
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 30, 2017

09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)

09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)

Heard the voice why I "disabled comment functions on their social media channels"?
My response: The contact information is more useful for confrontation purpose in a country has lawful Freedom of Speech", no reason to hide under anonymous in comment. Why not try email address at the blog title area. This is not a political campaign blog, no reason to open comment to let to some express their hatred only comments.

----Sept 30th, 2017

Heard this morning's doubt about medical education or BMS education.
My response: BMS stands for Basic Medical System (基础医学教育).

As this morning's Healthcare Administrative personnel said, a pharmacology major graduated has a resume with BMS listed should means certain years education in medicine.This is a true statement.

That precisely the reason a Medical College graduated recruiter would first check if this pharmacology major is provided by a Medical College that capable to provide BMS education.

If indeed this pharmacology major graduated was from a Medical College pharmacology, then the medical college graduated would ask for references about how BMS education was provided.

My reference about BMS:

"To everyone who graduated from Psychiatry course, We are all good mentally healthy because We all passed our Professionally Expertise Professors of Psychiatry's intense stare for the entire semester."

Pharmacology graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (name also used: Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai First Medical College).

Three years same professors, same textbooks, same lab facilities with Medicine major till Internal Medicine and Psychiatry. Radio program broadcasted several years ago that I was drawing somthing in a final exam, that drawing was one of the human brain's 7-slides from Neurotomy as part of Psychiatry course.

Cleared remembered:  Internal Medicine and Psychology, same classroom education. 100 medicine major (3rd year or 4th year) , 50 pharmacology major (5th year, senior year). Different shifts of clinical classes for both courses).

----Sept 30th, 2017

Why this morning's person saying this is a scandal to claim I have BMS education.
My speculation: This person was introduced as "Healthcare Person In Administration" on the radio program.

According to the rule of word-by-word-according-to-dictionary.
Healthcare Industry: can not be assumed it means hospital, clinics, medical college related.
By definition, Healthcare Industry includes: Health Insurance, Drug store, Pharmaceutical, and clinics or hospitals.

Administration can not be assumed means Administrative management.
By definition, Administration includes: Billing, Admission, Administrative employee, etc.

Healthcare Industry Administration: may only mean a billing personnel with a high school diploma who is an employee in a tiny drug store.

Not a medical college graduated may be the reason that this person does not know how to identify if I have any BMS education but to state it is a scandal for me to claim so.

----Sept 30th, 2017

Some remarks from this morning's broadcasting.
Why a medical college diploma can be doubted by a non-medical college graduated?
My response: Because that person was invited to doubt on a public radio just by not being medical college graduated.

Who can possibly invite someone who is not even medical college graduated to evaluate medical education?
My response: By those who agree in their private personal opinion but willing to practice using their job entitled power to state, that it is important to acknowledge "Privileged Pee-d Into" deserve to be respected in a public microphone room for "privileged pee into capable function", not just a private enclosed room.

What else could possibly the reason those people can be privileged to have a public channel's air time?

----Sept 30th, 2017