
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)

09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)

Heard this morning's featured Chinese ancient poet Bai, Juyi's poem is the true record about the storied family.(中文附后)
My response: I agree.

The full poem is not about how glory and proud to have a beauty, or being a beauty, married into a big family to a prominent husband, but a cherish to have a beauty daughter or a beauty wife as a family member.  The poem is about a family that has a beautiful wife had this story.

To me, as the heir child from this storied couple, the story let me feel that tone of having this daughter would be so good, having this daughter would be so satisfying to the family, having this girl would be so thrilling, not because of the chance to attach to a big family but having this girl.

This understanding brought tears into my eyes, I knew I am cherished even before I was born.

This is the poem, like last piece of puzzle, answered my curiosity about my Empress grandmother's (武则天) stories in history. Those stories about how she so longing for a man to be in her Imperial court as her mate, to be in her bed chamber over night, to be on her bed with her every night and to be in her body whenever she desired. All these stories left her notorious name of being slutty.

My curiosity was how this was fully supported by her only child who is her husband's heir son, and this child's Imperial court's entire administration. The poem's storied couple were her only child's heir son with the mother of the next generation heir.

In this poem, this heir grandson's poet friend,(白居易) truthfully recorded how the family had fought to enable me to have an Imperial marriage as a female I born into, to enable me to be a happily married wife as a female to my own man, to enable me to have a dear family as a female to mother my own children, because I am the heir girl they all so cherished.

I am grateful to Bai, Juyi forever.

----Sept 27th, 2017

Some said I do not even look pretty, why I was introduced pretty.
My response: I was pretty and I am on my way back to healthy who I am to be what I old self including my appearance.

I was introduced as a beauty in 1989's tele-conference meeting. It was a known joke then already to a lot of meeting participants having video images accessibility.

I was in my simple white shirt, simple student pony tails, my simple rough student's skin tone and etc. And plus I resemble my ancient Emperor grandfather Li, Shimin, almost to the exact in that dorm at broad day light, just not that manly. I was the "introduced beauty" did not look so pretty at all no matter how those participants try to imagine.

There was some situation in that meeting no one can deny there may be some super nature mysterious. I knew nothing about my family history because my father knew nothing. My father knew that one of our grandmother was a beauty who went to a religious retreat place for three years before she married to our ancient grandfather. He never told me this but this was the piece I reacted when I was telling my family story in the meeting. I did not know if I heard of or read this story some where, but I was telling the story fluently. The conference was Chinese nation wide colleges conference meeting and story I was telling excited a lot of historian professors. The story matched an ancient book that was discovered in an ancient tomb 10 years before the meeting in 1989. The book was never published to public and the story I told explained what that book recorded was about. My family and I never had any access to that book was a true statement easily verified.

My own understanding of me being a "introduced beauty" is: that was out of my grandfathers proud to have me, especially the poem's recorded grandfather who knew I am secretly, when lights is right, after his beauty wife to the exact. I am the only girl who carry my grandfathers' birthmark in 2500 years time. Ya, I am a beauty in their eyes even I am in my current appearance.

----Sept 27th, 2017

Heard this morning also featured mimic talents that so alarmingly resemble the mimicking source person.
My response: I heard this morning featured was mimicked by a talented female.

I also heard rumors that David Petraeus often call my school to say he has nothing to do with me.

I am an online MBA student to a college across U.S continent, east coast resident online student of a west coast college, and I am on student loan that is not associated with his name at all. I do not think he has any reason to do so and I do not know if that is somebody mimicking.

----Sept 27th, 2017



我作为诗中这一对夫妻的继承人,这故事让我感受到的是这么一种情怀: 有这么一个女儿就真是很好,有这么一个女儿就是这个家庭的圆满,能有这个女儿就太开心了,不是因为有这个女儿将来可以嫁入豪门,而是因为有了这个女儿可以承欢漆下。


这首诗,就像解开一个迷团的最后线索,让我明白了我的武则天奶奶的那些历史故事。那些有关武则天是如何向往有一个男人可以在她自己的宫廷里以她男人的身份出现,可以在她自己的寝宫里过夜,可以在她自己的床上每夜留恋, 可以在她需要的时候随时和她行房。就是这些故事让我奶奶武则天成了历史上有名的淫荡女子。

我的不解好奇就是为什么她能得到她自己独生孩子,也就是她丈夫继承人儿子的全力支持, 也得到她儿子的宫廷全体官员的全力支持。这首诗里的夫妻就是武则天独生孩子的继承人儿子及下一代继承人的母亲。






我当时是穿着一件简单的白衬衫,学生打扮随便帮了一根牛皮筋的低低的独辫子,学生气息不加修饰的皮肤质地。这些再加上大白天的日光下,我的长相是和我爷爷唐太宗李世民一摸一样的,就只是没有男人的气势而已。这些人看着我这个“被价绍的美女”, 就是无论如何无法想象我是怎么个美丽极了。


