
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, September 18, 2017

09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)

09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance.(中文附后)
My response: First of all, check who said it is not offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield on the radio. This radio program often use anonymous voice to impress you as if that is authorized. And being audience, you do not know anything other than that is a male voice on a public channel talking about Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance regarding this special insurance plan. Please verify if that is Blue Cross Blue Shield authorized speaks person. Some times this radio program use a employee who is not an insurance plan sales agent or related to say "I do not know", "I did not hear", or even I never heard of", etc.

I provide some more information I heard this morning:
1:Some Insurance Agency offices that also sell Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Plan may be the reason cause confusion, not sure exactly what is the confusion referring here.

2:Heard it is only available to local areas, not sure if that is from some Blue Cross Blue Shield agency offices.

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard this morning’s request to imply that I can donate to let Blue Insurance to offer this insurance plan.
My response: That is racketeering effort plus bilking effort.

That person is not the person who own Blue Cross Blue Shield name to make this request on Blue’s behave without authorization at all.

And this person’s only intention, most likely, is to demand 20% share of total donation amount as rewarding incentive if this person did racketeering successfully.

The issue currently is those who can afford and willing to pay by their own money, if needed, are trying to find medical insurance coverage information to ease their concern on this matter.

If this is only partially open to public currently, what is wrong to let public know currently is only partial open to critical treatment package. Public just need to know if we are safe. Heard this has been explained on the radio to let public know we are safe.

Why this person or this radio program, so impressively as if, trying to intentionally block this treatment insurance information from public to make this “Donate your Money” demand or “racketeering money” campaign?

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard some saying this is the effort to raise public awareness of the fact I have my own money.
My response: Why this “paying big money to have my name associate with my own money” is needed?

Who educated public that impossibly I can have any money? Why my own hard making income or my own grandfathers hard making money that I inherited have to be your “charity” to let publicly aware that I can own it, as if that has to be by your permission? 

You do not own my own hard making money, you do not own my own grandfathers entrusts that I inherited, you are not privileged to own U.S. or U.S. laws to make this your “charity”.

----Sept 18th, 2017

Heard a lot of radio program's shits thrown at me are for this same purpose.
My response: I heard that if I ever expect radio program to clean my name honor from "whore, disgusting and fake" or if I can ever be acknowledged a mother by public, I need to pay as those demands that radio program announced in the name of this or that person's deserved.

I refuse those demands all completely. I have been calling law enforcement's help constantly and I am helped ever since I called.

----Sept 18th, 2017

我的回应:首先, 查一下谁在广播上说蓝十字蓝盾保险公司不提供这样的保险。这个广播剧经常用一些无名人士的声音让你以为是什么权威人物在说话。作为一个听众,其实你只是听到了一个男人的声音在公共频道的广播上谈到有关蓝十字蓝盾保险公司及这种保险的话题,广播上没提这个男人是谁。你也并不知道除此以外的其他。请查实这是否是有蓝十字蓝盾保险公司授权的该公司发言人所讲的。有时候这个广播剧会请一个与卖保险无关的该公司其他部门的雇员来上广播说“我不知道”,“我还没听说”甚至“我从来没有听说过”,等等。












是谁在“教育大众“我就是不可能有钱?为什么我自己辛苦挣来的钱以及我所继承的我自己爷爷们辛苦挣来的钱成了在你们的施舍下才可以让大众知道是我所拥有, 好像是必须由你们同意才可以?




