
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, July 12, 2018


I heard this morning's talk of tax donation to China.(听说了今天早上所谈的向中国捐税之说)
My response:(我的回应:)

I refuse. I refuse to pay to be a victim, I refuse to be a paid victim, I refuse to be a victim. (我拒绝。我拒绝付钱成为受害者,我拒绝收钱成为受害者,我拒绝做一个受害者·。)

I have been the victim of this administration of the Chinese government's abusive usage of its government resources and the government's staff. (我是这一届中国政府滥用公款滥用公务员公权力的受害者。)

This entire radio program since 2015 has been an entertainment “performing arts' show” organized by the Chinese Culture Department, Chinese Foreign Department, Chinese Communication (Propaganda) Department, Chinese Military Entertainment group, and Chinese Central government Political Committee.(从2015年起的广播剧有关活动,都是由中国文化部,中国外交部,中国宣传部,中国军方文艺部门及中国中央政治局所组织的一场大规模的“文艺演出活动”。)

I have been the victim of this Chinese administration's organized blackmails scheme, cheating scheme, and extorting scheme. My life has been threatened by this forceful demanding for money without any legal ground.(我是中国这一届政府所组织的讹诈伎俩,欺诈伎俩及敲诈伎俩的受害者。我自己的人身财产安全都被这种没有任何法律依据的就是要钱的要求而威胁着。)

My inheriting has been birthmark sole-beneficiary person Trust-Inheriting by clearly written wills. There is no legal confusion about the Trust-wealth nor who is the sole beneficiary person. There is no legal ground for anyone to file a civil lawsuit regarding my inheriting nor any privilege to commit any crime.(我的继承是由遗嘱明确指定胎记掌纹唯一受益人的信托继承。既没有关所于信托财产的任何法律上的困扰,也没有关于我是唯一受益人的法律上的困扰。没有任何人可以就我的继承相关的法律困扰而向民事法庭起诉,更没有任何可以因此犯法的特权。)

I refuse to fund or refund these kind activities via its Central Reserve's tax collecting.(我拒绝以向中国政府缴税方式出资资助或者报销这一类活动。)

I refuse. I refuse to pay to be a victim, I refuse to be a paid victim, I refuse to be a victim.(我拒绝。我拒绝付钱成为受害者,我拒绝收钱成为受害者,我拒绝做一个受害者·。)

----July 12th, 2018

About what I heard of this organized performing arts presentations.(我所听说的一些有关这次演出活动的)
My response:(我的回应:)

I heard Chinese actresses and actors groups have been performing worldwide,(我听说中国的男女演员们是在世界各地开展这种演出活动:)

The theme in Italy was: "Fight against illegal organization format, the Family."(在意大利演出的主题是:坚决反对违法组织结构:黑手党家族。)

The theme in the U.K. has been: "Show you the difference between the Continentals and the Islanders".(在英国演出的主题:“让你们见识一下泱泱大国气势和小小岛国娟秀之间的区别”。)

The theme in the U.S. has been: "If you know any English, you know the U.S. has really awful laws."(在美国演出的主题:“你要是会英语,你就知道美国法律根本就是拿你一点办法都没有。”)

----July 12th, 2018

Heard this morning's attorney(有关今天早上的律师).
My response: (我的回应:)

I don't know if he wants to be my attorney or he has been hired by my entrusting attorneys.(我不知道他是想做我的律师,还是已经被我的信托律师所雇佣的。)

In another word, I am currently not his client yet, and I don't know if my entrusting attorneys are his client, so I don't know who is his client.(换句话说就是,我目前肯定没有雇佣他,我不知道我的信托律师有没有雇佣他,所以我不知道是谁雇佣他的。)

----July 12th, 2018