
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish

Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.

My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.

Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.

Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.

Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient (ADD patient).

(*I post it early last night, and I re-post here in case somebody did not read it last night)

Heard this morning's talk about American Hero Jessica Lynch
My response: Why would I care who father her daughter Dakota, I respect her for who she is.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard rumors about Jessica Lynch's financial providing.
My response: Heard the 80-acres home is the reason of a lot of rumors that Jessica Lynch is provided by my money from my inheritance fund that represented by Pejoves family.

I do not know if this is true and I do not know if that 80-acres is an investment that she rented.

Of course, I am not the person providing for her and I am not willing to provide for her.

Heard she is suppose to be my own biological children's foster care provider, I have to say this rumor is ridiculous. She has her own child to take care and her profession is not a nanny.

----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard some people kept using Jessica Lynch's complains about her own financial situations.
My response: Her complains about her financial things are not uncommon. I do not know why that became the reason her name was mentioned as if she is racketeering. She, of course, deserves to have money according to those who have concerns about her complains, and the United States also deserve to be a lawful country for us U.S. citizen are all we deserve as well.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard about who father Tina O'Connor's child was featured this morning as well.
My response: From rumors that I heard, the published little girl on the radio program as Ford House child, was indeed fathered by a Mr. Charles Ford, an attorney she has been buddy with since college.
----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard IheartMedia's CEO's wife is a close cousin to the promoted "father's sexually escorted is the son's sworn lifelong sexual attraction privileged".
My response: If so, that is indeed, no wonder such huge promotion of  "father's sexually escorted ex-girlfriend is the so privileged one to mother son's son" from everyone who cares about this family so much. Indeed, no wonder this radio program is supporting all these women are merely "bathroom only value" and "pig capable reproduce-able only value" marketing campaign as capital huge Freedom of Speech, ==>Completely no secret at all in this family is the free-dom promoted by speeches on the radio from the I-Heart-Media.

----Sept 26th, 2017

Heard curiosity if CEO indeed ousted as announced and why his wife?
My response: Well, the announcement was on a Saturday is the reason I did not hear about this CEO's job situation. If you read this web blog, you probably already know this radio program is not your usual dealing but professional efforts from law people.

Rumored her close cousin was raped by someone sharing the same last name in front of the relative families earned her cousin's privilege. Rumored her cousin has been in similar situations often (not occasionally or onetime or one day only) by different relatives, only the first time first person on the same day of multiple occasions by relatives was accused rape.

*I have this curiosity why would this sharing same last name person rape a female in front of his own while not in a youth party or wild party?

----Sept 26th, 2017