
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, October 1, 2017

10-01-2017 This morning's SO DISGUSTING talk

10-01-2017 This morning's SO DISGUSTING talk (今天早上的“真是恶心”言论)

Heard this morning's disgusting talk(中文附后).
My response: The irresponsible government's abuse every citizen's hard making is the disgusting government. Why People's Republic of China's government is so irresponsibly disgusting?
----Oct. 1st, 2017

Heard this morning's disgusting talk from those my parents never heard of but privileged to shit by the support from disgusting Chinese government.
My response: These few disgusting Chinese are my parents never heard of. They are just mother fuckers privileged by some whore-born mother-fucker Chinese government officials prostituting whores. They are just screaming on those whore wives hunger to have more penises in their disgusting mouths because those government official husbands are fucking their own birth mothers to be proud mother-fuckers. What else can be the reason? I have lived abroad (U.S) over 20 years already, I am not the reason for those Beijing government's officials' prostituting wives to scream their penises desire at from Beijing where their own husbands are. If they are the decent wives, they do not screaming their hunger toward other woman's man overseas like they did, they won't scream it is impossible for any western guy to wish to fuck any other female but their authentic Chinese butts, all they have done is to sell their own dry whore splits "the real authentic from China" just because they got so good splits evidenced by who their husbands are .

* In this 20 years time, I only visited my father in china, a week because of my mother's "death" in 2006,  two months time total in 2007 to accompany my father entire time. I did not visit or I was not visited by any of those husbands government officials.

----Oct. 1st, 2017

Heard this morning's talk about my parents.
My response: My Father is still alive and I believe he is very well, I think my mother is very well too.

I do have inheritances and I do have people looking after my wellness ever since I was born. You probably still remember the video clip how my mother was send to hospital with in-hospital image that can not be captured from satellite.

I was not informed about my father's anything which tells me he should be fine. Similar situation when I was informed by my father about my mother's situation. I hope with all my heart that my mother is well. I did lost contacts with both of my parents since 2010.

I am providing basics for my both parents since 2015. I did express myself well to those who looking after me in an email I send to myself with a valid signature, the same way I left message to my own cellphone. This is the same way how I got my reasonable requests answered. *I also sent an "asking for help" email to law enforcement in 2015 as well.

----Oct. 1st, 2017








