传统。)

I heard this morning's new definition is "Give me money to phone me a relative". So, I take it as the advice to save my phone bill.(我听说今天早上对亲戚的新定义是:“拿钱来再打电话给我说是个亲戚”,那我就当这是在让我省点电话费了。)

Also, this morning's saying of "tell me you have money when you have a stack on the table". But that will be the time when I mostly use credit cards or checks instead of cash in order not to hire a cash-footman. I only requested to have some cash to carry around. So, I say to you on this blog that I am lawfully a rich person who is not interested to show you a cash stack in the near or far future.(还有,今天早上所言,“等你能在桌上放上一叠钱之后,再和我说你有钱”。 但那个时候,我是依赖信用卡和支票来减少随身现金,否则就得找个跑腿的天天帮着我拎钱。我就只要求了准备一点现金让我可以随身携带。所以,我就在这个博客上和你说,我的钱都是符合法律的,我现在和今后都不会向你展示一叠叠的现金。)

Another one, A relative deserve to be cashed for the DNA resemblance. My answer is: I refuse to pay for the useless. (再来一个:做亲戚就应该按DNA鉴定结果付现金,我的回答就是:我拒绝花钱买无用。)

To the person who announced the intention to kill: You must be on law enforcement's close watch now.  I refuse to be contacted by your any effort,  I refuse my entire romantic family as well as my parents to be contacted by your any effort. You are not an in-law to me according to the People's Republic of China's marriage laws. You are never a biological relative to my biological children.给那个宣布说杀我是不会犹豫的:你一定已经被执法机关给盯上了。我拒绝你任何企图与我取得联系的努力。我拒绝你任何企图和我的婚恋家庭的任何成员取得任何联系的任何努力。按照中国的婚姻法,你从来就不是我的任何亲戚, 你也从来就不是我亲生孩子的任何血缘亲戚。)

----July 8th, 2018