
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, September 17, 2017

09-17-2017 Some scary break-marriage rumors and Clarification on O'Connors confusions(一些很恐怖的破坏婚姻的传言及对于OConnor家困扰的澄清)

09-17-2017 Some scary break-marriage rumors and Clarification on O'Connors confusions(一些很恐怖的破坏婚姻的传言及对于OConnor家困扰的澄清)

Heard this morning’s message “Stay Calm”(中文附后).
My response: I will stay calm.
----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard some similar horrible rumors about how to break marriage.
My elaboration:

Rumored true background situation:
Wealthy protective husband shares an heir adult married child and marriage to a naïve wife.
A person who works for the husband’s business and in a situation familiar with the wife.

Rumored true account of what happened:
                This person walked to the wife and told the wife that husband expressed the determination to move her out of his residence immediately, and accommodation had already been made. The husband refused to talk to her but left a message “Don’t do this” and expressed he never wanted to see her again. The wife left the house in tears.

                This same person approached to the husband and told the husband that the wife insisted on moving out of his residence immediately, refused to talk to him or leave a message and expressed never want to see him again. The husband came to their familiar home quietly heartbroken.

                In the same night, another female, who never had any romance with the husband but very familiar with the husband in social events, moved into this house by the same person’s arrangement and started to run this house as the housewife.

                The shared married adult child kept comforting both parents with no clue what happened.

----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard this morning also broadcasted a message that I have marriage anxiety.
My response: My current anxiety obviously not caused by marriage, but obviously caused by me being threated of being devoided from who I am including being a mother.  

I cannot even say if I have a marriage because of those announcements, legal or illegal, on the radio expressed nobody intended to only father my children to respect if there is a marriage I want. While at the same time tons of illegal announcements from Radio program to associate me romantically with this or that disgusting males who I never wanted or I never even met or who I never even heard of.

I will stay calm despite all these “Low of the lowest” performances from these “LOW of the LOWEST Disgusting”.

If there is any anxiety reaction from me, it is not from anxiety regarding marriage life. The anxiety is purely from being attacked by illegal and criminal activities.
----Sept 17th, 2017

Heard this morning’s broadcasting of radio company s similar scary rumors in work places.
My elaboration: More rumored information on what happened in the radio company.

Rumored true radio company’s background in the incident:
                A new CEO had been in office for several months, the company’s office building, a human resource staff, and a complete outsider to the company.

Rumored true accountant of what happened:
                One day, the one who is the outsider to the company, accompanied by the human resource staff (the manager in this case who possibly heard rumors about board of directors), walked to several senior managers offices and told each one to leave the company immediately with no further message.

                Everyone packed their own belongings and left the company. No one ever doubted if this is an CEO authorized lay off with CEO’s valid signature.

Rumored scarier story in another company:
                Similar, but one of the person laid off is the human resource staff’s own manager.

----Sept 17th, 2017

More about my inheritance Fund which had caused O’Connors confusion.
My elaboration: The Fund’s massive laid off in 2014 and 2015 were illegal if rumors are true. Rumored both were done by O’Connors decision.

Historical background of O’Connors to this Fund.
First O’Connor, a Mr. O’Connor, ever that have been associated with this Fund was employed by this Fund as an attorney worked for its, Legal Department 200 years ago, not sure hired as an employee or as a contractor.

The son of this O’Connor was the first Senator O’Connor. After this son Mr. O’Connor left the Fund to be the Senator O’Connor, the Fund’s legal department has not been led by any O’Connor. The Fund’s CEO has never been an O’Connor.

Historical background of O’Connors’ agreed-upon-providing.
The agreed-upon-providing was reached after first Senator O’Connor was elected. The amount did grow when there were some contributions, like the rail road contractors, from several generation Senator O’Connors.

Those contributions were not considered interested conflicts political-wise to several generation Senator O’Connors because competitors in each case were from the same investor. All were considered between-Funds competition but not associate with interest conflicts regarding Senator O’Connors.

Those contributions do cause some confusion on business incentive perspective. Generally, business incentive is calculated and paid off one time only but O’Connors negotiated to add extra into agreed-upon-providing yearly after that one-time paid off business incentive. This is the reason of agreed-upon-providing increasing. The Fund’s overseeing party agreed the negotiation to maintain the agreed-upon-providing as its original agreed size equivalent over the years.

Current confusion about this agreed-upon-providing and O’Connors families regarding this Fund.
This Agreed-upon-providing that has been paid once a year in one installment by only one check from the Fund. The check had been entitled to only one bank account that was agreed upon. The O’Connors, upon receiving this check entitled providing, further split this received between them.
O’Connors had been overseeing the Fund as an honorable role ever since the first two generation Attorney O’Connors left the Fund.

O’Connors cannot layoff/fire the CEO of the Fund, O’Connors cannot layoff /fire anyone in Fund’s legal department or any other department.

No O’Connors has ever been privileged to be authorized to layoff/fire the Fund’s CEO.
Ever since first Senator O’Connor took office, No O’Connor can layoff/fire anyone in Fund’s any department as Fund’s General Counselor or representing senior management.

Any layoff/fire from O’Connors’ decision, individually or together, cannot be considered legally effective decision. This should include rumored 2014 and 2015 massive layoffs done by Tina O’Connor.

The Fund, an American Fund, has been supervised by its British Parent Fund.
Attorney Charles Ford is not legally authorized to oversee the Fund.

 Attorney Charles Ford, rumored Attorney O’Connor’s replacement of overseeing the Fund, is not recruited by the Fund or its parent British Fund. The payment to this Attorney Charles Ford has been part of the Attorney O’Connor’s agreed-upon-providing that should have been stopped already.

----Sept 17th, 2017



















