
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, September 9, 2017

09-09-2017 Obviously All-Out Radio Program(很明显的所有家当都用上了的广播剧)

09-09-2017 Obviously All-Out Radio Program(很明显的所有家当都用上了的广播剧)

Heard this morning's broadcasting impressed audience that I do not have anything in a big name company since its registered as a company(中文附后).
My response: Who is the announcer? Who authorized who to do this "correction effort" on whose behave? Is this a lawful public announcement?

From what was featured yesterday, according to the style that anything should not be believed out of expectation of anyone's credibility as decent names supposed stands for without further clarifications of all details, these are the questions can not be assumed as if you know who was doing the talk when you are not in front of the talker face to face, even this "real authority is announcing" style is on a public channel radio.

(What was featured yesterday:
Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition. ----published on Sept 8th, 2017)

According to what was featured yesterday, these are the questions can not be assumed as if you know who was doing the talk when you are not in front of the talker face to face. A lot of announcements style conversations of this radio program are in this same questionable situations including those "clarification on if I have any Children with any of those clarification announcers who I never even met in person."
I am the investor through both announced the 500 years old French Fund and the 400 years old French Fund.

----Sept 9th, 2017

Heard public was so impressed how Tina O'Connor can have this authority influence on the him.
My response: She is an English Literature person and she may be helped by some actress or actors expertise on Shakespeare's to know how to belittle a person by just a couple of words expressed with the impressive tone and the impressive gesture to achieve the belittle impression that he is just a know-nothing junior that everyone should ignore whatever he says but listen to her corrections regarding his nonsense. If I haven't mention, I heard there are (if not were) a group of Shakespeare's specialized actresses and actors helping out radio program producing since November of 2015.

This can be further helped by using sound waves modifying technology to edit his original voice's data to impress audience the intended results. For example, through a 3-D sound waves editor computer software, a person's voice waves can be flattened in the third dimension to make the voice sound thinner as a front voice( similar to the difference between popular song or opera song), to flat or exemplify the 2nd dimension to high pitch or lower the tone of the voice, a timid voice can be produced from original polite only voice if adjusting all these waves' dimensions professionally,

If you have ever been a computer programmer, you know this is nothing at all effort from technology. This doe not even include those politic tricks that you have already heard from radio program broadcasting, like campaign accusation to blacken techniques, or endless nonsense talks to limit other party's argument time technique, etc., and all those various efforts I already have experienced or I have heard from those voluntarily participating radio program's promotion efforts in their own jobs.

----Sept 9th, 2017

Heard the effort now is "Do not Let me hear what featured on the radio today." 
My response: Well, My own attorneys' will help me if there is anything I need to know about. My treatment has been progress very well that I may soon unable to hear from my glass house cancer.
----Sept 9th, 2017


从昨天广播剧所呈现的,按照不应该以为这世上会有什么正正经经会说实话会负责任的人的原则,及没有进一步核实每一个说提到的细节就不应该轻易相信任何人的任何言论,即使这人应该是个有信誉名人也如此的原则,当你不是面对面和说这些话的人在一起的时候,就算这种“真正的权威在声明”的方式是在通过公共广播频道进行, 以上的这几个问题都是你不可以自己想当然地认为你自己已经知道的。





听说了公众对于Tina O'Connor对于那个男的能有这样权威的影响力印象非常深刻。
我的回应:这女的是大学英语文学专业毕业的,女的还有一堆专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在帮她的忙,他们这一群人很知道该如何就只用几个英语单词加上生动的语音语调及配合的身体语言来表达“男的就只是个小字辈,别听这男的胡言乱语,就只听那女的对男的所言进行的纠正就得” 这么一个效果。如果我还没有在我的博文中提及,我现在说明我是听说了从2015年11月起(不知是否现在还在),就有一组专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在协助广播剧的制作。


你要是曾经做过电脑程序员,你就知道要从科学技术上达到这点根本就是小菜一碟。这还不包括你已经从广播剧所播出内容听到的会政治的一些人所用的竞选抹黑技巧,霸者话筒不放随便乱说以占据辩论时间技巧等等, 还有我听说的及我亲身遭遇的由各行各业那些自愿参与广播剧推广活动的人员在各行各业的工作中所做的各种努力,等等,等等。

