
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, September 29, 2017

09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)

09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)

Heard this morning's saying of somebody wedded me.(中文附后)
My response: I have not been a bride of any public wedding. There was a rumored mid-night dream like wedding before May of 2009, that was before I was "evicted" from the 151 Perkins street in Somerville, MA. Albert Gore was in marriage in 2009 with his late wife who passed away in 2010, and I was told that dream wedding's groom is the person I publicly acknowledged I have two children with, 151 Perkins street apartment was part of the house he had announced his on the radio. Heard he paid the price of buying but did not change the owner registry(Rumored registry owner was in Hong Kong) . I chose to be "evicted" to safely leave that house being escorted. I was a roommate to a three persons family, I had anxiety disorder and there were tons of issues I felt unsafe in that apartment. The "eviction order" was by Chinese landlord's complain of I refused to pay $430/month rent. I moved into $1800/month Motel 6 in Braintree, MA. Heard it was accused why he claimed that is his house, I say it is his house as long as he paid for it (rumored $200,000), does not matter he paid as rent or paid to buy, that is his house.

----Sept 29th, 2017

Heard this morning's Lehman Brother's talk.
My response: Lehman Brother is the investment of the 400 years old French Fund's that I inherited on June 30th of 2004.

My famous jump right in talk was on July 1st of 2004. The real reason of what happened to Lehman Brother was the CDC issue discussed about on July 1st of 2004.

I did not know that was my inheritance's investment and I did not have any issue at all with the Mister I calculated to let him loose money. I was famous for jump in and that was truly what happened. I did not know both side stories more than some entrusting issues. I am grateful to the advises from the person who had been through all the miserable, and I am grateful to the Mister, the great person, who had looked after my grandfather's entrust carefully.

I do not have any issue with Lehman Brother's name or Lehman Brother's management in 2004. I used administration this morning was to point out Albert Gore is not the U.S. president. Albert Gore is not the person who can say he had a mid-night wedding in 2009, and Albert Gore is not the person who can order Lehman Brother to file bankruptcy.

I did alert Law Enforcement about Lehman Brother's talk this morning.

----Sept 29th, 2017

Heard Lehman Brother's managers frustration over "doomed" feeling in turmoil time.
My response: The real reason is CDC issue was huge in depth and in scale. I mentioned in the meeting on July 1st of 2004 that CDC impressed me of Chinese 1980's steel-trading style.

The entrusting stories have been well known to a lot of people who know both parties, and to a lot of people who have been looking after my other grandfathers' entrusts. Both party in 2004's meeting were little when things happened and only impacted mother still alive in 2004. I figured out now that those painful stories may have something to do with it was either my inheritable's loss or that person's inheritable's loss, or that his inheritable may have some negative impacts on my inheritable, etc. Anyway, it may have something to do Mister's family was looking after my inheritable, and it may have related to investment on Lehman Brother's or somehow.

I said I was not the person knew anything but jump right in, it is a true statement. And maybe it is the best I jumped right in without knowing anything if you know how sensitive I am to the numbers. I was famous for that on July 1st of 2004 already in a story about $500 Million each in U.S. dollar seamlessly changed to ¥500 Million each in Chinese Yuan. (*My grandfather had two siblings, my father has 3 siblings and I have one younger brother, exchange rate is $1= ¥6-ish, and that -ish either to my younger brother or in his name to my grandmother's maiden brother's family because he had been their favorite when he was little).

----Sept 29th, 2017

Some said if I insist on being sensitive to numbers, the impacted party may make that number even bigger.
My response: I will constantly remind the impacted party I did not regret at all when I heard that is my investment.
----Sept 29th, 2017

About my screams this morning.
My response: I am so much calm now. I was even worse in the past whenever Albert Gore's name was mentioned. I was never the person afraid of him as possibly expected reaction of being rape victim.

It was rumored I was raped in my own self paid locked apartment, on my own bed and in my own sound sleep.

I was over 35 years old and I was not in any hurry to have a marriage or to consider producing a child before getting married.

This rumored rape was never organized or arranged by anyone from looking-after-me group but was not stopped by this group either. There has been only one female in this looking-after-me group and she is the only one feels the pain that made me in tears of being a female heir.

I have been well cared for after my famous "pregnancy mother" talk on July 1st of 2004.

----Sept 29th, 2017

我的回应:我还没有做过任何公开婚礼的新娘。有传言中的夜半我做梦时参与婚礼,但那是在2009年5月之前,在我被法庭要求从151 Perkins Street, Somerville这个地址迁出之前。阿尔伯特·高尔2009年时是有婚姻的,他当时婚姻里的妻子是2010才去世。而我当时被告知的这个“半夜梦中婚礼”的新郎官就是我公开承认的那两个孩子的父亲, 我住的151 Perkins的这个房子就是他在广播里宣布的他自己的地方。我有听说他付的是买房子的钱但房子从未过户(传言房契房东是在香港)。我当时是自己选择被法庭要求在法庭人员的伴随下安全离开。我当时是和一个三人家庭合住,有一堆的矛盾,我当时还有恐慌症。法庭搬迁令就是按照中国房东的要求开出,原因就是我拒付每月430美金的房租。我当时是搬入了位于波士顿近郊(Braintree, MA)每月1800美金的一家Motel 6旅馆。听说广播上有人指责他凭什么说那是他的房子,我回答就凭他有付钱(听说是20万美金),不管算租或者算买,都是他的地方。

















