
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 22, 2017

09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)

09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)

Heard this morning’s broadcasting of “I shoot you”.(智慧产权部分中文附后)
My response: That is what I never say to claim money. That piece was cut out from a story I was telling.

Abducting a public channel to make illegal announcement of money ownership, like some you have heard on the radio program, is never what I did to claim my inheritances; Fake a movie shooting in a financial fund company to throw out a Senior Manager (CEO) to perform such a public robbery of a financial Fund as some O’Connors did, is never how I owned this financial fund. Deposit checks in other people's name is not how I claim I deserve some intellectual income.

How I can spend my money on my medical treatment? by what I decided in 2004 entrusting meeting and executed according to it by lawful decent entrusting attorneys & accountants, etc.

How I get support to prove I am the owner of my inheritance? By tell my inheriting story to law enforcement and to big names I respect, to let them verify if those are my inheritances which were set up by my own birth grandfathers’ entrusted money that I inherited according to my own birth grandfathers’ will.

How I can make intellectual Income? By contribute my intellectual knowledge to make profitable products.

*I did say that if you are a rich person, I do not know how comfortable you are to face piled up lawsuits from those impacted by your willingness to be spoiled or to spoil like what you did. And I did say that is probably the reason a lot of riches have been grown up to be told to behave.

Somebody refuse to back off from stepping my toes, and I refuse to back off to privilege them so. Mark my words: This can't be resolved by expecting me to back off allowing my toes to be stepped all over.

Rumored "mother fucker's whore born" is designed to teach me a lesson dare to be so spoiled to fancy to be the mother of all his children.

I kept calling law enforcement's help and I am not hesitate at all to request my attorneys to take legal actions against all these sick psycho like abusiveness.

Some kept saying Chinese government is the reason of all these steps all over me things. I am saying you are or you will be sued for being helping party to do so because I already heard United States government already publicly announced not afraid to face challenges to ensure United States is a lawful country.

----Sept 22nd, 2017

Did hear the anger from some real hard working research person regarding my intellectual income.
My response: I did choke up when I heard some people used glass house cancer researchers as the example. Those researchers got nothing but glass house cancer on themselves as well for research purpose.

Intellectual Income is common and it is not easy to make intellectual income. If you are not blue collar labor worker, you are making Intellectual Income in salary format which is calculated value based on your input as average to avoid income fluctuation's peaks and bottoms.

A lot of professions do have sales person' similar base salary plus commission income.
Examples are:
Literature Professors: base salary is the salary as a college's professor, commission income is the copyright income for a published book。

Research person, Computer programmer, etc: base salary is the salary as a research in a research institute or as a software developer, commission is the big bonus like Viagra blue's research team.

Attorneys are similar when using 30% or 50% as attorney fee for injury compensation case.
Accountant are similar difference between hedge fund managers and financial managers.

Everybody know it is not easy to make this commission kind of intellectual income and this commission format intellectual income is what everybody so frustrated about my intellectual income, not the salary format.

I got big share in BioGate as a computer programmer is because Janus Associates did not provide internal support more than a computer programming level. The big value from BioGate is from its CDSA frame and its security replacement of window's login system. Both by my own independent research without company's internal help or external help through company's reaching out, basically no help other than some helping on programming structure or removing bugs. If I was working for IBM on this project, my share won't be this big because IBM's internal help or external help received via IBM's reaching out would be IBM's share of Intellectual input and Company's administrative input, won't be counted as mine.

Like I kept saying, it is not easy to accumulate knowledge in me, it was not easy to have done BioGate research independently, it is not easy to self study <Macro Economy> book, (heard that is the hardest one to understand because it is too illustratively). It is not easy at all that I finally see everything together so clearly as an experienced independent research person. I did input a lot of hard labor to make my intellectual income even it was only a couple of line talks in outsiders' understandings.

For frustrations from researcher like glass house cancer researchers, I think to some level, thy are like Central Intellectual Administration(CIA) officers.

----Sept 22nd, 2017




研究人员,电脑程序员, 等等:基本收入是在研究所工作的那份工资,提成收入就是像伟哥(蓝片)研究团队的那种特别奖金。



我作为电脑程序员在BioGate的研发中拿到特别奖金的提成比例很高就是因为Janus Associates没有提供超越电脑程序员程度的帮助。BioGate项目之前的地方就是CDSA框架的实际运用和视窗系统的保安登陆的替换部分。都是我自己独立研究的,没有公司内部的技术帮助,也没有任何由公司协助的得到的外部帮助。基本上除了程序具体编程的框架结构和纠正编程错误,就没有其他任何帮助。如果我是在IBM做工做这个项目的话,就拿不到这么多,因为公司内部的技术帮助及由公司出面联络安排的外部帮助都属于IBM的公司智慧投入及公司管理投入,不会算成是我的智慧投入。

就像我一直讲的,要让知识能够累积对我来说不容易,独立研究Bio Gate项目并不容易,自学《宏观经济学》也不容易(据说因为很抽象,所以是最难的一门课)。我作为一个独立的研究人员把这些都融会贯通更是不容易。我确实是投入了很多辛勤的劳动才挣到智慧产权的收入,尽管这在外人看来就只是说了几句话而已。

