
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

09-19-2017 I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"

09-19-2017  I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"

Heard this morning's broadcasting with so many people announced "nothing do with you" on the radio program, why you still say this is your radio program.
My response: Why these people can be invited to this radio program knowing they have nothing to do with the major featured the person of this radio program?

This radio program was created in 2004 by my idea of telling my life story with my audio materials selected from my security tape.

This radio program has been featuring my life true stories since it went on air in 2005.

This radio program is my radio program as long as it is broadcasting.

There were some situations cause disturbance of this radio program's producing which prompt me kept calling law enforcement's help. But illegal activities can not change that fact I have been the major person ever since this radio program was in discussion on July 1st of 2004.

I have been being the major featured person has been the reason audiences have understood all those featured horrible stories were all part of my life stories. This has been the major reason I kept calling law enforcement's help.

I have expressed myself to authority that either this radio program is mine or shutdown. I also expressed myself that this radio program can only shut down after my name honor restored. This may caused all these non-sense stories kept being featured for the purpose "just to extend shit me hours". But if you listen, you do hear a lot of real problem being probed by this radio program. Ya, now you know I have been being honest when I say I am protected by laws.

----Sept 19th, 2017

Heard this was mentioned as similar situation of my inheritance.
My response: That is indeed true statement.

One good example is the fund cause O'Connors' confusion. This is the fund over $300 Billion in size currently without exaggerating. This fund was a small fund before its famous rail road case in early 1900 time but continuously growing since the rail road case.

The outline of why this American Fund is my inheritance:

My grandfather entrusted some money about 600-800 years ago.
This entrusted money setup a British Fund.
This British Fund setup this American Fund about 400 years ago.
British investments in America since its colony time have been acknowledged Lawful investments when America became United States.
This British Fund has been the registered parent fund that 100% owns this American Fund ever since this American Fund was setup.
This American Fund was never no-owner.

This American Fund, about 200 years ago,  had hired an Attorney O'Connor, whose son was the proud first Senator O'Connor, to be this American Fund's representing attorney or its general counselor.
This first Senator O'Connor wrote a letter to eligible himself to run for Senator post.
This is the letter confused O'Connors ever since.

I inherited this British Fund together with all of its owned Child Funds on June 30th, 2004.

Outline of confusions about this fund:

There has been a British Law since 1900 or so that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner.
  ---I expressed a couple of days' ago this does not mean this British Fund has to be a no-owner fund just like a missing person announced dead but still alive cannot be executed death according to missing person law.

There had been rumors that this British Fund had declared no-owner in 1901 or so.
 ----I am stating now that this British fund must have been lawfully owned by a parent fund that I inherited on June 30th, 2004 because I did inherited it on June 30th, 2004.

There had been rumors that this American Fund had declared independence around 1900 time.
 ----I just explained that this fund has been acknowledged lawfully owned Child Fund of its British parent Fund, as part of all British Investments acknowledged lawful investments in United States.

----Sept 19th, 2017

Tina O'Connor stated she own this American Fund by facts.
My response: This is a longer story how this happened.

Rumored there was a crazy incidence in 2014 or 2015 that resulted this American Fund's CEO was thrown out onto the street and not allowed to go back to his office. This incidence was followed by this American Fund has a new CEO in a week time and massively laid off staffs.

Rumored crazy incidence was: There were over 100 people in police uniforms swarmed into the this American Fund's office building. There were some patrol cars and hand-cuffs.

Obviously this American Fund's CEO and majority of its staff had no idea what was happening caused a lot of confusion. Rumored there were handcuffs in use to put situation under control.

Rumored some Chinese government officials were presented downstairs in lobby area during the incidence.

O'Connors declared ownership of this American Fund by facts since this CEO thrown-out event.

Rumored there was no 911 call had made on that day regarding this American Fund. Rumored both taking over party as well as CEO's Fund's staff party had called police. Rumored the staff answered CEO's request to call police had called a given local number, not 911.

Rumored some not-local police officers were there to help out shooting a movie. Heard incidence presented police uniforms include all kinds styles since 1960 times' police uniforms.

This American Fund's CEO threw out by any O'Connor is illegal and invalid.
O'Connors DO NOT OWN this American Fund.

There had been only two Mr. O'Connors were General Counselor of this American Fund's Legal Department in this American Fund's history.

There has never an O'Connor being a CEO of this American Fund. This American Fund has been 100% owned by its British parent Fund entire time since this American Fund registered.

I did tipped FBI these rumors I heard.

----Sept 19th, 2017

To make this CEO feel a little better:

Rumored CEO of this American Fund's British Brother Fund had similar experience in 2010 time.

Rumored the attorney who was presented in my inheriting meeting in 2004 had similar experience in 2015 time. (Rumored there was over 100 security-like people swarmed into the office building he worked for caused him threw out onto the street by a technology O'Connor's disliking him.)

I was grabbed and threw out of a Chinese super market in Boston(波士顿平价超市) by the store's security when I was trying to complain to a manager-like in 2015.

----Sept 19th, 2017