
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

07-18-2018 My father and I never heard of the $10,000 per month providing before this April of 2018.(我和我父亲在2018年4月前就从未听说过这每月一万美金的给付。)

07-18-2018 My father and I never heard of the $10,000 per month providing before this April of 2018.(我和我父亲在2018年4月前就从未听说过这每月一万美金的给付。)

Heard there is confusion about how would I don't care $10,000 per month for 29 years as I expressed on this blog if that is my living expenses paid-out.(t听说了疑问:“如果是我的钱,我怎么会不在乎每月1万美金被人给拿走了29年?”)
My response:(我的回应:)

I heard this was based on the impressed assumption that my parents and I all were willing let others take the money totaled about $3.5Million for over 29 years time when I was in China.
This assumption is an untrue statement.

The real reason was I never heard of this $10,000 until a couple of weeks before the public audience since April of 2018. I heard recently that my father was asked if he needed some money but he understood that was the charity help to the Private Assistant's own money. My parents and I had lived in Nanjing which was 4-6 hours train time from Shanghai where the money was sent and went disappeared, so we never heard of this monthly living expenses providing.

Remembered the fight for a dress between my father and mother of the "firstborn daughter", and the "Beijing ex-romance", I heard the "Beijing ex-romance" had received 100 per month possibly was the reason of the dress-fight which pissed-off my father who had no clue why he was not allowed to use his own salary money to buy a dress for his own daughter.

The piss me off talks about the "real true love" about how my mother and I were never loved by my father was because of the understanding that my father seems "refused" to let his marriage family have any money other than his shabby salary.

My blog truthfully reflects how I feel when I heard of this $10,000 per month almost at the same time with the public audience since April of 2018. I heard this is the American company invested by an 1100 years old Trust entity that I inherited without any clue in 2004, this is the American company paid-out $400Million medical and $400Million living expenses in October of 2016 according to the instruction. This American Fund company is a Ford Holding's investor.

None of my father's sibling was born before 1930 when my great-grandfather passed away so that none of them had a name given by my grandfather yet. The Trust entity set up by my grandfather was in 1948 and he passed away in 1965. My grandfather never updated his settler's letter.

I refuse my money to be paid out against my with from this company, and I refuse to give out any of my shares of investment in this company.

I refuse any Extortion-alike "you just have to give the money" demand to be forwarded by any company or any individual.

This American Fund company is 100% privately legally owned by its British Investor Fund company.

I heard "We don‘t have to be your money" was said by some investments of this American fund company, so I am asking is this saying means the person's own intention to illegally own this money this person self if this person implying don't have to charity this money to me?

----July 18th, 2018