
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Monday, September 4, 2017

09-04-2017 Possible reasons why I am a target (我成为标靶的可能原因)

09-04-2017 Possible reasons why I am a target (我成为标靶的可能原因)

Heard this morning's anger "why would I give you my money".
My response: Exactly my point on why would I let you have any of my own birth grandfathers' entrusts I inherited by wills just because your grandfathers had been paid to look after?.
My own birth grandfathers, who set up those entrusts, all had been Chinese for me to be born a pure blood Chinese female, no confusion at all who did not father you.
Now it is publicly acknowledged of this mutual understanding that my inheritances are my money I inherited from my own birth grandfathers', it is so publicly acknowledged now it is nothing wrong that I am not willing to give out.
----Sept 4th, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned Chinese females longing to be a mother with pregnancy mother's help. (中文附后)
My response: Being a happy and proud mother, I really want to share some of my thoughts on this.

The visa issue is because by a lot of countries immigration laws,  local born child is a citizen regardless of parents' nationality. This may cause the visa issue if the immigration policies do no encourage this kind immigration. One way to try around this is to find if there is some way to have the child be born in China, or by local laws not a citizen by birth, or the parents would choose to let the child be the citizen to parents' nationality country instead of local's.

I heard Chinese DNA test only do father side and accuracy is about 97%. The issue with this is mother side DNA test is critical for a female to know if a child from another woman's belly is her blood. And 99% accuracy is necessary for both intended parents to know if the child is not a cousin's child but their own. In U.S, before the medically helped conceive of fertilized egg, a DNA test for both intended parents would be performed to ensure about-to-be-conceived child is from intended mother and intended father. And another DNA test would be performed to verify if the child born is indeed the child from intended mother and intended father. This is how I have my children that I know for sure who carry my blood.

Beyond this technique issue, there would be concerns about if local laws can protect intended parents from all these possible DNA tricks to have a child of their own blood instead of a child born for them.

Everyone heard my issues with Chinese government over the radio program, about why this or that person's own child from this or that person's own woman can not be provided by my money, certainly would agree with me that People's Republic of China is not ready yet in a lot of way to help Chinese women to have children through pregnancy mothers.

**Heard some countries do not acknowledge a child born on board of a ship on an common sea area should be considered to have ship's flag's citizenship, which means the child has to follow its parents' nationality.

-----September 4th, 2017

Heard another conversation featured today triggered the question why my children are the constant targets being insulted like this.
My response: No.1 reason, I am not with them to protect them from all these as a mother.
No 2. I am an publicly known person who has glass house cancer, the cancer is what one to three hours treatment referring to this morning.

Glass house cancer is a bio-medical situation that make me have no privacy about what I see, what I hear, or what I think. I am also a known person who made a lot of income called intellectual income. This glass house cancer bio-medical situation made me, through the help of this radio program,  a public known "no-value any more" person.

In July 1st of 2004 meeting, I was voluntarily to have this glass house cancer on me to help treatment on this cancer. I was very confident about this because this was bio-medical-ed on human body by laser powered delicate research instrument. Being an engineer, I was very confident on this cancer could be completely treated by same research instrument with higher laser power to burn-remove it all, I described my confidence on this as "same way in, same way out" in 2004.

My treatment since Christmas in 2014 was started off like so, now the treatment technology has improved a lot by replacing delicate research instrument with "almighty" powered treatment instrument to achieve fast burn-removal. The effort is on-going to provide better and fast treatment on this glass house cancer. And treatment result is complete cure biologically which means complete removal with completely no 'bio-mediocal-ed" alien items left on a biological human's body, which totally means I would be a private person with my thoughts can be kept private to myself, my biological visions can be kept private to myself, my biological hearing can be kept private to myself,  and laws can help me to keep myself save from non-stop harassment and more.

If you have experienced similar anger in your own life that you can not identify what is the cause, you may contact Blue Cross insurance. "Brain Control" is the official name of glass house cancer, $5000/month plan open to all U.S citizen, $6000/month plan open to veteran or military associated, like contractors. Both are one treatment session (about 40-50 minutes) per month plan.

If you are indeed intend to contact Blue Cross, you can ask if you can start with "critical treatment package" arranged in one day, and go on further treatment a couple of month later. "Critical treatment package" offers 1/4-1/3 of total's fast removal just in several session hours time. You can also ask if you can have "scalpel or electroautery surgery treatment sessions".

If you are not U.S citizen, you can ask a veteran to make a call to help you to have critical package treatment.

For more information,  please see referenceI am asked if glass house caner treatment has been offered to public.

----September 4th, 2017













如果你在你自己的生活里有一些类似的经历,整天被人气到够呛,就是弄不清原因所在,如果需要,你可以打听一下Blue Cross 保险公司的保险。“脑控癌”是玻璃房子癌的正式名称,每月5000美金的保险对美国公民开放,每月6000美金的保险对部队的关系户开放,像合同商等等。两种保险都是每月治疗一次月40-50分钟。

如果你确实想接触一下Blue Cross,你可以问一下你是否先开始在一天内做完”核心治疗套组“, 过几个月在开始后续治疗。”核心治疗套组“提供全身总量的1/4-1/3可以在几个治疗时间内迅速清楚。你也可以问一下是不是可以要求”电子手术刀的手术治疗时间"。


